


Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. Everything was normal in Althea's pack. She returned to those sleepless night she used to have because of her nightmares. She had begun training everyone a few days after they arrived back. Althea knew something big was going to happen soon and she wanted to prepare everyone against it.

She had stopped smiling. The little light of life in her eyes upon meeting Aries had now died down. It was empty and void of any emotions, like before she met him. She would occasionally give an empty smile that did not reach her eyes. All her days would go by either doing paper work or training with her pack. She kept herself busy.

One day, when as usual, Althea was in the training grounds with her warrior. Ashton came sprinting and stopped upon seeing Althea.

/"Alpha/" He called out loud and taking lungful breaths and trying to say something.

/"Seth called/" he huffed out.

/"They were attacked./"