
An Alpha and His Beauty

[MATURE 18+] After being sold off to be charming yet menacing Alpha Rhy's human mate, Melanie finds herself in a new strange land away from her home and from other humans, Melanie learns that being the alpha's fated mate comes with intimate situations that Melanie could not not phantom. One of them being at the whims of Alpha Rhy's who to make her his and only his in the land of the beasts. Determined, to reunite with her sister back home, Melanie needs to find a way to escape the land of beasts and return home, but that won't be easy for her because Alpha Rhy's has his eyes on her at all times. Glinting with desire for his fated beauty.

RoseDuarte · 奇幻言情
43 Chs

Family Reunion

"You owe me." The words brim in the back of my mind the entire day. I already know what the Alpha means by that. He's using my sister as a bargain to do whatever he wants now with me. I cap the dark thoughts ringing in the back of my mind. I only have such a small amount of time to spend with my sister. I want to make sure every second with her is worth it.

"Here, eat something." I move the piles of red meats to my sister. My sister digs into her bowl. This is her third meal in a row, and it makes me hurt knowing she must be starving back home.

"This is really good, Mel." She stuffs her face with more breads, meats, and fruits down her mouth at once. She pauses seeing me staring at her. "Want some?"

I cringe at the half-eaten fruit on her fork then I smile at her. I really do miss her quirky personality at times. "Eat as much as you can before tomorrow."

My sister drops the fork down. She takes a large gulp of water, letting out a heavy sigh. Strange thing, yet I'd expect her to dive right back into her food, but she plays around with the green vegetable around the plate. Her face turned into a frown and that face of hers makes me concerned for her wellbeing.

"What is the matter with Nesa?"

"I just missed you so much." Her nose turns red again, when she is about to cry. I rub her back, finger feeling the bone on her spine protruding from her dress. "I shouldn't be crying like this. I'm too old."

"As long as you are my little sister, you are never too old." I try to hold on to my own years. I haven't cried at all since she came. I guess my survival skills at home still ingrained into me– and worst when I saw her. I never tried to show weakness around my sister. I wanted to be a great role model for her in a world that is harsh to the kind hearted.

I encourage her to continue the rest of her meal. This kind of food is a once in a while opportunity and it makes me sick that I was enjoying three or meals a day while she was suffering. "I was losing sleep for the last few weeks. I keep thinking about you and…" I sigh.

"I had nightmares every night when you left. I always dreamt that man-eating beast was going to come for me next. I always calm my mind when I think about seeing you again."

"How is everything at home?"

Nesa pushes the plate away from her. "It's hard making money now that you're not hunting. I got into making lotions and soaps for the village, but by the time I spend my profits on buying new supplies, we are left with so little."

"What about father?"

"He's getting worse by the day?"

"Worse as in?"

"His leg is giving him more problems now that he has to take on your chores. He's struggling with hunting. It's so bad that we have to catch rodents in the house just to sell for almost free."

"That's what he gets for selling me." I cross my arms. My father says having a daughter brings him sachem, now he is suffering the consequences without me around the house to help out.

"You can't say that to him."

"He should have thought about that before selling me to the highest bidder. If he saw any worth in me, then none of that would have happened to him."

The dining door opens. I immediately tense up at the sight of the Alpha stepping into the dining hall. Just the sight of him makes me uneasy and tense. Make me think about how I took the sword and almost beheaded him for upsetting me. He should know by now that when it comes to family, you don't mess with them when it comes to the Rivers. The alpha takes his seat just next to me. Out of all the chairs in the dining table, he decides to sit right next to me. I shift away from him feeling unforgettable by his eyes on me.

"The food smells nice."

"Yes, it does," Nesa says quietly.

"What are we having tonight?"

"Look in front of you and find out."

Though I am not looking at the alpha straight in the eyes, I feel his annoyance is boring to me.

"Nesa, hurry and finish your food. There are many things I want to show you before we go to bed."

"I'm done." She stares down at the plate, the desire to eat still twinkles in her eyes.

"It doesn't seem like you are finished. Please eat a lot. Don't worry about me."

She hesitates, eyes shifting from me to the alpha completely still in our little conversation. She takes the form again and continues munching on the rest of the meal on the plate.

"So Nesa, how did a girl like you find her way through Wolvendom?"

"It was easy." My sister continues talking. "So once I got out of the woods, almost eaten alive by a strange looking bear, I found some people in the woods. They were nice to me even if I was a human. Or maybe they didn't see me as a human–" And before I knew it, my sister started rambling like she always does. I would tell her to get right into the point but I let her. I miss hearing my sister talking so much that my ears start to hurt.

The Alpha snakes his hands on my knee when I least expect it. I don't make a scene in front of my sister as she talks. I hold my breath as I feel his hands inches up on my thigh. I close my legs tightly, but the alpha found a way to snake his slender fingers to my lady parts. His fingers fondle with my panties. Teasing me.

A chef enters the dining hall with a fresh plate of food made for the alpha. As the chief prepares the tale for him, the alpha slips his hands away from me. "This meal looks good." He licks the same finger that was fondling my underwear. I can almost taste its flavor. I might need to try and get a taste of more tonight."

I try to avoid his gaze pinning me against the wall. I already know what he is expecting. After all, I do owe him something in return. I interrupted my sister's story by suddenly standing.

"Come, Nesa, let us get ready for bed."

"I was just getting to the good part."

"Listen to your sister. I'm sure she has somewhere to be later."


"This is your room?" Nesa eyes glimmer with awe once we enter my bedroom. She walks inside the decorated space, twirling in the large space. "Your room is bigger than our entire house."

"I think you're exaggerating the size."

She stopped twirling. "Wow, you have been gone for so long that you are starting to forget how our house looks."

"I was only gone for a few weeks?"

"Weeks? It's been more than a month."

More than a month? I take a seat on my bed just thinking about it. I didn't realize I've been done for that long. Nesa slumps on the bed next to me. Her face wraps in content feeling to the warmth and softness of the blanket. The safeness of the see-through canopy blanketing over my bed. Sleep is starting to take over her senses.


"Mhm." She barely opens her eyes.

"How did you really get here?"

Her eyes flutter open. "I snuck into a traveling carriage heading to Wolvendom."

"From where?"

"Where else?"

I stand. "There is a traveling carriage heading to the human realm. How is that possible? The alpha said only humans are invited by invitation–" I stop myself while I get the answer to my own question. "He is working with an underground group isn't he?"

"The people were very nice."

"People? Are they human? Wolves? What did they have instead of the carriage?"

She shrugs, "They only dropped me off on a path in the forest. I had to walk all the way here."

"Nesa, why would you risk your life like that? What if they were horrible people? What if they were the Krae people?"

"Krae what?"

"It's nothing." I don't bother explaining to her. It's not like she is going to be here for long to know all the strange thighs that exist in this land.

"Why don't you go take a bath, and wear new clothes."

My sister doesn't complain.Before I show her to the bath, I let her pick out all the clothes that she wants to wear. My sister's lips fall into a frown. "Why so many places?"

"Ask the alpha that."

"Oh my god, he is a pervert."

"Tell me about it."

My sister picks out a dress to wear. My favorite dress that doesn't make me feel uncomfortable. I let her take it since she seemed to like the dress a lot. While my sister heads to the bath, I lay on the bed, trying to calm my racing mind. The alpha has never mentioned that there are people who travel to the wolf realm with things. What kind of things are they bringing from the human world? I wished my sister was curious enough to look, however I am glad she didn't. Those nice people could have turned into monsters knowing what seedy things they are up to.

The door burst open and I jolted upward. My racing heart slows down knowing it is just Solaora and Ophelia.

"Melanie you didn't tell me there was another human here?" Ophelia beams.

"Uh yes, my sister came to visit."

"Hey, Mel I used all of your scent labor lotions. How do I smell?" Nesa walks into the room. She looks like a new person in that new dress and all the gunk scrubbed off her body. Her cheeks are still red from the warm water I suppose.

"This is your sister?" Solaria asks, smiling for once.

I nod.

"Your sister is so precious."

Both Ophelia and Solaria swarm my sister. She's always been the popular sibling. I guess it's because of her gentle nature, and the fact that she always wears a charming smile on her face no matter what time or day it is.

I glance out at the sky that is fully dark now. The alpha must be waiting for me to meet him any moment from now.

"Solaria, Ophelia please keep my sister company."

"We just got here?"

"You know your sister doesn't like us." Solaria says.

"Where are you going?" Nesa walks to me.

I cup my face. "I'll be right back. I promise."