
Family dinner (3)

"Regina, how was dance class? You used to be at the top and now I've been notified that you are slacking off. What is your excuse this time?" Rachel questioned her daughter. She expected her children to be the best among their peers. She would like for Regina to take her classes a bit more seriously so she could become the perfect candidate for the bachelor men.

"We learn the same moves each day from the time we were children. Can't we do something else? I am bored, mother. Father, please help me," Regina whined hoping her father would be helpful. He used to never say no to her demands. He used to be wrapped around her finger and would give her whatever she wanted. "How about this? I'll do better with my classes only if we have a private tutor come to our home and teach both me and Aurora."

Rachel did not like this idea one bit and was about to refuse Regina's request but her husband beat her to it.

"Sounds good to me. Arrange for it to happen, Rachel," Nathaniel said, continuing to read his paper. It was killing two birds with one stone. Regina would continue her lessons and Aurora would not be home alone bored.


Regina squealed excitedly to have private lessons with her sister. On the other hand, Aurora could feel how much Rachel disliked it. She only wanted to bring up the idea and would go along with it if Rachel did not mind. This added one more thing for Rachel to dislike her for. Aurora didn't have to look in Rachel's direction to know the woman was glaring at her.

'Why? Regina was the one to bring it up,' Aurora thought while playing around with her food. Even though Rachel had no reason to direct her anger to her, Aurora understood her stepmother's feelings.

"Let the girls have fun together Rachel. Having Aurora with her will keep Regina happy and you were supposed to hire a new tutor for Aurora after the last one got married, Rachel. I expect to see a new one here in less than seven days," Nathaniel informed his wife.

Rachel clenched her fist not having her husband on her side. This wasn't what she signed up for when she married Nathaniel. Raising a child that did not belong to her.

"Maybe I should tag along and show the girls what real dancing looks like. I'm not just a good fighter but a great dancer as well. All the qualities to make the ladies love me," Samuel spoke jokingly to lighten the mood.

"You always speak of ladies but I've never seen you talking to one. Are you shy Samuel?" Aurora questioned her brother. She already knew Samuel was popular among the girls his age, Aurora's and Regina's but he hadn't picked a wife yet. He was making his hardcore fans impatient.

Samuel looked to Aurora wide-eyed as though she just betrayed him. "How dare you? Me afraid of the ladies? Ha. You must've hit your head against the oak tree again. Do you want us to call the doctor Aurora?"

"Haha, very funny," Aurora sarcastically replied, rolling her eyes. She only hit her head against the oak tree nine times- no, ten times.

"There are some new rich bachelors visiting the town. Seth Roberts is the first name on the list and will be attending the harvest festival. Have you ever heard of him or maybe his family, mother?" Nathaniel questioned Minnie. It would be a fine opportunity to introduce the man to Regina as a potential partner if he was wealthy enough. The Hamiltons would only marry into families with money like themselves.

"Seth Roberts? Never heard about him before but if he made the paper he must be a big deal. Samuel, make sure you build connections with these new bachelors. They will be your future associates. It's best to leave a good impression on them now. Do not disgrace the Hamilton name," Minnie sternly advised her grandson.

"If these men are attending the harvest festival I will need to buy you a new dress to be a star of the festival," said Rachel beaming with excitement to doll up Regina. By the end of the year, there will be wedding bells for Regina and hopefully, Samuel who should've been married by now. Maybe this Seth Roberts man will take interest in Regina. She needed to find out from the other wives what he owned.

"Minnie, will I be attending the harvest festival also?" Aurora's meek voice questioned. She wanted to go see the festival activities with Samuel and Regina.

"Sure, dear. You can go with Regina to buy a new dress for the festival. I hear it will be better than last year. King Darius has sent more money than ever to make it grander this year. I wonder if he will be making an appearance."

"I highly doubt it." Samuel heard talk of how the king was planning something big. He wouldn't have to attend a mere festival. "I am finished with my dinner and will retire to my room."

"So am I," Aurora stated, pushing her plate forward and dabbed any traces of food off with a napkin. She was tired from her long day in the garden. "Goodnight everyone," she said standing up and bid everyone goodbye.

Aurora quickly left the dining room excited to be having dance lessons with Regina and attended the harvest festival again. She couldn't wait to see the new dress she would be dancing in at the harvest festival. This was certainly a dream come through.

Aurora returned to her room and right away went to take a warm bath before changing into her night undergarments. Aurora hummed a song she had no clue where she heard it from as she brushed out her long white hair. Sometimes she swore her hair appeared brighter in the moonlight.

As the quarter moon rose higher in the night sky, Aurora laid her head to rest drifting off into her dreams.

How are you enjoying the story so far? It will be a slow-paced story.

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