
Chapter 323 With Her Little Sister

Seeing the monster that had trapped her inside her own mind within an ideal fantasy that could never exist dead, Evelyn felt the momentary straight she had drawn from her anger begin to fade and she slowly fell to the ground.

She had already been drained of both stamina and magical energy when she had awoken, and now that she had calmed down, she was feeling the toll on her body from pushing herself.

If she had been alone, it was quite possible that another monster roaming the maze might finish her off, but luckily one of her companions had found her during her time of need.

Swiftly Aralee had flown down to Evelyn's side and began frantically asking her questions about her health and what she might need.

"I am sorry to show you this side of me. I wanted to be a big sister you could rely on." Evelyn said, beveling herself to be a failure.