
An unknown ship.

I wrote this, and then re wrote it for a college class, after a few years of doing nothing with it I decided to upload it. It's a short space sci-fi mystery where humans have been dead for a very long time.

Anonymous_User_1297 · 科幻
19 Chs


small fighter craft, That ship with its black and grey coloring to it, its appears to have

some letters or a name along the front section of the ship as he points out.

Stating that the ship that they found does not have any matching features of any ships

within the federation or even the old union for that matter, rather this strange ship is even

too big for most federation station ports. The captain turns to his linguistics officer and

asks what she makes of it, only for her to say she cannot read the name, nor is it any

language she knows…

The captain lets out a sigh, as his deck crew start conversing with each other as to just

where this ship comes from, who made it, why is it here? The captain says aloud: perhaps

it is a human ship….

The bridge goes silent, they turn towards the captain with concerned expressions and

looks, many of them have heard tales of humans and their ships. The captain is the only

one who seems to look on without some fear in his eyes, none of them say a word until

the first officer leans in on his four arms to look at the hologram, he says he hopes the

captain is not making a joke, for it is in bad taste.

One of his first officers, Marlid, from a rather common race as they populate most space

ports, and prefer living in them rather than on planets, They are commonly known for

their engineering and long life spans, they have grey skin, 3 eyes and four arms. Often in

the military or navy they request for four sidearms one for each arm. He looks on and

speaks up saying that the humans went extinct ten cycles ago, not only did they start the

If anybody reads this and woners why it starts and ends wierd per chapter / page, it is because I am copying and pasting it from my WORD doc on my PC.

Anonymous_User_1297creators' thoughts