
A Long-Term Commitment

It was already past midnight when Mayi woke up.

Mysterious as it may, she's perfectly happy how Remo makes her want for more sex with ultimate pleasure.

Is that being wild?

She shifted her focus beside the bed, but he was nowhere to be found.

"You ditch me, and I end up staring at the ceiling. How long have you been here?"

Mayi appeared at the back door and asked.

She was naked, calm, and beautiful, not wearing anything with an incredible stunning figure!

"Oh, for Christ's sake! Get inside the room. Someone might see you without your clothes on!"

"You're funny, ehh… there's no one awake at this hour. You mean those trees you see over there are people?"

A slight grin appears on Mayi's face as she disintegrated inside.

"Don't make a joke like these. I'm coming. I'll just finish my coffee." Remo reprimanded.

Finally, he put down his empty cup at the table and walked inside.

He took Mayi on her waist and whispered…" Babes, you were acting so weird the past week. Still having that feeling?"

She looked at him with restlessness.

"Love…I need a long-term relationship." came a braver voice from Mayi. "Would you marry me, Remo?"


A terrible silence follows after she said the words "marry me."...

The message was clear, it was exactly what he had expected along the way --- Damn, she was serious!

Now he needs something concrete to cut the conversation short.

Words that are soothing and meaningful…with true self that would pay to listen.

Either personal or professional, saying no is particularly painful.

And to avoid insult to her emotional injury, he had to flirt like they were newlyweds.

Being tied to his identity as a spy agent on behalf of the state, once he become a married man, it's like giving everything up.

His papers, if he changed them, he would naturally become a different person.

Easy technicalities… fingerprinted, honest communications, choices, and the likes.

Of course, with the internet and government documentations, technicalities are proven witness given the circumstances.

Everything would be traceable to his identity; he could no longer hide.

Whatever habits he does, wherever he goes or do elsewise!

If someone would come to look for him, they would just go and find her.

And it would put them both at risk!

"Okay, babes. Listen... we have to take our decisions one at a time." Remo planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

"If we try to change our plan, expect a strong disapproval from the company. I suggest we need to take our time!"

"But you'll be going away soon, Remo." she insisted with a desperate look.

"I mean, try to understand babes. We are perfectly content and are having a beautiful relationship. Marriage has its responsibilities. Popping out that question is a serious matter."

More than ever, Remo has to forcibly break her argument.

He won't be hanging out here on this solitary place like working in a bookstore trying to earn a living from eight to five.

Persuading his idea is not a total rejection. It was neither right nor wrong.

That was fine.

A meaningful job awaits him with greater interests... more meaningful...more beneficial regardless of what the client needs.

"Listen Mayi. It's just a corporate relocation. The branch office stays here in Myanmar. The main core of engineers literally is overstaffed. Management needs to cut costs."

Mayi is beginning to be reluctant feeling guilty fighting hard to keep the man in her life.

Everything around her changed when he met Remo.

Life was totally different. He droves her crazy. She can't believe doing with him so easily.

She knows intimate partners must have trust on each other. But she was more scared in a long-distance relationship.

Remo on the other hand knows he was now walking on a rocky terrain. He needs a strong basis to defuse the conflict...

"Babes, the project is nearing its completion therefore, the Japanese has to cut the overall costs. If ever the day comes, we can share texts. I could visit you if I took a leave of absence."

Several minutes with more chatting Mayi have gained a lot of insights.

She was finally convinced. All she could do was nod and smile.

The physical absences of Remo were just about the period of him being away.

"Are you still thinking about it? What time is it? " his words were slow and romantic.

"Almost 3AM, I think."…

Sliding his hands on her bare breasts, he said. "Come on, let's have one more round before you go back!"

Mayi pinched him on the ribs while being pulled on the bed.

The following morning, Mayi was cursing in front of the office with plastic cups scattered around thrown all over the place.

Peter saw her upon arriving being frustrated.

"Hey, what happened to your face? Is your temper not over yet?" he called her out.

"Sir, I'm upset with the local workers leaving behind their trash."

"Let it be. It was a celebration from them last night. Anyway, do you know the past week Remo has been looking haggard and worn out?"

Peter just said half of it.

He wants to see if her mood will change. Last night she saw her sneak into his cabin.

"That's interesting!" Mayi composed herself smiling shyly.

"I have to go Sir Peter. My boss soon arrives!"

"Uh…uh Remo is coming!" Peter took the chance to pull her leg with a joke.

Mayi turned around to get a better look if he was really coming. But her face change to annoyance when she knows it was a small trick from him.

 "Jerk!" She shouted with a flying clench fist.

It was quite clear to her that Peter knows something between them.

"Hehehe…Don't take it seriously, okay?" letting out a tinkling of laugher.

It was very rare for him to find Mayi exudes a stunning face even when she is angry.

Very captivating!

"You're a damn lucky guy Remo Hunter...I envy you!"