
An Alpha and His Beauty

[MATURE 18+] After being sold off to be charming yet menacing Alpha Rhy's human mate, Melanie finds herself in a new strange land away from her home and from other humans, Melanie learns that being the alpha's fated mate comes with intimate situations that Melanie could not not phantom. One of them being at the whims of Alpha Rhy's who to make her his and only his in the land of the beasts. Determined, to reunite with her sister back home, Melanie needs to find a way to escape the land of beasts and return home, but that won't be easy for her because Alpha Rhy's has his eyes on her at all times. Glinting with desire for his fated beauty.

RoseDuarte · 奇幻言情
43 Chs

A Dance with the Alpha P.2

"Legends say that there is a person living within the walls." I walk down the dimly lit hallway, as I listen to Ophelia tell us the strange stories of this palace. The sound of my footsteps echoing against the cold, stone walls. The flickering candlelight casts eerie shadows, adding an air of mystery to the ancient mansion. As I stroll, I find myself captivated by the soft, melodic voice of Ophelia, my eccentric friend who leads the way.

Ophelia is a woman of peculiar tales and strange fables, and tonight is no exception. She leans in closer, her voice barely above a whisper, as she begins weaving a chilling story. Her words send shivers down my spine, and yet, I cannot tear my attention away.

"There is a man who lives inside the wall," Ophelia says, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of fascination and fear. "He is but a ghostly figure, trapped between the realms of the living and the dead. Legend has it that he emerges only under the cloak of darkness, searching for a way to break the curse that binds him."

I feel a knot forming in my stomach as Ophelia's words conjure images of a sinister being lurking within the very structure of this grand estate. Every creak and groan of the house suddenly feels pregnant with hidden meaning. I can't help but wonder what terrible fate awaits those who cross paths with the man in the wall.

"He feeds on blood," Ophelia continues, her voice dropping to a hushed tone. "He believes that by feasting upon the life force of others, he can find a remedy for the curse that torments him. But his misguided attempts only bring him closer to the darkness that consumes him."

My mind races with questions. How did this man become trapped in the wall? What curse befell him? And more importantly, is he real? Ophelia's stories have always carried a hint of truth, yet were shrouded in mystery. I can't help but feel a mixture of fear and fascination, my curiosity demanding to know more.

As we reach the end of the hallway, Ophelia turns to me, her gaze intense yet enigmatic. "Beware, my dear friend," she whispers, her voice laden with caution. "Tonight, as the clock strikes midnight, we shall venture into the heart of this mansion. We shall uncover the secrets that lie within these walls, and face the man who dwells in darkness."

"Why are you talking like that?"

"Like what?"

"A magician."

"Maybe I am." Ophelia winks.

"It's not possible. I mean there are werewolves who have magical abilities. They are called the Krae," I say.

Both Ophelia and Solaria go silent.

"Who told you that?" Solaria finally speaks.

"I read it in a book."

"That is impossible if you don't even understand your language."

"The alpha showed me…"

Both of them look at each other, eyes spilling thoughts to one another and I groan.

"What? Don't take it that way. The Alpha caught me snooping in his library when I was looking for…" I let the words trail off.

"Looking for what?"

"Nevermind." I walk past them. "Let's just keep moving."

I stand in the dimly lit room, my eyes fixed on the stone wall before me. Ophelia and Solaria, the more amiable werewolves in this pack, converse nearby, their voices a mere murmur in the background. They seem oblivious to my gaze, but I cannot afford to let my guard down. Despite their friendliness, I know their loyalty lies with the Alpha, and it wouldn't surprise me if he had tasked them with keeping an eye on me.

My mind races with thoughts of escape, seeking freedom from this claustrophobic existence. The secret passage I've heard whispers of, hidden within these walls, haunts my thoughts. If only it would reveal itself to me now, a hidden doorway leading me to a life beyond the reach of the Alpha's control.

I must be cautious. I can't allow Ophelia and Solaria to suspect my intentions. I lower my gaze, pretending to be engrossed in a book left haphazardly on a nearby table. My fingers trace the spine, but my mind is elsewhere, weaving plans and calculating the risks. It's crucial that they remain oblivious to my growing desire to escape. At this moment, my singular focus is to find a map—a blueprint of the Alpha's territory that will guide me on my path to freedom. Information is my weapon, and I need to arm myself before making any move.

My senses are heightened, attuned to every sound and movement within the room. The weight of anticipation hangs in the air as Ophelia and Solaria engage in hushed conversation near the stone wall. And then, like a crack of thunder in the silence, Solaria exclaims, "Got it!"

My head snaps toward them, curiosity igniting within me like a flickering flame. I watch as both Ophelia and Solaria step back, their expressions a mixture of triumph and secrecy. A surge of excitement courses through me, wondering what they have discovered, what lies beyond that concealed barrier.

As if sensing my intrigue, the wall before me begins to shift, a low rumble resonating through the room. With a soft creaking sound, it begins to part, revealing a hidden passage. My eyes widen in amazement as the secret is unveiled before me.

A gust of wind accompanies the opening of the wall, causing my hair to dance and a shiver to run down my spine. For a moment, I wonder if there's a window on the other side, a portal to the outside world that I long to explore.

Solaria's voice snaps me back to reality. "Come on, guys, let's go inside before the others see us." Her urgent tone reminds me of the danger that lurks within the pack's territory. We cannot afford to be caught, for the consequences would be dire.

I exchange a quick glance with Ophelia, her eyes gleaming with excitement and apprehension. We share an unspoken understanding that this is our chance, our ticket to freedom. With resolute determination, I take a step forward, my heart pounding in my chest.

I feel a chill run down my spine, but an unexplainable thrill surges through me as we head into the darkness. Though my rational mind tells me to flee, my adventurous spirit yearns to uncover the truth. With a steady breath, I exchange a quick glance with Ophelia, her eyes gleaming with excitement and apprehension. As for me, there is an unspoken understanding that this is my chance, our ticket to freedom. With resolute determination, I take a step forward, my heart pounding in my chest.

Together, we venture through the newly revealed passage, stepping into the unknown. Darkness engulfs us momentarily, but we press on, driven by the desire to escape the confines of our current existence. The path ahead is uncertain, fraught with obstacles and uncertainties, but the allure of freedom guides us forward.

As we move deeper into the hidden corridor, the scent of fresh air and the distant sounds of nature reach our senses. Hope blossoms within me like a fragile flower in the cracks of a forgotten garden. With each step, the weight of the pack's expectations and the Alpha's dominance lessens, replaced by a growing sense of liberation. The outside world beckons, promising opportunities and adventures beyond imagination.

A flicker of orange light catches my attention from the end of the corridor. Excitement tingles within me, hopeful that this could be a glimmer of the freedom we seek. The others, sensing the same curiosity, join me as we move closer to the source of the light. But as we draw nearer, my hope dwindles like a dying ember. The shadows of another room come into view, revealing a sight that dashes our expectations. It's a space filled with discarded items, a jumble of junk scattered haphazardly. A worn red carpet stretches across the floor, leading to a long chair and various objects that serve no purpose other than to clutter the room.

Disappointment gnaws at me, realizing that this room is nothing more than a forgotten storage space. The light, which had beckoned us with the promise of a new beginning, now feels like a cruel trick, mocking my aspirations.

"Why did you leave the lamp on? You could have burned here and the entire palace down," asks Solaria, her voice edged with irritation.

A pause hangs in the air as Ophelia's gaze meets mine, her eyes filled with remorse. "It wasn't me," she finally admits, her voice laced with guilt.

Confusion knits my brows together as I glance at Solaria, seeking answers. "Then who left the lamp on?" I ask, the question lingering in the stale air.

Silence settles upon us, interrupted only by the distant echo of a warm breeze that carries through the room.

"Could it be the man in the walls?"

Solaria's voice breaks the stillness, a mix of exasperation and disbelief. "Oh, shut up about that story, would you?" she retorts to Ophelia, dismissing the notion of an unknown presence within these walls.Though her words are dismissive, I can sense a trace of unease in her voice. The tales of the man in the walls have haunted us, a chilling reminder of the mysteries that surround this place. Yet, amidst the disappointment and the disarray of this room, I can't help but wonder if there's more to the story than we dare to believe.

I look around the room again while Solaria finds a seat on a worn chair, and Ophelia's attention is captured by something concealed within a wooden box nearby. I take a moment to observe the room, taking in its atmosphere and the remnants of forgotten moments.

"So this is your hangout spot?" I inquired, my voice filled with curiosity. The words hang in the air, mingling with the quiet energy of the room.

Solaria glances up from her perch, a playful smile dancing on her lips. "Yes, you like?" she replies, her voice warm and inviting. Her words hint at a camaraderie, a bond shared within these walls.

"What do you guys even do here?" I ask, my curiosity piqued by the secrets this room might hold.

"Sleep, gossip, and drink the finest wine reserved for the Alpha." Ophelia pops her head up from the arm of the chair, her eyes meeting mine with a mischievous twinkle. Her hands cradling two amber-colored wine bottles. Their enticing glow catches the light, promising a taste of luxury and escape from the realities that bind us.

I can't help but smile, captivated by the notion of a hidden refuge where we can momentarily forget our responsibilities and simply indulge in the pleasures of life. This room, once shrouded in mystery, now feels like a sacred space, a sanctuary where laughter and confessions intertwine. As Ophelia extends one of the wine bottles towards me, a silent invitation to join in the merriment. The weight of our burdens lightens as we gather around, ready to share a drink.

"This hits the spot." Solaria sighs when she takes a sip of the bottle.

"Here, take a sip." Ophelia passes me a bottle but I hesitate.

"What if the Alpha finds out?"

"Please, we have been doing this for years and we haven't been caught. Besides, the alpha barely even knows the drinks are down here to begin. So it's fine."

I stare at the bottle for a moment then I take a sip from the sparkling wine that burns my nose for a brief moment. In this dimly lit room, where shadows dance and secrets whisper, we find solace and companionship talking about things. The amber liquid in our glasses becomes a conduit for our closeness.

"So, Mel, you never really tell us much about the human world?"

"What is there to talk about?"

"You can tell us about the little people in the boxes."

"You mean t.v?"


I shrug my shoulders. "It's a new technology from a far away land. The people on the tv are just actors like circus performers but in black and white. You can even hear them talk."

"Can you eat them?"

"What?" I blink.

Both Ophelia and Solaria burst into laughter, and I realize they are still making fun of me when I thought werewolves eat humans.

"What about you two? I don;t know anything about you guys other than your mates."

"Okay, I am not mated yet." Solaria drinks from the bottle.

"And what of you?"

"Oscar and I are just going slow. Being part of the Alpha's pack and his right hand man is a very demanding job."

"You get to see him everyday. Mine is away."

"I'm sure he'll be back home soon."

Solaria snorts. "My to-be mate is no where affiliated with Alpha Rhy's pack. He's a member of the Sun pack of Helios."

"Sun pack?"

"There are many packs in Wolvendom," says Ophelia. "You have Alpha Rhy's pack which is the SnowPack, then the Sun Pack, the Wind Pack in Cerluis, the Earth Pack in Huntsville and unfortunately the Water pack in Atlantica are no more."

"What happened to them?"

Ophelia glances at Solaria who's expression goes sour. "They were killed by the Krae people.

Solaria emits a low growl. "Our sister pack is gone because of them. Now the people of Helios suffer because of the Krae."

"I'm sorry,"I simply say to her. I take another sip of the bottle in silence. I never knew how complicated werewolves are. If it weren't for the hairy body, the teeth, and inhuman strength, they would be no different from humans. In this sanctuary of sleep, gossip, and forbidden wine, I hear something coming from somewhere in the room.

"What was that?" I alert the others.

The room falls into a hushed silence as we sit, each lost in our own thoughts. Time seems to hang in suspended animation, our breaths mingling with the air. And then, breaking the stillness, a low grumble reverberates through the space, causing a shiver to run down my spine. I freeze, my senses on high alert, and my eyes dart around the room, searching for the source of the sound. "Did you hear that?" I whisper, my voice barely audible.

Ophelia's smile widens, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "It's the man in the wall," she declares, her voice filled with a mix of thrill and anticipation. Her words send a chill down my spine, mingling with a strange fascination.

Solaria, on the other hand, crosses her arms, skepticism etched on her face.

"We should go look for it," Ophelia suggests, her voice brimming with enthusiasm.

My eyes widen in disbelief, unsure if Ophelia's suggestion is born out of bravery or sheer madness.

"Are you crazy?" Solaria manages to blurt out, unable to fathom the notion of willingly seeking out the enigmatic man in the walls.

Ophelia smirks and leans back in her chair. "Aw, Solaria, if you're scared, then you can stay behind while Mel and I go and look for it," Ophelia taunts, her eyes sparkling mischievously.

A mixture of apprehension and curiosity swirls within me, a battle between caution and the lure of the unknown. Solaria's nonchalant response ."That's fine by me," she responded, her voice determined. "More wine for me," Solaria quips, crossing her arms defiantly.

Without wasting another moment, Ophelia rises from her seat, her hand reaching for mine. "Come on, Mel, let's go look for the man in the walls," she says, her tone a blend of adventure and excitement.

I hesitate, my mind swirling with a whirlwind of emotions. The rational part of me urges caution, warning me of the potential dangers that lie ahead. But Ophelia's infectious enthusiasm and my own curiosity entwine, overpowering my reservations. Ophelia tugs at my hand, and I find myself on my feet before I can fully process my decision. The room fades into a blur as we make our way towards the unknown, driven by a combination of trepidation and a hunger for answers.

As we navigate deeper into the dimly lit hall, my gaze sweeps across the shadows, searching for any sign of the mythical creature that might not be real. But in Wolvendom, perhaps, just perhaps, there is a kernel of truth hidden within its mystical embrace. The darkness envelops us, making it challenging to discern the details ahead. "Ophelia, where are you?" I call out, my voice echoing through the corridor, laden with a mixture of trepidation and anticipation.

"I'm right in front of you. Can't you see?" Ophelia's voice resonates from somewhere within the shadows, teasingly close yet frustratingly out of sight.

"I'm human, remember," I reply.

"Oh right, humans and your feeble eyesight," Ophelia retorts, her voice tinged with amusement.

I take a hesitant step forward, my fingers grazing the rough surface of the wall for guidance. Each footfall feels like a whisper against the cool floor, the anticipation mounting with each passing moment. The air grows heavier, charged with an otherworldly energy. My heartbeat quickens in time with the adrenaline coursing through my veins. Each step brings us closer to the unknown, closer to the truth I yearn to uncover.

As we walk deeper and deeper, unknowing of Ophelia's presence, I hear a muffled sound. I stop in my tracks waiting in the silence. Then the muffle sound turns into a male voice. "Ophelia, did you hear that?"


"Ophelia?" I search my arm around the darkness. Shit, Ophelia is gone. My heart beats with a mixture of anticipation and unease as I stand in the darkness without Ophelia in sight. I start to walk back where I came from, using my hands to feel around the space. My palm touches something cold; a doorknob.

Twisting the knob, I push through the door and I am greeted with a soft warm glow inside the mini room the size of a closet. I press my hand against the wall that feels like a very heavy fabric. I push it to the side, and the warm glow bathes me when I step into another room that seems to be a regular office room.

My heart skips a beat seeing him with his lips open ajar.
