
Return To The Academy

"Alright, everyone! It's time to return to the Academy!"

O'jog's announcement cut the teary and immenely emotional reunion short. His loud voice instantly caused a suspension in everything the students were doing, and they all looked at him with slight tinges of relief.

Many of the Dragons were in group hugs, or still sniffling from their leftover tears, but hearing the good news made them brighten up a little.

They couldn't wait to leave this land of tragedy, after all.

'Took them long enough…' Rey thought to himself as he looked at O'jog and the other two Dragon Generals beside him.

While the reunion between the students took place, the three were conversing about something that he couldn't overhear.

'It was probably the result of a Skill or Magic. I could have tried harder to listen, but that could have alerted one of them if I made the slightest mistake.' He sighed to himself, still curious about what they had discussed.