"Where is Castiel?" Kyra asks
Sam and Dean look at eachother.
"Shit!" Dean shouts
"Go get your girl Dean." Sam says jokingly.
"Not my girl!" Dean says as he throws his hand of cards on the table putting on his jacket walking out of the camper.
"I still don't understand where you got this camper from." Sam says to Kyra
"There was a dealership nearby." Kyra says
"You have that kind of money to just throw around?" Sam asks as they look at the newest and best model with all the options. It could easily run a 500,000$ price tag then all the gadgets in it could easily run 100,000.
"I sold a brick of gold at a gold for cash place 749,500. I mean they jipped me 500$ but they need to make a profit and it's just a bit of gold." Kyra says and Sam has no clue what to say to that.
"All in." Sam says
"Call." Kyra replies
"Nice, full house kings full of 2s" Sam says as he begins to rake the chips that are worth nothing towards himself.
With 3 2s on the table and 2jacks.
"Wanna see deans hand?" Kyra asks looking at the thrown down cards.
"Sure...." Sam says
Kyra flips the cards over showing Dean had 4 of a kind.
"He would've beat you if you were here. Not that it matters cause I've got him beat." Kyra says showing her 2 jacks.
"Your luck is bullshit!" Sam shouts
"Thank you I'm aware of that." Kyra replies.
Meanwhile down Saint George St. the sun is setting in the background as the street begins to darken in the night.
"Dean!" Castiel shouts
"Here! Why couldn't you just teleport to us?" Dean asks
"Ah I forgot." Cas says
"Forgot, come on we need to get out of here before nightfall." Dean says
"The city is quite beautiful at night, are you sUre you don't want to stay?" A woman asks
"Yep, Cas leaving right now." Dean says not bothering to turn around.
"Right, Dean and Cas seem busy." Kyra says looking off into the distance.
Sam turns around seeing nothing then looks back realizing Kyra's eyes are unfocused.
"They in trouble?" Sam asks
"No, Dean just did something stupid. He should be fine." Kyra says getting up.
"I need to go for a run. Be right back Sam." Kyra says stretching a little before running off disappearing in the tree line.
"It's got to be an owl witch... but which kind, there are several in Native American folklore." Kyra mutters.
"Sam we are back." Dean says as he walks with Castiel into the RV.
"Sam?" Dean shouts
"Maybe he's not here?" Castiel says
"Kyra!?" Dean shouts
Suddenly a shot gun blasts fills the sound however it's coming from the RV next door.
"Bolek?" Dean asks looking at Castiel who nods to him.
They both run over to the other Rv to find Sam holding a shot gun and Bolek dead on the ground feathers surrounding him and the window busted out.
"You missed it." Sam says
"What was it?" Dean asks
"I actually have no clue for once. It looked like an Owl. But it was the size of a 13 year old." Sam says
Dean looks over at the desk with several books open.
"Right we should get out of here before police come." Dean says as he grabs the three books on the table.
"Right." Sam says looking at the red blood trail leading out the window before turning around and running out to the impala.
So let’s say if I were to release this twice a week and start my own original would that work? Cause I try to release a new chapter of this every 3 to 4 days