
American Comics: The Strongest Shadow System

David crosses over to American Comic World with his system. [The Strongest Shadow System is installing . . . .] [80% . . 90% . . 99% . . .] Join his journey and watch how he becomes strong in a world where multiple world is combined. Subscribe my Youtube Channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsEuXE0QgqZDxt7JweyBZHA More chapter's are availabel in my patreon. patreon.com/CodesGaming

Codes_Gaming · 漫画同人
19 Chs

CHAPTER 1: Crossover to Marvel

David opens his eyes. He looks at the room. He is amazed that he has crossover because this isn't his room. Suddenly, the memories of the previous owner begin to appear in his mind.

David says, "Oh shit! I have crossed over to the marvel universe."

In the memories of his previous owner, he saw Tony Stark and posters of Captain America.

David knows that Marvel World is a very dangerous world. He was a huge fan of the Marvel franchise before he crossed over.

In the movies, only Thanos is shown as a universal-level villain but many other beings can crush him like an ant.

There are five creation gods who manage the multiverse. The most powerful One Above All (OAA).

David sees around the room it is not so big but comfortable enough. He goes to the bathroom he sees his reflection in his mirror. A tall and handsome boy with brown hair.

Suddenly a cold mechanical voice sounds in his mind.

[The Strongest Shadow System is being launched]

[80% . . .90%. . . 99%]

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