
ALTERNIVERSE (Original Short Story)

In the year 2078 technology has advanced tremendously, making strides in several scientific and medical discoveries. The greatest feat was when the american and britain intelligent centers combined their efforts to create a suborbital station for cutting edge tech. The experiment that held the top priority was furthering their advancements with dark matter. Needless to say an accident happened that blew a hole in the side of the space station and dark matter particles spread throughout the atmosphere. The resulting spread of dark matter created the first generation of meta-humans changing the world forever. Ten years have passed since and the government did what they could to cover up most of the incident, completely hiding the fact that unpredictable dark matter has covered the world. The space station has since been fully restored and resumed their business but now has even tighter protocols to prevent another disaster

26 Chs


It's been two days since the city riot and many families of the fallen officers begin their mourning. City officials and the residents chalk it up to be the worst disaster to strike it in years. The heroes ,who fought to bring peace back to the city streets, were rewarded for their bravery as well as indoctrinated Zero into the Hero Organization. 

Daniel continues his investigation at Fort Lockdown to figure out just how one of the most dangerous men in the world and his crew walked into a highly secured facility. Crouched down over the bodies of two security guards in one of the control rooms for the attena, Daniel scans the room for any clues that can help him. 

"There's got to be something here that I'm missing." As Daniel is investigating a middle-aged Latin male officer walked over to him. Walking with the officer is a young looking, black female scientist of the Fort in a lab coat and holding a tablet.  "Officer Wight, please tell me you have something." He asks the officer, getting up from his crouched position.

"Sorry sir, nothing yet but I thought you should know something." Officer Wight steps aside to let the worker forward. "This is Dr. Juliette. She was in charge of keeping track of the inmates and their health conditions." 

The two of them shake hands. "I'm sorry our meeting isn't under the best of circumstances but we finally finished doing a headcount of the escapees." She holds up the tablet to show a screen listing of every prisoner they had in captivity. "We had approximately a hundred and sixty-five inmates here. Now after the city riot seventy-eight of them are back in custody, twenty-two are dead."

Daniel slowly rubs his hand over his mouth, resting the fingers under the bottom as he ponders at the screen. "So that leaves sixty-five meta-humans on the loose. Do we have any way of tracking them?" 

Dr. Juliette lowered the tablet slightly. "We did, each inmate had a small tracker placed under their skin for security purposes. As of yesterday all of them went offline before noon, one by one." She brings back up the tablet and with a couple of taps and swipes she shows the screen again. "The last one to go off was in this location. The Town of Helmburgh."

Officer Wight takes a look at the tablet and points at the screen. "That's about twenty miles north of Lumer City. I can notify the police in that district to put out an APB for the listed criminals."

Daniel nods and looks to the doctor. "Can you get the name and picture of the guy that the tracker was in. Once you do hand the info over to Officer Wight." Dr. Julliette nods slightly to the hero's request and the two walk away to get what they need done. As Daniel turns to walk away he takes one last look around the security room. His eyes squint when he notices a small piece of thin, translucent, paper-like material on the ground. Upon expecting the material he finds small nano tech fibers embedded in the lining. "What's this?"

Currently at the Hero Organization a few miles south of the city, Ben stands against a wall in the break room watching Phin crack some laughs with the other heroes and agents in the building. While looking on he can't help but recall the events that transpired during the siege on the city. 

B.A.D was running through the chaos that is the streets of Lumer city, looking for Aqua and Cerberus, after dealing with the five escapees. "What's wrong, Ben?" A voice speaks out to B.A.D from an alleyway that makes him stop in his tracks. "You look like you're lost." Transmuter says as he walks into his line of sight. This makes B.A.D get into a defensive stance as he prepares to fight. "Oh come now, we already know how that'll end. If I wanted to hurt you you'd be lying bloody at my feet by now."

B.A.D lowers his guard realizing that the villain is right, much to his dismay. "So if you didn't come for a fight why are you here? Why start all this?"

Transmuter looks up pondering the questions asked of him. "Well that's the question for the day isn't it. Why do this, why cause all this damage and death?" He looks back down to meet B.A.D's scowl. "Why the chaos? The answer's quite simple really. It's because I want to."

"You are seriously one sick bastard. You need to be stopped." B.A.D takes a step towards him.

"Stopped by you?" Transmuter questions the hero, making him stop instantly. "Have you forgotten that I can take away everything you love?"

A grimace of anger is expressed as B.A.D grits his teeth. "No… no I haven't."

"Good, because the last thing you would want to do is attend a funeral service for the family you pretty much killed yourself." Transmuter walks up to the silent hero and places a hand on his right shoulder. "Things are falling into place and I will need someone on the inside. I'll be in touch." With that he continues to walk past B.A.D and as soon as the hero can turn around he's nowhere to be seen.

The subtle vibration from his pocket breaks his daze as he pulls out his phone with Daniel's name on the screen. Ben lets out a sigh answering the video call.  

"How's your investigation of the fort going so far? Found anything useful?" Ben asks, walking to the door of the break room. 

Daniel walks through the destroyed wall in the front of the building on his way to this car. "Aside from finding out that sixty-five meta-humans managed to escape, yeah I believe I found something. Won't know for sure until the boys in the lab take a look at it. How's everything back there?" 

Now standing in the hallway, Ben looks back through the door window at Phin who is the center of everyone's attention. "Pretty boy is yucking it up with everyone and mister godly is currently alone with Aqua talking about stuff not meant for mortal ears. His words not mine. I still don't trust him by the way." 

"Neither do I but at least we got him where we can keep an eye on him. If he acts up, demigod or no demigod, he'll have to face the heroes currently stationed there… and you." Daniel says cracking a smirk through the video call. Ben retaliated with a scoff then flipping Daniel the bird. "Whoa! You punch criminals with that hand?"

"Only the ones I hate. Let me know what you find out, ok. I want to be in the loop." With that Daniel hangs up the phone and Ben goes back into the break room where Phin is recalling his actions during the Grandeur festival.

"So I see the Kid get tossed in the air and I'm like she's going to get hurt but I can't reach her that high up, right? But I still go for the jump. Low and behold the guy I was chasing after kindly lends me his face as a stepping stone." Phin takes a sip of soda from a cup. "Mmm, so to make this short; I catch the kid, land on the cops like a cushion and I still get away without them charging me." The agents and heroes start clapping some even come to pat his back. "Thank you, thank you. I'm pretty much a pro already."