
Am I The Strongest???

A different world where evil is rampant. A disagreement often leads to a fight. For the sake of being the strongest, life and death are facing each other. In this chaotic world, a man appeared out of nowhere. Onizuka Eikichi: "That man is a monster. I never want to fight him again in my life." Cobra: "The Sanno Federation must not provoke him!" Narumi Taiga: "I'm sorry, Brother Makikuma, please forgive me for not being able to lead Hosen to defeat Suzuran. That man is too strong." Takiya Genji: "This time, I will definitely defeat you!" Serizawa: "Shirasawa, you should be Suzuran's boss. That guy Genji doesn't obey me at all."

Ron_Blackwood · 武侠
11 Chs


Maybe it's class time, and Bai Ze, who was walking in the corridor, didn't see any students.

He didn't care what students there were in this school.

With a cigarette in his mouth, he walked with a steady step.

didn't go far, but a middle-aged man appeared in front of him.

Dressed in an old-fashioned suit and gold-rimmed glasses, he is very thin and has some documents and textbooks in his hands.

It seems that the faculty and staff of which class or someone else are going to find the chairman for something.

The moment he saw Bai Ze, his brows furrowed on the spot.

"What class are you a student in, smoking is not allowed in the school, no... No..."

The middle-aged man shouted almost instinctively.

But when he saw the blood remaining on Bai Ze's hands, the next words were stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say anything.

As Bai Ze got closer and closer, a sense of fear continued to spread in his heart.

And through Bai Ze, on the floor at the end of the corridor, there were still seven people lying on the floor.

Everyone had a blue nose and swollen face, and there was a lot of blood on their bodies, which seemed like a hellish scene to the middle-aged man.

In the chairman's office there, the seven people lying down were all instructors of this school.

The chief instructor, in particular, was pressed motionless under the wooden door, and he didn't know if he was dead.

Thinking of the blood on Bai Ze's hands.

The middle-aged man's whole body couldn't help but tremble.

"Is this guy going to knock them all down?"

In the entire corridor, only Bai Ze was standing, and there was no doubt that it was him.

At this moment, the middle-aged man really wanted to slap himself, and he had nothing to say.

"Oops, it's getting closer, I'm drinking him, he's going to beat me, right? Definitely, even so many instructors were beaten down by him, he definitely won't let me go, what should I do? Escape? Is there any hope of escaping? "

The middle-aged man wanted to escape, but found that at this moment, the two legs did not seem to be his own, and there was no way to step forward.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and Bai Ze slowly came to the teacher.

The middle-aged man immediately felt that the extremely ferocious aura on Bai Ze's body came to his face.

"Yes... I'm sorry, please let me go, I'm old and young, I really didn't mean to, I have a problem with my head..."

The teacher, who was filled with fear, had a tendon in his brain that burst at this moment, and he directly shouted and apologized incoherently.

Bai Ze stopped, glanced at him, and noticed that his two legs were shaking like a vibrating mobile phone.

Also noticing that he must have stared at his right hand tightly.

"Blood? It's a little dirty. "

Thinking of this, Bai Ze stretched out his hand to wipe the middle-aged man's clothes, and then continued to walk into the distance.

He was never interested in the weak.

After a few minutes, it was determined that Bai Ze had walked away.

The middle-aged man seemed to have lost all his strength, and the whole person sat on the ground, breathing heavily.

"It's terrifying, why are there such terrifying students, it can't be today's transfer students, why does the chairman even recruit such a dangerous student, strange, how is the ground wet?"

The middle-aged man, who had finally slowed down, noticed that he seemed to be sitting in a puddle, and the smell in the air around him was getting heavier and heavier.

When I looked down, I didn't know when, my pants were already wet.

The middle-aged man didn't bother to look at the instructors, and hurriedly ran in the direction of the toilet.

In this case, he didn't have the cheekiness to meet anyone else.

On the other side, Bai Ze, who came to the gate of the school, stopped, turned his head and went back to take a look at the school's teaching building.

I scratched the back of my head in some trouble.

"It looks like I didn't even succeed in transferring this time, now, Serizawa should already be in his second year of high school, and if it goes on like this, won't he graduate, I'm still in the third year of junior high school, right? Yes... It's a little uncomfortable. "

"Cheap dad is really, what kind of broken school is this for me, it's like a school that can quit Internet addiction, and I don't have Internet addiction, it seems that I want to talk about that cheap dad when I go back."

Bai Ze shook his head, knowing that this school would definitely not be able to stay.

After all, even the chairman of the board of directors let himself be beaten.

Even if you barely stay, you will have all kinds of small shoes for you to wear.

Rather than being angry, it is better to transfer to another school.

"Next time, try to be a little more restrained."

Bai Ze muttered and took another step.

When he walked out of school, he didn't go straight home.

Knowing that my cheap dad is usually very busy, I can't see him when I go back now.

Decided to shop around first.

Anyway, when you come to Shonan for the first time, you still need to be a little familiar with your surroundings.

I don't know how long I walked, but the wind around me became much more manic.

There was also a salty smell in the air.

Suddenly, the front of me became wide and open.

The boundless blue sea appeared in front of Shirasawa.

There was also the sound of a train approaching around me.

Bai Ze came to the beach, put his hands on the guardrail, and took a deep breath.

"The sea, Shonan is a nice place."

A rare gentle smile appeared at the corner of Bai Ze's mouth.

While he was enjoying the tranquility, a roar that seemed to be continuous sounded sounds.

Bai Ze, who was disturbed and clean, couldn't help frowning and looked in the direction of the roar.

I saw rows of locomotives, speeding down the highway like a tide, and I couldn't even see where the end of the convoy was.

Many of the people who drive motorcycles have quite exaggerated hairstyles, but all of them are uniforms in white uniforms.

Many of them were still shouting excitedly.

In Bai Ze's ears, it was a ghost screaming.

And many locomotives still have flags hanging on them.

The banner is painted with words such as 'the strongest in history', 'Runaway Angels', 'MIDNIGHTANGEL', and so on.

"Runaway Angels? Is it a rampant on the Shonan side? "

Bai Ze guessed, and at the same time noticed that among these people, there was a yellow-haired boy in the second row in front.

And the yellow-haired boy also noticed Bai Ze.

The two looked at each other.

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