
American History 1988

``` Debt, economic decline, immigration; hippies, anti-government, freedom. At the end of the 1980s, a wave of change encompassed a country boy from the Rust Belt. As the gate for upward mobility was on the verge of closing, he struggled to move forward. College, Silicon Valley, entrepreneurship; HP, Apple, Microsoft. To become part of the 1%, or even 0.1%, he sacrificed a lot, but also gained a lot. ```

Quiet thoughts · 都市
385 Chs

Chapter 217 Pricing

"Well, Richard, I think we can have a more pleasant conversation this time?"

Dean didn't mind the occasional tugging at his sports sweatshirt collar, it was clear that this attire did not relax him much.

"Of course, this time Morgan Stanley will do its utmost to present the most sincere proposal.

Look, among the famous investment banks on Wall Street, we are still the first to visit Byte Company."

In terms of initiative, Richard indeed acted much faster than his peers, just as when he first received the call from Arthur Locke.

He wasn't sure if flying across the North American continent would yield any gains, but as long as there was business to be done, he came.

"Good, welcome to the West Coast again." Dean was very satisfied with their attitude; this was how an investment bank should serve its clients.

"I like the West Coast, I like the freedom of the sea breeze here." Richard spread his arms as if embracing everything he saw.