
345 needle tip

What is the most profitable trade at the moment? One is the slave trade, and the other is the dumping of industrial products!

First use industrial products to destroy the handicraft industry of the colonies, and then exchange the cheap industrial products for a large number of native slaves.

A shipload of industrial products is exchanged for a ship of slaves, which, once back in the country, can be sold at a high price—earning from both ends of the deal.

The method is exactly the same as the Spanish and Portuguese who exchanged glass and firearms for the natives' slaves, gold, and silver; a ship of junk for a ship of wealth.

Since rising to prominence, Zhu Wencong has personally ended the Piglet trade, the Dragon Slayer transforming into the dragon he once slew, monopolizing this market.

This has angered the previous players. Why should a newcomer not only surpass us but also smash our rice bowl!