
Ancestors: Starting with Gwen Spider-Man . Volume :2

Webnovel_Addicted · 漫画同人
123 Chs


Chapter 79: God and Black Superman

Peter's arrival ignited the entire venue.

His fans saw their idol, Black Superman, in person for the first time and erupted into wild chants.

"Black Superman!"

"Black Superman!"

"Black Superman!"

Even some bystanders who were initially skeptical joined in the cheering.

His arrival was like the emperor suddenly quelling a noisy crowd.

People surged forward, gazing up at him, chanting his name, and reaching out their hands towards him.

Observing this, Peter faced the crowd, spread his arms, and gracefully ascended into the air.

His silhouette blocked the blazing sun, casting a dazzling light around the edges of his cloak.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Fans screamed even louder, some even fainting from excitement.

Watching the scene unfold on live TV, Tony couldn't help but comment, "Is he really that good at grandstanding?"

Boom! The courtroom door swung open as Peter floated inside.

At that moment, whether it was the judge on the bench, the prosecutor, the jurors, or the spectators, everyone froze, their faces tense and heads bowed.

Not only was Black Superman himself notorious, but the tsunami-like screams from outside moments ago had left them reeling.

For them, the visceral impact of such mass adulation was more palpable and unsettling.

Peter passed by them one by one, floating to the central deliberation table.

Instead of pushing open the small gate, he ascended to it and looked down at the assembly.

"You may begin," he stated calmly.

"Black... Black Superman," the judge, an elderly woman nearing retirement, had not anticipated such an eventful climax to her career.

Her voice trembled as she spoke, "Do you have anything to say to the plaintiff who accuses you of extensive destruction of public property, causing injury, and disability?"

"No, Your Honor," Peter replied simply.

His direct and polite response surprised the judge, eliciting a collective sigh of relief. At least it was a promising start.

The judge turned her attention to Jones and his white lawyer.

The lawyer reluctantly stepped forward, apprehensive that Black Superman might unleash a violent outburst and make a spectacle, which some powerful figures behind the scenes might secretly desire—an indelible stain on his reputation.

"So, Black Superman, do you admit to the charges? You have caused significant financial, physical, and psychological harm to my client, and you will face legal consequences!" Her tone grew more confident, even probing, though inwardly she found the situation unbelievable.

"No," Peter responded calmly.

This only heightened the lawyer's incredulity. This had to be the easiest case she had ever handled. She had not expected the famed Black Superman to be so... naive!

"Are you retracting your earlier admission, Black Superman!? You confessed in front of the court..."

"I have indeed injured many and disabled several," Peter interjected softly,

"They were all criminals—extremely dangerous individuals. They committed atrocities and harmed innocent people who should never have been hurt, so I intervened." He paused, then added, "I also harmed some who were not criminals. They used their power and wealth to commit further injustices and evade consequences, so I acted against them."

He glanced at the lawyer,

"Take you, for instance. You, madam, have used the law to persecute and oppress numerous families. Did you not ruin their lives?"

"This is merely my profession; I am a lawyer. My duty is to win every case," she replied defensively.

"In your profession, is there no distinction between right and wrong? Is there no room for conscience?" Peter sighed.

The lawyer felt exposed, a chill creeping over her.

She had indeed taken on many such cases, targeting ordinary and vulnerable people who lacked the resources to fight back. After all, why not exploit the advantage when money spoke louder?

She intended to argue, but her words faltered,

"This is my livelihood—I am a lawyer. My job is to win cases."

"There may be no good or evil in a profession, but individuals... aren't they important?" Peter's words hung heavy in the air.

The lawyer felt a shiver down her spine, sensing impending disaster.

She made the most regrettable decision of her life and hurriedly retreated from the courtroom.


A heated gaze followed her down the aisle.

He dared!

The audience watching the live broadcast was stunned.

Could Black Superman really contemplate murder in public, before the entire nation?

A breach of law played out in plain view.

What else might he dare to do?

Onscreen, the scarlet glow in Black Superman's eyes subsided, leaving the courtroom—audience, jury, and judge—stunned.

Some among them contemplated fleeing, but witnessing the lawyer's fate gave them pause.

Guards rushed forward but halted at a safe distance, unsure how to intervene.

Peter gazed at Jones, "Now, it's your turn."

"No, no, don't kill me!" Xiao Hei cried out in terror,

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to sue you!"

"Are you trying to fabricate evidence?" Peter asked lightly.

"It wasn't me! It was them!" Jones wailed bitterly,

"The lawyer—she paid me to cooperate with them in suing you. They rehearsed with me countless times, just to get it right on camera, to say what they wanted!"

"Sob, I won't dare again! Please, spare me! It wasn't you who destroyed my house, but that monster! It wasn't you who caused my leg injury; I tripped and fell downstairs. You saved me—I would have perished under that green monster!"

"Please, spare me!"

In that moment, silence fell both in the courtroom and across the viewers at home, gripped by the unfolding drama.

They pondered whether it was Black Superman who flouted the law or if they themselves were complicit in its subversion.

The judge, trembling, raised her gavel and declared, "The plaintiff withdraws the lawsuit and pleads guilty. Black Superman... is acquitted."

She glanced at Peter cautiously, "You may leave."

With the lawsuit concluded, she would retire to attend to personal matters. Nothing could be more pressing than her safety.

Yet Black Superman remained motionless, suspended in the air.

He did not move, and neither did anyone else in the courtroom.

The viewers at home wondered what Black Superman might do next.

Then, suddenly, a group clad in black appeared on camera.

They replaced the previous participants—audience, jurors, and even the judge.

S.H.I.E.L.D. had finally arrived.