
This isn't my apartment

Gasping I hit the ground violently bruising my ribcage. Looking around I quickly realized nothing about the floating isles and deep blue expanse resembled my dingy apartment. My muscles burned and I futilely attempted to recall what I had been doing before this. The memories are fleeting akin to grasping thin spiderwebs on the edge of the mind but unable to recall.

Standing up I was immediately hit with a rush of sickness knocking me off my feet allowing me to realize the island floating above me I had somehow managed to miss. Looking deeper into it everything was floating with no sense of organization. Some islands seemingly melded into others in otherwise impossible angles, deep green trees with brown tops sprouting on the occasional isle. The more I looked the stronger my sense of deja vu overcame me. This place was oddly familiar not in the sense that I'd been here before, but maybe I had observed it in some form. 

Pushing myself from the ground I vomited oddly enough my bile was a deep shade of purple. Before I could start another round of contemplating to stop the inevitable panic of being stranded in another dimension. I decided to move around having recovered my sense of balance enough to move from island to island. Choosing a direction with a sense of brevity I traveled determined not to let hopelessness overtake me.

Grunting I continued to move I began to realize that maybe I did a little bit more than bruising my ribcage if the stabbing feeling in my lungs was any indicator. By this point I have been moving for quite some time I couldn't give an exact time as whatever place I was in didn't have a day and night cycle from what I understand. 

After a while, I decided to pause my journey because the sense of pain continued to multiply as time progressed. Pealing my shirt off I took account of my belonging unsure as to why I hadn't done this earlier on. Digging through my pants I realized it was a lot more tattered than I recalled the denim having faded almost entirely with various tatters and rips marring the pants and of course empty pockets. Sitting down I contemplated How long exactly had I been walking? In fact how long had I been here?

Sharply breathing I was reminded of the reason I decided to stop lifting my arm I realized almost the entirety of my right chest and abdomen were an odd shade of yellow. Not the best sign of health is it? Chuckling to myself I ran my hand through my hair frowning at the length. Before coming here if memory serves me right I kept my hair at a rather short length yet somehow it had grown to my neck. If it wasn't apparent before it is now something isn't quite right.

Hurriedly standing up ignoring the painful feeling encompassing a good chunk of my body I snapped off a twig of a nearby green tree and started an internal count marking myself for every thirty seconds passed. Holding this count I continued my journey hopping from island to island.

Reaching the next island I found myself covered in marks ranging from the bottom of my feet to the top of my neck. Chuckling I held the the worn twig in my hand.

If this doesn't prove something isn't right I'm not sure what will.

Looking down I understood a crucial fact.

I'm on the same fucking island

Quickly looking around I broke into hysterical laughter I wasn't moving at all this entire time I had been walking in circles. Peering once again into the endless blue space I surrendered this fucked up dimension getting to me and jumped off.

Feeling a palm on me I jumped up opening my eyes to normalcy. The floor was brown wood with pink and white themed walls. Looking toward what was touching me I was greeted with a pair of blue eyes and pink hair. 

Deciding to voice the most important question before I broke down into a mess I asked, "Where am I."

I didn't even manage to hear her response my heart pounded in my chest heavily and my throat felt like it was aching and I did something I hadn't done in a long while.

I cried. Cried. Cried and cried some more. The dam had lifted and I no longer felt a foreign influence blocking my feelings from truly expressing themselves. Feeling a pair of hands holding my back I continued to cry at a slowly lessening pace.

Gripping the bed my face became flushed sure I might seem weak, but who could blame me? I was in some random dimension for who knows how long walking in circles with no end in sight, and decided to commit suicide from hopelessness.

Regaining my cool I repeated my question in a shaky voice "I apologize for my outburst but where am I exactly miss…?"

Smiling she looked at me kindly and said "Nurse Joy you're currently in the Sinnoh region now I have a few questions for you"

Tilting my head I mentally searched for Sinnoh before being interrupted by the creaking of the door as a large mass of pink with feathers squeezed through and turned to Nurse Joy.

"Bliss. Bliss"

Then it all clicked I was in Sinnoh as in the Pokemon world Sinnoh. Although dread began to consume me I also had a tiny bit of excitement.

I'm in the world of Pokemon. Although I'm not the hugest fan who didn't ever dream of commanding Pokemon to win battles and forming lifelong bonds with them. Hell, I'm sure that some might have even thought of-

Hearing a gasp I snapped my neck to Nurse Joy "I'm sorry I'll be right back" Watching her she hurriedly exited the room her Blissey following before the door glowed purple and shut.

Looking around I propped myself up on the bed before looking around the white sheets of my bed now containing a few tear stains. Turning my head I saw a window filled with various Pokemon.

Starly traverse the skies in flocks, Budews are carefully watched by a Roselia, Bidoofs lounge around in the sun, and various other Pokemon are observed.

Relaxing in my bed I slowly calm down and begin to figure out my next step formulating a plan.

1. See if I can get some type of psychic protection whether it be from Pokemon or myself (being a psychic would be nice)

2. Find out whether or not I can register to be a trainer without any type of ID

3. Figure out how I'm going to avoid being strapped to a chair and having my memories brutally run through by some psychic and then killed or thrown in a cell the rest of my life (intertwines with number 1)

4. Get some cool Pokemon

5. Maybe see if I can get to know Nurse Joy

With another crisis on the way he waited on Nurse Joy as being wrapped in all these bandages stopped him from completing any steps except number five.

Wait, did she ever ask for my name? Actually, what is my name??

Raaaaaa if you can't tell I haven't wrote in a minute so forgive me as I warm up my write muscles I wil try to update minimum twice a week with little blippets or interludes if I just don't have the time to write a full chapter (Keep in mind I am in college so I can't just be strapped to my chair and writing) And I don't need powerstones or whatever currency Webnovel uses I just write for fun

LazyWispcreators' thoughts