
Am I Peter Parker?

Peter Parker, a delicate and weak but very intelligent young man, is a victim of school bullying, in an act of revenge he ends up transforming into a mutant lizard monster. In the face of death a new being enters..... . . . Peter Parker reincarnated as Peter Parker. . . . . . . . the cover does not belong to me

H_ell · 漫画同人
8 Chs

Chapter 1





In the dark and twisted streets of New York, the night weighed like a stone. The moon barely dared to peek between the skyscrapers, afraid of what could lurk in the shadows. However, a glimmer of hope persisted in the form of a single defender: Spider-Man.

Peter Parker, the man behind the mask, had sworn to protect the city he loved with all his might. But lately, that task had become more difficult than ever. Crime was on the rise, and villains seemed to multiply like rats in the sewers. And in the center of it all, like an expanding shadow, stood the Kingpin.

Wilson Fisk, the feared Kingpin of the New York mafia, had spread his tentacles of corruption throughout the city. From his towering skyscraper in the heart of Manhattan, he controlled the flow of money, drugs and weapons that kept the city in his iron fist. But what the Kingpin wanted most was something that money couldn't buy: the resurrection of his beloved wife, Vanessa, and his son, Richard, who had died in a tragic accident years before.

Determined to bring back his family, the Kingpin had turned to the darkest and most twisted of science. For months, he had been building a machine capable of opening portals to alternate worlds, where he hoped to find a version of his wife and his son still alive. But to activate the machine, he needed an energy source as powerful as it was dangerous: a star from another universe.

Oblivious to the Kingpin's plans, Spider-Man patrolled the city streets, fighting crime and trying to maintain peace in an increasingly chaotic world. But even for him, things were not easy. He had lost friends, loved ones, and had felt the weight of responsibility like never before. Still, he held on to the hope that one day, things would get better.

One night, while patrolling the Hell's Kitchen district, Spider-Man detected unusual activity in the Kingpin's skyscraper. Following his instinct, he slipped through the shadows and crept into the building. What he discovered took his breath away.

At the heart of the skyscraper, the Kingpin stood in front of a monstrous machine, surrounded by flickering lights and twisted cables. Beside him, a group of scientists worked frantically, adjusting controls and checking circuits.

Without wasting a second, Spider-Man lunged forward, his web shooting from his wrists. But before he could stop the Kingpin, an explosion rocked the building, knocking Spider-Man to the ground and sending debris flying everywhere.

When the smoke cleared, Spider-Man struggled to his feet, observing the chaos around him. The Kingpin's machine was on fire, its structure twisted and shattered by the explosion. The scientists lay on the ground, unconscious or seriously injured. And through it all, the Kingpin stood like a shadow in the storm, his face twisted with anger and despair.

"This isn't over, Spider-Man!" the Kingpin roared, his voice filled with fury. "I still have the power to bring my family back, and nothing will stop you!"

But Spider-Man wasn't about to let that happen. With renewed determination, he lunged forward, facing the Kingpin with everything he had. The two enemies collided in a flurry of punches and kicks, each struggling to impose his will on the other.

The battle was fierce and brutal, with the two opponents exchanging devastating blows. Spider-Man moved with the agility of a spider, dodging the Kingpin's blows and launching precise counterattacks. But the Kingpin was a formidable adversary, with superhuman strength that rivaled that of Spider-Man.

For what seemed like an eternity, the two fought in a deadly dance, each determined to emerge victorious. But ultimately, it was Spider-Man who gained the upper hand, slamming the Kingpin into a wall with a powerful punch. The Kingpin fell to the ground, gasping and injured, as Spider-Man slowly approached.

"That's enough, Fisk," Spider-Man said, his voice full of authority. "You have to give up and face reality once and for all you will bring this city to ruin"

Finally, he came face to face with the Kingpin, their gazes clashing in a silent confrontation.

"Do you think you can stop me, Spiderman? I'm invincible!" roared the Kingpin, voice filled with arrogance from him.

"I can stop you and I will," Spider-Man replied, his voice firm and determined.

In one swift movement, Spider-Man released a burst of webs, engulfing the Kingpin and leaving him immobilized. The Kingpin's henchmen watched in horror as their leader was trapped by the spider hero.

"You can't do this! I'm the Kingpin, I'm invincible!" the Kingpin shouted, fighting against the cobwebs that imprisoned him.

But it was too much late Spider-Man had triumphed once again, bringing the Kingpin to justice and ending his reign of terror over the city. As the police arrived to take the Kingpin into custody, Spider-Man glided through the buildings, disappearing into the night, ready to face the next challenge the city had in store for him.


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