
An Heir For The Multi Billionaire CEO

Rated 17+[Contains 36+ erotic scenes with foul words such as fuck, asshole, dick, bitch, whore, slut, boobs, pussy ] ................ “What do I benefit if I marry you?” “If you marry me, I can help you deal with your slutty family on one condition!”. “YOU GIVE BIRTH TO A MALE CHILD WITHIN NINE MONTHS OF THE CONTRACT!” “DON'T BE AFRAID. OBEY MY RULES, COMPLETE THE MONTH RANGE, GET ME AN HEIR, AND YOU WILL BE FINE ” “AND WHAT IF I DON'T?” “THEN THERE WILL BE HEAVENLY CONSEQUENCES ” Nine Years Ago, Zhang Meiyin, a well-known model drastically falls into her doom when she finds out that her uncle is her BIOLOGICAL father. Her entire life and career fall and her life portray a damsel in distress without her daring prince to save her. Her modeling Image as EVA was stolen from her and she swore to have her revenge when she discovered that they were the major roles in her mother's death. A few years later, She bumps into An aloof, cold, brutal, ruthless king of the underworld and sleeps with him. In other to deal with her slutty family, She engages in a marriage contract with the King, and in exchange, to bear him a child. She signs a contract with him and comes to terms to bear him a MALE CHILD within nine months of their marriage contract. What will happen when two strong and opposing forces are joined together by a contract marriage? What will happen when their marriage is set on benefits and not love? “I HATE you but can't stop LOVING the monster you have to turn out to become. ” “Run away and I will tear the entire Galaxy, smash all the mountains, part the whole oceans and seas, quench the blazing fire and bury those that get in my way just to find you, because, without you I am nothing!”

JessicaE777 · 都市
31 Chs

Chapter 27

"Mom! Mother!"

End Of Flashback.

"I promise you, I will make everyone who killed you pay! They must pay!" She painfully smiled and walked out of the cemetery with a bottle of alcohol in her hands.


Meiyin strode out of the cemetery and took a sip of the alcohol in her hands. Her phone rang and she held it up high.

"Meiyin, where are you?" Ruyue asked with concern. The news of the fight went viral and netizens all went in support of Xiyu.

She had to make sure her best friend was safe. She went to all places she could think of but no sign of Meiyin.

"Meiyin?" Ruyue called out as she heard a sniff.

The call disconnected and made a beep sound.

"Meiyin?" She dialed her number but it kept saying the number does not exist.

Ruyue screamed in frustration and tapped her feet on the ground impatiently.

It was already 11 pm in the night and no sign of her friend's return. Could it be that she is in trouble?

" Where could she be?" Ruyue thought and sent a text to her bodyguards.


Meanwhile, on the road.

The sky trembled with great fear as little drops of raindrop gushed down Meiyin's face. She reached for her purse for an umbrella but got nothing.

"Damn it! The earth must hate me!" She squatted down on her knees and bent her head.

The raindrops kept falling on her making her soaked in water.

She held her shoulders with her two arms and tried to warm herself up by breathing out.

Her hair was completely soaked with rain and her dress. She coughed out cold air and rubbed her dry nose.

Meiyin POV

The whole world was against me. I had no place I wanted to go. My body was almost freezing to death.

My lips all dried up and broke. I shivered and quivered at the cold breeze which blew my bare body.

My brain could not process what was going on. All I wanted to do was to bring justice for my mother's death and make them pay.

Soon I felt no rain on my back and felt warmth. I slowly raised my head to see an unexpected silhouette of a man.

He held the umbrella above my head to shield me from the rain and let the rain beat him.

"Miss Zhang, we meet again," The hoarse voice said and I shuddered at the thick voice.

It was so dark that she could hardly see the light that shone from the car.

He wore a thick black coat and a sweater on top. His side view looked more like a runway model. His pink lips sparkled.

He held her hands and he put her arms over his shoulder and lifted Meiyin. His firm hands wrapped against her butt and rested her head on his chest.

He walked towards the car door and entered the car. He locked the door.

Though Meiyin's eyes could barely keep open due to the cold, her ears were very active.

"Drive " His statement came out with authority that no one on earth dared not to obey. His presence was a majestical one that could not be overlooked.

The car slowly moved and drove at a high speed and slowly drifted into the dark.


Next Morning. In A Hotel.

The sun shone through the window and rested upon Meiyin's pale face. She yawned tiredly and rolled on the bed.

Her eyes tiredly opened up and she looked around her surroundings.

"Where am I? " She interrogated herself as she felt a surge of pain in her head.

She tried to recall the happenings of yesterday but she could not.

the door made a click sound and footsteps were heard, Meiyin quickly laid back on the bed and pretended to be sleeping.

"How long are you going to snuggle the bed?" The same voice she could not resist was heard again.

Instead, it was more of a tease than a command. Meiyin leaned on the bed with her eyes fully awake.

She could not miss the chance to glance at the person who had that voice.

"Who are you?"

"Does Ms. Zhang not know who I am or pretends to not know me?"

The question sounded like a bomb to her ears. It did not come straightforward but held great meanings.

Meiyin went in deep thought to understand the motive of this man and why he had brought her here.

"Are you kidnapping me for a ransom or did Xiyu send you?" She became cautious of him.

"Where have you seen a kidnapper as handsome as me?"

As expected he was not only a tease but an egocentric man. She mocked and came down from the bed.

"Thank you for taking me in yesterday. I will find someday to repay you " She said coldly and made her way to the door when she felt that she was completely naked.

Her eyes widened as she glared at him. He was not only a narcissistic person but a slime!

"Where are my clothes?"

"Does Ms. Zhang want to leave when she had not repaid me?"

He sounded aloof as he crossed his legs on the chair he seated on and gawked at her with his eagle eyes.

The big boss was known not to be patient with anyone but when it came to his little wife, he had all the patience of the entire universe.