For the next few days, I continued fighting and saving people as we hoped from city to city trying to save as many people as possible. I was only running on a few hours of sleep. There would be times when we would be lucky and arrive at a city with no enemy in sight. Other times… I wish I could say the same. Arriving to see a city burned to the ground with no survivor tugged on my heart. Emma kept on telling me to rest but I always said no. I couldn’t go to sleep knowing that every second I lay asleep, a life was lost.
“Hurry!” I shouted at people.
I trip forward collapsing.
“You have to stop,” says Emma.
“No!” I shouted as I stood back up.
“At this rate, you’re going to collapse from exhaustion!”
I hear people scream in the distance. I turn to see a horde of undead rushing at us. I rush forward and create a barrier.