

Myra is a rich teenage girl who lives in Parampura. But unlike other rich girls her life is very difficult and full of struggle because her father doesn't like to spend money on her . Dive in for refreshing journey as she tries to get out of her problems , in her daily life .

Azrael2000 · 现代言情
102 Chs

1. MY NAME IS MYRA( Edited)

̲ You must have heard about those people who live for others, who love people or about those who simply like to live alone and don't interact with others, but I am not like that. I know it's nothing special, but believe me, I am a piece of work. That is what they say. Who? Who else? People around me.

Though I usually don't care what people have to say but I must say they are right this time. I am a piece of piece of work. I love the way I am. I love myself. Who am I? I am Myra. I am a sixteen year old girl with studying in a boring private school. My father is a billionaire who loves my mother and his business.

My father often complains about how I took his wife away from him. Sometimes, I think he is my stepfather, but it doesn't matter because I don't like him that much either. Although I love my mother. Albeit I don't love her more than myself. Yeah, I am selfish and careless person.

Now about my school life:

Though I never pay attention in class, I love to read different books in the library. No, not stupid literature like novels, rom-coms, etc. I love to read books about science and technology. Yeah, I am a nerd.

I also conduct scientific experiments in my school lab, which people famously call "Myra's 101 pranks." I know! ... People are stupid, right? They don't understand my ingenuity.

I never care about my grades, but I am always at the top of my class for some reason.

I also have some friends because of my father who loves to socialize with people. I don't mind his extroverted life, but he wants me to live my life like him. He wants me to be a social butterfly while I struggle to make a small conversation with people.

He introduced me to Claire, who happens to have a princess syndrome. Well, again... I don't care, but the girl loves to toy with me, and I am too lazy to argue with her. One of the many reasons why I hate her.

On top of that, Claire is beautiful, and not just beautiful. One could say that her beauty is out of this world. And yes, all boys have a crush on her. On top of that, she is so girlish that it gives me willies. Again, I don't care, but when she drags me with her group and I feel like some oddball who is desperate for attention.

One more thing, I have been hanging out with her group for 2 years, but I still don't know anything about their lives. I am too lazy to pay attention.

I know it's embarrassing, but it's just how I am. Charming, unique, and weird, who loves herself so much so, that I can write poetry about myself:

Yes, I love myself.

Yes, I don't care.

Yes, I...

"Myra, get up...You are late for school," my mother said.

I try to open my heavy lids to have a good look at my mother who is beautiful woman in her forties. Her light blue-colored dress shines brightly due to the sunlight falling directly at her body.

"Five more minutes, Lily," I pleaded

"Mom, I am your mother...And get up, or I am calling your father," Mom said.

"Please don't...Don't do that, beautiful...You know how much I hate that man," I said.

" Myra! He is your father! ", she said with loud voice.

"Are you sure that I am not from some other guy who you used to date?" I say with a smirk.

"Myra!" Mom hissed, clearly embarrassed.

"Aww, you look so cute when you are embarrassed.", I said. And then she stormed out of the room.

I finally got up to have a shower.

God, I hate showering. If only I didn't have to shower every morning.


I have already showered. But I still have to find some suitable clothes for me. I look around my room while thinking what to wear.

My room is very spacious. It has purple walls and white curtains which I loathe. But my mother decorated this by herself, so I can't do anything about it.

My room looks like a dustbin with clothes thrown here and there, parts of many electronic machines are all over the place which I opened just to observe. Because of this helter-skelter, all servants hate cleaning my room. My Mom said that they make bet about who is going to clean me. But who can blame them? Me and my room, both are disasters.

After some time, I entered the kitchen where my father is already having his breakfast while reading a printed newspaper.

"Seriously, who reads a printed newspaper these days?" I asked sarcastically.

"Intelligent men like me.", Dad, with a stupid smirk.

"If you are intelligent, then I am Albert Einstein.", I retorted.

"You wish...", Dad is about to say something, but Mom interrupts him.

"Rishaan, please let it go.", Mom

"But she started it first..." Dad.

Well, well, this is what happens when our family gathers in the morning to have breakfast.

At school:

I have many classes as usual. I don't hate studying. I just hate people who teach me. Maybe I can do something interesting before class.

Yesterday, I studied something about projectile motion. I understood the theory, now it's time for some practical work. For observations, I want to observe some basketball players and shoot them on my camera.


Damn, I am late. Mr Simpson is going to kill me ( he is my teacher). His name is similar to Simpson's cartoon... And believe me, he is a weirdo just like his name. I don't know what is wrong with him but he always targets me. Like always!

  " May I come in, sir? ", I asked with a smile.

"It's you again. Why don't you enter madam?

We were all waiting for you? ", Mr Simpson sarcastically.

" Thank you ...", I replied.

Just as I start to walk towards the back row, Mr Simpson says:

" Sit on the front row ..."

" Why? I have a good eyesight... ", I argued.

" Sit on the front row or in the red room for detention... ", Mr Simpson, clearly annoyed.

Mr Simpson teaches Mathematics which is my favourite subject but I can't pay attention in class. It's like I am always thinking about something else when Mr Simpson teaches.

Finally, the bell rings and students throng out of the classroom.

I hate people. Do you know why? Because they are pretentious and always tend to judge others. And you know what is worst part? I am also like them. I guess, it is a human nature or something...

 It's already lunchtime. And I am very happy because I love to have food. And lunchtime means food time.


Oh, here she comes. The one with princess syndrome.

" Myra, there you are. I was looking for you and I am so tired. You know how hard it is to walk on high heels ...", Claire.

 " Then why didn't you stay where you were? Why do you have to hurt your precious feet like that, Pumpkin princess... ", I said sarcastically.

" Pumpkin princess ? ", Claire giggles. " Oh, you are so funny, Myra. "

 " Whatever ....", I said while rolling my eyes.

As soon as Claire sits down beside me. Three guys and one girl join us.

" God, another nightmare has started ", I mumble to myself.

" Talking to yourself again, freak ...", Lucas.

Lucas is one of Claire's friends. He is a typical playboy with brown hair and a stupid face which I always want to punch.

" I don't care what you have to say so why don't you shut up.", I spat.

Others are used to my snarky comments so they ignore me.

" Hey, I saw that ' Twilight' movie. ", Tasha.

" Yeah, and she also forced me to watch it. I told her that it was stupid but she didn't listen. ", Sasha.

" What is so special about a hundred-year-old guy dating a seventeen-year-old girl? Besides, I didn't even like any of the characters albeit I think the one playing vampire in the Indian version was handsome ...", I say.

" You saw that movie! I can't believe this...

You even saw its Indian version. ", Claire.

" Everyone has a dark past .", I said.

" Where are you going?", Claire.

" I have to go somewhere.", I said while walking towards the door.


Finally, I am away from those numbskulls. I should go to the lab. Ah! I hate these tight pants. But then again I hate them less than skirts, shorts, and other kinds of crappy clothes. So I don't have any choice.

 I wish humans didn't have to wear anything. Yeaaaah, I know it is not possible because of winter.

There is a guy in the corridor who looks weirder than me. Wow! What a surprise?! He is wearing a dirty T-shirt, baggy trousers...And his eyes are glued on his phone. He is probably younger than me.

Anyway, I don't have time for this. I am going to the science lab...

Ah, science lab is not locked. What a lucky day!

" Where are you going? Miss Rishaan ...", a middle-aged guy who is our school's janitor.

" To have some fun. ", I said. , " Please mister? D---", Oh no, I don't remember his name.

" Ricky, the name is Ricky. And no you can't... Because labs are not for fun ", he said.

" But---- " .

" No, means. No... ", Ricky in a serious tone.

  He is stubborn. Who does he think he is!? I hate him already. Great, now I just have to attend boring classes all day along. Whatever, let us just attend class for now.

"May I come in, sir ? " I ask while entering the classroom.

" Can I ask where you were? And I would also prefer if you would call me 'ma'am'. Instead of 'sir'. "Mrs. Simon.

Meanwhile, all the other students start laughing. Typical teenagers.

" Well, I was in the science lab.", Myra.

" Just come in and sit on the front row ...", Mrs Simon.

See, there is a reason why I hate teachers.


Oh, thank God. Class ended.

Wait, why is my desk shaking? Maybe it's because someone is shaking his leg. No, the earth is trembling.

" Calm down, guys. Don't panic. Take cover underneath desks. ", someone said.

Everyone is scared. No one is going to help me . I have to help myself. I should run away. Where is corridor? I need to find the exit.

I am gonna die, aren't I? 

Suddenly,  something collapsed from outside and the door is stuck while the earth is still shaking.

" There you are. Myra, I was looking for you. Are you alright?", Claire.

" Alright?! Are you kidding me? The whole earth is shaking? We are gonna die. We...."

" Myra, it's fine. Everything will be alright...Shsh... shhh.", Claire embraces me while rubbing my back.

Because of her, I relaxed a little and then

the earthquake stopped.

Oh no! . I am hugging Pumpkin princess?.. And it feels good!

" Hey, what are you kids doing here ?", a man.

" The door is stuck.", I said while moving away from Claire. Great, now someone else saw how I was hugging her.

" Then, why didn't you get out from the other door ? ", he asked.

" Yeah, we forgot .", me and Claire say in unison... Ironically, both of us start to laugh at our idiotic behaviour while walking together towards the other exit of school building.

" So, umm...Thank you.", I told Claire.

" What? Oh my God. It is the best moment of my life. Does that mean we are best friends now ? ", Claire.

" Now I regret it. ", I said.

" Aww...Come on, don't say that. "Claire said.

And that is how my weird friendship with Claire started. Before this, I couldn't have imagined that I would start to see Claire in a new light. I guess it is all fate.
