
Ancestors: Starting with Gwen Spider-Man . Volume :2

Webnovel_Addicted · 漫画同人
123 Chs


Chapter 178: Unexpected Visitor

As for why Ice Blue appeared on Jessica Jones, it could only be attributed to coincidence.

There was no startling revelation, no dramatic twist.

Jessica continued her usual rounds in the streets and alleys, handling crimes, resolving conflicts, and aiding those in need in Gwen's absence.

Just as she used her incredible strength to smash through a wall, subduing a gang of extortionists, a rift in time and space unexpectedly opened.

From the tear emerged Ice Blue, separating inexplicably from her original host.

Most symbiotes couldn't survive without a host, so she chose the most potent individual nearby—Jessica.

As for why Jessica was there, it was straightforward.

Entangled in something as obscure as a symbiote, Jessica—a new-generation hero inspired by the valorous deeds of various superheroes and the Justice League—immediately reported herself and handed over to the Justice League.

Tony had been struggling to locate a symbiote. Jessica's arrival was like finding a pillow after a long fall. He noticed her immediately, and the two hit it off right away.

Back in the present,

"Oh, phantom, you're here too!"

Upon spotting Phantom ,Ice Blue swooped over, embracing him.

Of course, with Phantom within Gwen, Binglan was effectively hugging Gwen.

"This 'ice blue' doesn't look icy at all!" was the first thought that crossed everyone's minds.

"Uh, Gwen, it's not me—it's the symbiote inside me!" Jessica hastily clarified under her ice-blue mask.

"Oh... it's okay, Jessica," Gwen reassured her.

But Jessica was exceedingly embarrassed and anxious. Meeting so many renowned individuals for the first time, all she could see were senior superheroes she had watched on TV. She was determined not to make a fool of herself.

She wanted to make a good impression.

But why did this darn symbiote have no sense of personal space at all?

Jessica scolded ice blue, "You, get out of my body!"

"Why?" ice blue asked Gwen.

"With so many powerful heroes here, you should have more choices," Gwen suggested.

"Really?" ice blue released Gwen and surveyed the room. First, she approached Steve, who merely spread his hands.

Ice blue then turned her attention to Felicia. The catwoman quickly recoiled, exclaiming, "No, I can't accept this, meow!"

Tony's physical prowess, being that of an ordinary person, was dismissed by ice blue, leaving Connors as the final option.


Connors hesitated, contemplating his response, but to his surprise, the ice-blue gaze glanced past him, declaring, "No, I can't stand this either."

Connors: ...

ice blue sighed, extending her hands. "Jessica, it seems it's just you and me."

"I object!" Jessica began to wrestle for control of her body, causing a commotion.

Fortunately, phantom intervened, "ice blue, enough."

This ended ice blue's outburst.

"You're very patient, Miss Phantom," Gwen remarked.

"Except when she's incredibly annoying, Gwen," Phantom joked, explaining that she and ice blue were a symbiotic team from an alien race, tasked with maintaining universal order across the stars.

This time, they had come to Earth after learning of Carnage's attempt to resurrect their malevolent creator.

Unlike Phantom, who excelled in stealth and support, Ice Blue possessed more aggressive abilities. She could transform her body into ice crystals, freezing adversaries.

Ice Blue's inclusion was undoubtedly thrilling news for Steve and Gwen.

Even Steve couldn't help but shoot Tony a mildly reproachful glance. Hadn't he said something similar before?

But Tony's expression remained impervious to such scrutiny. "I've instructed Jarvis to continue the search for clues on the next symbiote. I believe we'll have news soon."

The discussion continued, covering Carnage's plans and the abilities of other symbiotes.

Riot, known for transforming into razor-sharp blades and boasting superior physical strength.

Devour, aptly named for its ability to consume and bolster its strength.

And Venom, the final piece of the puzzle, yet still eluding Jarvis's detection.

Ultimately, Tony reluctantly adjourned the meeting, allowing each Justice League member to attend to their own tasks and remain on standby.

Felicia eagerly agreed, bounding over to Gwen to rub affectionately against her before returning to her snug bed in the Justice League's feline-themed quarters to catch up on sleep.


Connors retreated to his laboratory.

His girlfriend awaited him there.

"Maria." Connors approached, embracing his girlfriend, clad in a white coat that accentuated her full figure.

Maria sported black-rimmed glasses, exuding an intellectual air.

She tenderly caressed Connors' cool, green-scaled skin. "Was there any trouble at Stark's meeting?"

"A formidable adversary has emerged, Stark and the Captain are concerned, but they'll resolve it," Connors assured her.

"That's good... can we resume our research?" Maria smiled gently at Connors.

Connors' towering frame stiffened.

His girlfriend possessed an unusual fascination, not only for herpetology but also for Connors' transformed physiology.

Maria, like Connors, excelled as a herpetologist, with an extensive background in studying various reptiles.

They had first met at a research conference.

Connors was both a perfect romantic partner and a subject of study for her.

She handled him with care, positioning him on the custom experimental table.

This elicited a mixture of pain and pleasure from Connors.

To him, Maria was the ideal companion.

Despite his altered appearance, she had never been repulsed.

Furthermore, Maria shared his passion for research, providing them with countless topics for discussion.

Yet, Maria's insatiable curiosity about his transformed body, whether through electronic instruments or personal interaction, occasionally left Connors feeling disoriented and powerless.

Nonetheless, his robust physique allowed him to endure.

"Oh... gently, Maria. Slow down, dear..."


For Steve, a man who had slumbered for seventy years, the modern world proved disconcerting.

The advancing technology, frenetic pace of life, and relentless influx of information left the super-soldier feeling overwhelmed.

He resisted relying on electronic devices, preferring to maintain his physical prowess through rigorous exercise—running, boxing, and expending physical energy in solitude.

Or so he thought.

Until a head emerged through his wall—a plump, American beauty with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Followed by a second, a third...

These blonde beauties, in various shapes and sizes, swarmed around Steve.

"Captain, can I get you some water?"

"Captain, you're sweating. Let me wipe that for you!"

"Why wipe? Let's take the Captain to the bath!"


The women fussed over Steve, all sharing a striking resemblance to Agent Carter.

Steve gazed at them stoically, feeling helpless.

After once revealing his vulnerability, more women seemed to inexplicably appear around him.

As for where these ladies came from... he honestly didn't know. He'd asked Tony and even Fury, but received no satisfactory answers.

Attempts to dissuade them proved futile, as they returned faithfully the next day, armed with keys to his quarters, whether at S.H.I.E.L.D. or the Justice League.

Nevertheless, Steve considered himself a gentleman, unable to rebuff these well-meaning women.

Though they occasionally tested his resolve, they always behaved with propriety, akin to maids attentively managing his daily needs.

Thoughtful, dutiful, always present.

Even if he didn't require their services.

Steve sighed deeply. His loyalty to Carter remained steadfast, impervious to such minor temptations.

But... well, an occasional slip now and then didn't count, right?

Damn it, why did he sleep for seventy years?


Jessica Jones, the temporary addition to the Justice League, lacked a dedicated space in their headquarters.

During downtime, she settled in the reception area. Tony had granted her access to most areas.

Jessica was genuinely pleased about this.

Being in close proximity to her superhero idols was a rare opportunity. She was determined to make the most of it.


"Hey! Jerk, this way! I'm going to the experimental area!"

Jessica dragged her body—this might be difficult to grasp, but she was literally dragging her body, struggling to move forward.

Her lower half was less cooperative. She pointed at the cafeteria with a hand in the air.

"No, I'm hungry. There's food aroma over there."

"Experimental area!"


"Experimental area!"


Onlookers watched the bizarre scene as Jessica stood there, engaged in a fruitless tug-of-war with herself.

Blushing with embarrassment, Jessica eventually looked skyward with a defeated sigh.

"Alright, alright, cafeteria it is."


Covering her face, Jessica pondered the bleak future of her superhero career.
