
Chapter 13. Company

Roman (Point of View)

I don't understand why I was so mad at her, but I was anyway. I had done worse to her, I had rearranged her whole life, yet I was fuming at the fact that she chose that nitwhit with anger management issues.

I mean, I did expect that she would reject me, but this was worse than a rejection. She kept me as her mate and started seeing someone else.

How was that even posible? Mates, from what I heard could not stay away from each other so how did she do it? I myself spent the last weeks waiting on her. And I planned to wait for longer if I had to.

My wolf kept begging me to go back to her, to soothe her and feel her. But right now, it felt like I deserved what I got.

"Father." I said into the phone.

"Son. Is there a problem? It's not often I get a call from you." He asked me.

He was right, I never called him.

"As a matter of fact there is. We have a Nali here who seems to have put you and I on a list of people she plans to kill." I said into the phone.

I waa angry with him and I know he felt it.


"Father why didn't you tell me? Why would you deny your own blood? My sister?" My voice stayed respectful as it always was.

"I will be on a flight home tomorrow. Good night son."

And the line went dead.

My father had decided to leave after my mother's death. The death of a mate hits harder than I could only be able to imagine.

I took over the pack at a much earlier age than I was supposed to because it started to fall due to my father's heartbreak.

I always wondered how bad it was. How it felt. He always looked so beat down and sad. Her being alive was manageable, but her dying took my father away from me and for a long time, I was resentful. Until I couldn't be anymore.

I decided to sit in one of the guest rooms in Arlene's house, and for longer than I planned. My thoughts occupied me so much that I just realised now that I couldn't feel her presence anywhere in the house.

She was gone. I don't know for how long but I couldn't feel her. Had our mate bond been stronger, I would have known the minute she left the house.

I had to find her.

I walked out of the room and I realised on my way out that there was no one in the house.

I stepped out and just started walking and not long after I met her mega.

"You look worried." Otis said.

"Arlene left the house. I didn't notice when but I'm really worried now." I told him while I scanned my eyes around.

"I will take the east, you take the west." He said instantly.

We both ran in our human form and lucky for me, before I could go far enough,I smelt her nearby.

I walked ahead to find and found her leaning against a tree, naked. 'Her wolf must have turned.' I thought to myself.

She had a shiver, so I quickly took my shirt off and dressed her in it. She did not fight it.

The thoughts of her naked body kept hitting me but I tried to restrain myself and eventually carried her to the house with me.

She was silent the whole way there. Her eyes red and puffy.

"I'm sorry." I said to her feeling guilty. "I won't leave you again."

When we got to the house, I put her under covers and went to find Otis number to let him know I found her, which I did.

I then ran a bath for her and placed her in the tub to help even her temperature.

She came down to the lounge much later. "Thank you." she told me making me jump in surprise.

"I didn't think you would leave your room." I said honestly surprised.

She sat in the chair and after a minute of quiet, she started to cry.

My wolf hurled in pain, not liking to see our mate in this state. I walked to her and sat next to her. She put her head on my shoulder.

"He betrayed us." She sobbed.

I didn't understand it, but I just sat there and held her and tried to soothe her with words. Eventually, I took her to her room and laid her on her bed.

"Don't go." she looked up at me.

And I stayed until sleep consumed her, and me as well.

Early the next morning, my father called to expect to find me at the airport in a few hours.

I had to leave here but my wolf protested enjoying the closeness with our mate. I got up, defying the protests.


Arlene (Point of View)

When I woke up in the morning, I found myself alone. My wolf whimpered not liking the lonely feeling. I ignored it and went to shower.

I went straight where I made a quick meal and ate it considering I was so famished and once I was done, on cue, I heard a knock on my door. I opened to see Otis on the other side looking very exhausted.

"Otis...What's going on? Have you been running?" I said in an alarming tone.

"I was doing my rounds alpha." he started to speak as he walked in "I came across some rogues trying to breach into our lands. They insisted on seeing the alpha." He finished.

I wondered if it could be Nali. I didn't think it would be safe for her to just expose herself to her enemies whenever it pleased her, that's why she captured me the way she did.

"Where are they now?" I asked.

"I left them at boader where they intended to enter. I left a few guys watching them. I also asked others to look out for the other areas just in case its a trap."

"Let's go."

As I approached them, I realised it was faces I had never come across. I figured she wouldn't just show up like that, she would use people.

There was a girl, brown hair, green eyes, just like Nali's.

With her was a freakishly tall man, simply handsome, well built but with a tired countenance. Where did they come from?

"What do you want?" I asked without wasting time.

"We need shelter." the girl said.

"Excuse me?" I said out loud shocked by her supposed request. "I don't know about where you come from but packs are no place for your type. Especially my pack, so why don't you fish for shelter elsewhere."

"You don't get it." The girl said, "I know who you are and exactly who is after your pack and she insists I join her cause but I would rather not. So the best place for us to hide, would be here." She didn't seem emotional, or bothered, she just seemed to be making her point.

"I think my alpha has made it clear that it is best you be on your way away from here." Otis reiterated what I said in a simpler manner.

"He is right. I don't care who you know. You need to leave, Now!" I said fuming at them now. I had enough of rogues.

"Please." The man now spoke in the most soft voice. "You need to help us." His voice broke.

He looked fairly young, early thirties maybe and his expression made me pity him. He looked afraid of going back to wherever he came from.

"I am sorry. But I can't trust you. You must leave, now." I finally said after analysing him.

I then felt his presence. Roman was nearby.

I looked back and saw him walking towards us. Or me.

The girl now had her eyes fixed on him, a little too much for my liking.

When he got close by, he seemed undecided on how to greet me, so he kissed my cheek.

And then their eyes met, him and the girl in front of us. He seemed uncomfortable with the look she gave him, yet she seemed free to glare at him.

She then snapped back and looked up at me. "We will be on our way then." She said finally.

"Why didn't anyone tell me about our visitors?" Mesalla said from behind us.

I looked back now feeling agitated by his attitude. He came close and looked down at me, given the height difference.

"Well that's what you get for blocking the whole pack out of your fucking mind Mes." I spat back.

Everyone looked at me, then him for his response.

Instead Roman spoke, "Baby you shouldn't use such vile words."

I shook my head ignoring his statement. Otis on the other hand grinned with amusement.

"Well maybe you should have thought of reaching me through other means? Any sense in that?" Mesalla said to me sarcastically.

I went forward and slapped him in the face. "I can take some shit from you Mesalla. A lot of it because I hurt you. But you will never speak to me like that again."

Roman looked shocked.

I walked back now realising that our visitors hadn't left, instead, they got caught up in our drama.

Mesalla now looking straight at the girl had his face change from the shock of my slap to something I would have recognised any day. Roman had it in his face the first time we knew we were mates. Now Mesalla had it too. "Mate." He growled.

The girl stood frozen, the rest of us watching their worlds shift between them.

"We were just leaving." The girl said breaking the eye contact between her and Mes, then turning away to walk.

"I don't think that will be necessary." Mesalla said to her stepping closer in an attempt to grab her.

Joseph stepped closer too, I hadn't realised he was here too.

"Don't step any closer. Your alpha ordered our departure, and thats what we will do. Lets go Cruis." She said walking back to the direction they came. The apparent Cruis followed behind her.

Mesalla looked at me, hoping I would change my mind, but I shook my head. This could have been a trap for all I know.

"Wait," Mesalla said again, "Who are you? What's your name?" this brought both our uninvited guests to a halt.

"I highly doubt you will like who I am, but I will tell you anyway. I'm Crystal, Nali's daughter. And this is Cruis, her brother and my uncle."

"Leave my land now!" I exclaimed.

Roman tensed behind me.

"You will not speak to her that way." Mesalla spoke back at me.

"I am alpha of this land,, I will speak anyway I feel like, so to make things better for us all, she must leave now!" I ordered.

Mesalla flinched at my tone.