

a cool and peaceful night was about to welcome the warmth of the sun and leave the people behind in the care of a warm and eventful day who slept in its lap.

The whole town was starting to wake and the soldier's shift was about to be changed in next few minutes. The priests were singing the prayers for god and the warriors were waking from the dream of God's abode where they will go after thier death.

The working class people are hurrying to get to thier work and start it while the children are running for the schools ran by sages. everything and everyone was active and on his job when the sun finally came up in the sky.

they greeted the sun as their beloved father and sun sent his blessings on his rays and this is how it should be because the people living on this land consider themselves the descendents of the sun. they called themselves Suryavanshi meaning from the family of the sun but the world has known them by another name, a much grander name which resemble all that is best. They are the Aryas and world was thier playground but the home was just one. Aryavart.

it's story of these brave people and one of them who became the king of gods just by his virtue and valor. 2 things most prized in any Aryans. it's the story of a warrior who became king, a king who became emperor and an emperor who became the king of gods. it's the story of Indra.