
Chapter Five

During the course of the next few weeks, Felix became a ghost of his former self . His numerous mistresses and girlfriends thought they now had the chance to be more to him than previously, since Gift was out of the picture. The news of their breakup had gone round like wild fire and why not? given their love story.

. The irony of the sutuation was not lost to him. He had been unable to let go his mistresses even though he had sincerely loved Gift but now that he had the excuse to see them and any others he may be interested in, he lost interest. Being human and a highly sexed one at that, he would relieve himself with anyone of them he chose to be with and even though he tried to be his former cheerful and care free self, everyone knew this was a different Felix.

His women felt that they would rather have him in any way he felt inclined to present or give himself rather than not to have him at all.

Most of his old time lovers would rather die than lose him. Being around him alone was enough to get them dripping wet in anticipation of the pleasure of being intimate with him.

Most of them used this period of his estrangement from Gift to get closer to him but apart from using them through sex, to escape, though temporarily from the pain of his heartbreak, they were of little use to him.

Most times, while coupling with them, he grew violent. Imagining that he was punishing Gift by hurting them during sex. He would often times, drive his manhood into them without any foreplay and keep at it. Thrusting in and out violently like someone who was thrashing a serious offender.

After the sex, his partner, whoever that particular one may be at the time would just stare at him in shock because most times they end up getting seriously bruised.

He often apologised later in shame and they were quick to forgive him for the sake of their long standing relationship.

Also since they got wet anticipating his delicious lovemaking, the foreplay at first did not make a difference but when the force and brutality continued, some of them started having second thoughts about their continued liaison with him.

Others yet who were adventurous and not afraid to experiment, loved this new, forceful way Felix had them. In fact the pervert trait in them encouraged him to hurt them more during the act. The more painful, the sweeter, better and more satisfying.

Whatever their reaction might be, Felix didn't really care. He just got a perverse pleasure and satisfaction whenever he was punishing Gift through a brutalization and abuse of their bodies.

He even introduced a threesome on various occasions. Where he was the only male between two women. The satisfaction he got from that was unparalleled, of course not just from the act but from whipping Gift all over again.

He did not allow all these to distract him from his goal of excelling from his exam. He never lost focus and gradually, the pain in his heart reduced.

His friends Lawrence and Desmond advised him to be a man and stop mooning over a girl. 'There are many fishes in the sea', they said.

He suddenly became conscious of himself one day, it was almost as though the scales had fallen from his eyes. He realised with a jolt what he had been doing. He had actually been punishing himself in the guise of whipping Gift. He felt sorry and sincerely remorseful at the manner he had treated his women.

They were surprised when he visited each of them and apologised for his gross misconduct.

Most of them who had left never to get back with him, saw the remorse and forgave him thinking this was going to bring another phase in their relationship.

The pervert ones told him they were okay with everything he did with them and he needed not apologise to them.

Having a freer, lighter conscience, he decided that he needed a change of environment. A breath of fresh air and he started making plans towards it.


After he had successfully finished with his exams, he told his parents that he would like to go to Lagos for greener pastures. ' But where will you stay while looking for a job? Who will fend for you? ' his mother asked. Left to his father he would not have bothered to ask because he felt that as a man Felix should be able to shoulder his responsibilities as well as face and summount any challenge he comes across. He was a little irritated with his wife but kept quiet.' Peter, my elder brother lives in Lagos, have you forgotten? I shall live with him till I can find a place of my own ',Felix assured his mother. His father said nothing ,he just nodded approvingly. He had nearly lost this son of his not quite long ago when he was diagnosed with a sickness whose name he never learnt to pronounce but it had been about a complete drainage of blood from his body due to frequent ejaculation. When he had been told , Mr. Onyenma had been infuriated and refused to do any thing to save his son. He had abandoned him there at the hospital without a backward glance and never came back to see him or even asked those who visited Felix how he was faring. He just didn't want to know. He felt that Felix had started tasting at an early age what he had no business tasting hence he should bear the consequences.

Oh the love of a mother knew no bounds. She was the one who started feeding him fruits and half cooked vegetables to help replenish his blood. These alongside her loving care and affection worked wonders in reviving Felix and soon after, he was discharged from the hospital. When he got home, his father could only tell him,' female flesh and organ were existing before you ever came into the world and they will still exist even after you have departed the earth. So if you want to ruin or end your life because of it,be my guest.'

Now that same son was going away to become a real man of the world and he was happy that he was finally acting responsibly.