
Am I Really God?

In a universe where the Creator of all things reigns supreme, an unimaginable power grows restless. Possessing the magic of imagination, this god has the ability to weave countless worlds and bring forth endless possibilities. Yet, despite his unparalleled power, he is plagued by an unshakeable boredom. Seeking a change, the god makes a momentous decision: to be reborn into the very universe he crafted. Stripped of his memories and godly knowledge, the Creator is now reborn as a human. Unaware of his divine origins, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, encountering new experiences and challenges that will open his eyes to the universe he once shaped.

TrapsThirdEye · 奇幻
8 Chs

Phase One

Over the following weeks, Jae-hyun immersed himself in relentless training. For the first time in his life, he felt truly invigorated by the strength coursing through his veins. Grateful, he told Yeon-ji, "Thank you, I've learned so much. I feel incredibly powerful!" His fists sliced through the air to demonstrate his newfound abilities. Yeon-ji smiled, pleased with Jae-hyun's progress. "I'm glad to hear that," she said. "This room is quite special. It accelerates a person's growth far more effectively than training in the outside world."

Jae-hyun marveled at the room's capabilities. "That's amazing!" he exclaimed. He couldn't help but wonder about the man responsible for this incredible space. "Mr. Choi must be incredibly strong, considering he's the one who built this." With a knowing grin, Yeon-ji replied, "You could say that." During this period, Yeon-ji and Jae-hyun gradually grew closer, their bond strengthening as student and teacher. Yet, a subtle trace of sorrow lingered on Yeon-ji's face. One day, Jae-hyun, concerned, approached her and said, "Yeon-ji, I can sense that something is troubling you. Is everything alright?"

Yeon-ji hesitated for a moment before responding, "Yes, everything is fine. You seem to be on track for phase one." Jae-hyun's curiosity was piqued by the mention of this mysterious "phase one." Over the past few weeks, he had heard Yeon-ji refer to it several times, but she had never offered any explanation. Instead, she would simply advise him to focus on his training. The long-awaited day had dawned. Bright and early, Jae-hyun was summoned to the laboratory by Mr. Choi and Yeon-ji. Anxiety fluttered like a trapped bird in his chest, his mind teeming with questions that he had been mulling over for quite some time.

Stepping into the sterile environment of the lab, Jae-hyun steeled himself for confrontation. His gaze found Mr. Choi and Yeon-ji, and he took a deep breath, ready to demand the clarity he so craved. "What is this 'Phase One'?" Jae-hyun asked, his voice echoing in the silence of the lab. His tone hardened as he followed up with his next question, "Why did you adopt me?" Mr. Choi met his intense gaze with a calm and stoic expression. His silence stretched out, adding to the tension in the room, before he finally opened his mouth to respond.

"Phase One," he began, his voice commanding yet gentle, "is a unique body transformation program that I've pioneered. You see, every human possesses what I've termed a 'core.' This core represents the untapped potential within all of us. It's possible there are individuals who have managed to tap into this power. However, my goal is to be the first to truly bring this to light and revolutionize human capabilities." Jae-hyun wore an expression of confusion, questioning Mr. Choi's sanity. Body transformation? His bewilderment was evident as he voiced his concern, "Are you implying that I will turn into an animal?" Mr. Choi remained seated, taking a moment before erupting into laughter. "Jae-hyun," he said, regaining his composure, "you won't be a monster. You'll still be human." Choi's voice adopted a more serious tone as he warned, "This isn't easy training, Jae-hyun. It's going to be tough. However, I firmly believe that you, of all people, can endure it." Jae-hyun questioned, "Someone like me?"

At this juncture, Yeon-ji decided to elucidate the process. She began outlining the one sure method to complete phase one: survive and reach the extraction point. She spoke of the ultra-realistic simulation they would use, with Jae-hyun's body securely fastened to a machine to ensure his safety. "Just remember the lessons I've taught you," Yeon-ji advised, sincerity pervading her voice. Jae-hyun found himself deep in thought, a new question surfacing. "What if I decide not to go through with this?" he asked.

The answer came quickly. "We won't compel you, Jae-hyun," Mr. Choi reassured him. "But if your aim is to grow stronger, this is your best shot." Jae-hyun fell silent, weighing the options. His newfound objective was to become stronger, and he was grateful to Mr. Choi for his guidance. But if Mr. Choi was right about the potential benefits for humanity, he had to wonder, what for though? Jae-hyun's curiosity was piqued to an all-time high. Resolute, he declared, "I'll do it," his voice firm and steady. Mr. Choi responded, his voice echoing with approval, "Excellent, we'll begin immediately."

Without missing a beat, Yeon-ji started preparing Jae-hyun for the process, securing him to the massive machine with a series of straps and wires. "Remember, Jae-hyun," she reminded him, "You must reach the extraction point as quickly as you can." But as the machine hummed to life, Yeon-ji leaned in close, her voice a whisper only Jae-hyun could hear. "Whatever happens, don't let yourself die in there," she said, a note of urgency threading her words.

Jae-hyun's eyes widened, confusion written plainly on his face. "What do you mean?" he began to ask, but his question was cut short as his mind filled with a disorienting blankness. When he opened his eyes, he was met with a sight unlike any he had ever seen. Towering trees, as tall as skyscrapers, reached towards the cerulean expanse of the sky. Multiple suns hung high above him, casting a surreal glow on the alien landscape.

His moment of awe was abruptly shattered when he realized he was plummeting from the sky. His heart pounded in his chest as he began to scream. Was this it? Was he going to meet his end before his mission even began? But then, a parachute burst from the peculiar backpack he found strapped to his body. It billowed out, slowing his fall and steering him towards a small tree, where he managed to land safely. His adventure in this strange new world had just begun.