

During his stay in the moonlight pack, he observed, studied and watched them. The pack wasn't anything spectacular, they had really good security, he'll give them that. He could have left if he wanted to but not with all that trouble Sierra was facing.

It was finally coming to an end, he was glad, at least Sierra would stop worrying too much. Things had changed between them, they had sparks in their relationship, it was no longer acting or pretense. She was holding back, he didn't know why. That day in the hospital she sounded genuine, she laid out all her grievances and he saw that she had every right to hate him, they started at the wrong foot. But there was something lurking in her eyes, sadness, a lie. He didn't want to push her for it, he would wait until she was ready.

Then on the day of the heat, his concern overshadowed his need, he knew how heat could be unbearable but he tried to make it bearable for her, she tormented him made him want her in different ways, but that had to wait until she was clear headed. When he had wanted to leave she came to him, she wanted to seduce him, he gave in to that seduction wanting to see what will come out of it.

Every moan of his name, every breath she took in that night told him know he was a lost man. This woman would ruin him and he'll let her. He gave her a gift she would remember him with just like she wanted, but then she had to go and ruin it just like she always did. She wanted something in return.

Seth didn't know if it was possible to feel that used, he loathed her for it. He wanted to trust her that she'd come to him on her own accord but how wrong he was. Under different circumstances he would have been elevated that she wanted to announce to the world that she was his, just as much as he was hers, but Sierra didn't like him that much. She needed his influence to get her foster father to win the elections.

As he watched that broadcast hearing the lies leave her mouth like she truly meant it and like it wasn't all false made him realize how much of a good liar she was. Praising him for being a good mate just for the world to hear, in private she resented him. He shut the news but he couldn't concentrate on any other thing, so he buried himself in the workload.

The air had felt strange when he came into his own pack. He felt uneasy, but he pushed it aside. He went into the meeting room addressing his men, they held strong titles in his pack. Men that were trained unemotional killers, but he couldn't concentrate in that meeting, he could feel his pulse quickening, that familiar feeling of want, her scent drifting into his nose, he craved her like a drug. Why did he smell her here, she couldn't be in his pack. She wasn't that considerate. If she was then she needed another favor from him.

He got his answer when she barged into an important meeting wearing all black and that devilish red lipstick that did something to him.

"Yes, Alpha. The project is coming amazingly well." She said to him.

He saw how his men looked at her, they were furious. Some reached their guns ready to kill her if he gave the signal. He didn't like the reaction even though it was normal for them. He glared at her, she could have gotten herself killed. They looked at him wanting to see what he would do. She smirked, her eyes were mischievous, he fought the urge to smile back, he was still very mad at her.

"Leave us." He commanded looking at her. Something flashed in her eyes, she stared defiantly at him.

"Me or them?" She asked him challengingly. He understood that question, if she were to be his Luna and he disrespected her here, this men at the table would never respect her again. If he disregarded his men they'll call him weak for letting a woman play his emotions.

"Generals, please leave us. The meeting has been postponed, I'll have my Beta inform you all of the next meeting. I won't tolerate any interruptions next time." He said not breaking his stare. She smiled in satisfaction. His men stood up, they didn't say anything, of course they wouldn't say anything but their eyes passed the message they weren't pleased. She stepped aside looking at every single one of them as they passed her, they didn't fail to watch her like a hawk, she'd gotten on their bad sides and she didn't mind, she still had a smile on her face. The room was empty it was just the three of them.

"Could you please call your beta to come get Sarah?" She asked. He nodded and communicated through the mindlink to Ian.

"Sarah go wait at the lounge, second turn, first door" He told the girl who didn't want to spend another minute in that room with them not with the thick tension going around . She bowed and fled away.

"I'm offended Seth. You didn't introduce me to your men." She walked to him, her heels clicking softly on the floor. He was still sitting, watching her. She came to him, found her way between the table and him. She was standing in between his legs, she leaned back to the table her hands holding the edges.

"What do you want?" He asked her.

"Ouch! So direct." She acted as if hurt. It was amusing but still he wasn't happy with her.

"Another seduction game is it? Get on your knees and suck me off maybe I'll consider your next preposition." He said to her, she flinched. That one hurt he could tell, she wasn't smiling or teasing him, she was really hurt. He should feel pleased but he felt worst.

"Seth, please" She whispered.

"You barged in on an important meeting." He told her.

"I wanted to speak to you. If you had known I was here in this pack you wouldn't grant me audience." She was right, he would have avoided any interaction with her.

"What do you want?" He asked her again.

"I owe you an apology." She said genuinely, he chuckled.

"And that'll fix it automatically?"

"I know it wouldn't, that's why I'm willing to make it up to you. Whatever we shared that night was genuine. I didn't come to you just because I needed something from you."

"Stop fucking lying! How on earth do you lie to me with such a straight face. You're really good at it," His patience had slipped off. He grabbed the hand of the chair to control the anger he felt, it wasn't often he lost his cool but she had that effect.

"I'm not lying to you! I tell you the truth always, maybe not the full truth. Can you please hear me out?" She yelled at him.

"Why did you feel the need to give me your body before making that request, you would have asked me some other way and I'll still give in. Because with you I always give in." He didn't mean to let that confession slip out of his mouth, but his body acted differently around her. He underestimated the mate bond too much.

"And why do you think I only came to you because I needed something? I had it in mind to ask you after, because I thought your defense would be down. I didn't come to you because I needed to pillow talk you, hell! you're not even that kind of man."

"I am that man around you." He told her and they fell into a silence. He was looking at her and she avoided his gaze. How can one woman be so confusing and hard to read. People always show their emotions, a little tick, a flinch, their eyes would dilate, any little thing could give away so much. Sierra carried her emotions around, you could easily tell if she was angry or sad or hurt but you'll never understand what she was thinking.

"I am sorry." She whispered. It was impossible to not crumble before her. They were mates but before mates they are Alpha's. While fighting is natural as Alphas, forgiving was natural as mates. He would only hurt more if he held unto this grudge.

"Was that why you came to my pack?" He asked still not believing she'll come without wanting something from him.

"Yes. I needed to apologize to you and understand your pack better." She admitted. He nodded.

"Dinner together?" He asked, she looked taken aback.

"Tonight, I want to take you out to one of my favorite restaurants in the pack." He told her seriously, she muttered an oh before grinning.

"Are you asking me out on a date?" She teased. He shook his head and a smile played on his lips.

"Maybe. I'll pick you up. Where are you staying?"

"A hotel." She replied.

"Why? I have empty houses in the pack, you should have informed me you were coming, was Ian aware? And he let you stay in the hotel " He asked.

"It's a beautiful hotel. I'm staying in a suite, I don't mind. You stayed at a hotel while you were in my pack." She told him.

"Alright, text me the address. I'll pick you up by eight."

"Of course." She smiled.

"I still have things to do hear. Next time, please don't barge into my meetings like that, you could get yourself hurt." He said softly.

"Noted!" She said. " I'll see you, Alpha" She crossed through his legs and left, he watched her.

Sierra smiled in satisfaction, he wasn't as angry and he wanted to see her later. She didn't know the reaction to expect from him after interfering in his meeting but he handled that quite nicely. He respected her. She called Sarah wanting to know about her and Ian.

"Hello Alpha. How did it go?" Sarah asked nervously.

"He was quite angry but he didn't make a fuss. He asked me to see him later in the evening."

"That's amazing. Wear something really provoking, we want to keep him on his toes." She said excitedly and Sierra laughed.

"Where are you?" She asked Sarah.

"Waiting for Ian, he said to give him sometime to round up and we'll go somewhere to talk, I told him it was important. Do you think he's trying to avoid me?'

"I think he's preparing himself for the conversation. Relax, whatever comes out of the conversation, let me know. If he acts stupid, I'll make sure he regrets it ." She threatened.

"I know. He's here, bye!" She hung up immediately and Sierra chuckled. She entered the car and the chauffeur drove her back to the hotel. She began to source for a dress to wear, she wanted something flattering and not too provoking. She opted for a red spaghetti strap dress, it would do just the job.

She called Asher, they talked about the pack and she told him about Seth's reaction to the issue, she also said how she would use this opportunity to observe Seth's pack after which the call ended. She remembered to text Seth the hotel's address, she did so immediately, the message shown that it was received, he didn't text back.

When it was almost time, she got dressed in the dress, wearing black strap heels. Her black hair still curled, and her makeup nicely done. She was satisfied with what she saw in the mirror, the dress didn't reveal too much cleavage, it hugged her figure nicely, and it ended just below her kneel. She wore a nice bracelet and earrings, leaving her neck bare. She had just finish with the perfume when she heard the knock. She picked her purse eagerly and rushed to the door.

He was standing there in a black tuxedo, he looked so good, she almost forgot how to breathe, he held a small blue box.

"You are one beautiful woman." He complimented taking in her appearance and she smiled.

"Thank you, and you're one good looking man. You know we could ditch this and I'll invite you into my room" She teased.

"Don't tempt me with that offer. Turn around." He said. She looked confused but she did turn around. He removed the jewelry from the box and passed it around her neck, the cold metal touching her skin, she held her hair as he pinned it. Her fingers played with the love shaped pendant, diamonds, she could tell, really expensive diamonds.

"You didn't even let me have a proper look at it, she turned around to face him. He was smiling, his eyes fixated on the necklace.

"That's the intention. You'll see it when you get back. I know you own a multi million jewelry company and you have tons of gold, silver and diamonds at your disposal I thought of giving you something that didn't come from your company. It was my mother's jewelry" He told her.

"Oh, is it a heirloom. It must be extremely important." She said In quick realization.

"It is important, I won't say a heirloom. Come, he held her hand. She locked the room with her key card and they walked together to the elevator . It was empty, they didn't talk much, he only asked her about how long she planned on staying to which she replied that she didn't know.

When they stepped out holding hands, everyone watched, some sneaked photos, she looked to see if Seth was uncomfortable.

"It's the news about us, everyone's curious. I won't have it published if it makes you uncomfortable " He told her, she shook her head.

"It's fine." She said. She saw the car waiting, a limousine and she shook her head in amusement.

"For real?"She asked.

"For real." He replied and they got in. His chauffeur driving them away.

"Thank you for the gift." She said to him.

"I've always wanted to give it to you." He replied

She wanted to ask him about his parents. She heard about Seth's father. He was a powerful Alpha, he died from unknown causes , his mother she didn't know much about. But he he'd used a past tense, that meant she was dead as well. She knew Seth was an only child.

The drive together was quiet, only stealing glances at each other. She liked being with him.

"I still remember when you took me out to that erotic art gallery. It was our first date." She broke the silence.

"We engaged in an argument concerning dominance and submission all through, how could I forget." He smiled. "And the first time I got to kiss you."

"It was." She smiled recalling the memory.

"We're here, Alpha." The chauffeur announced after parking the car. The stepped out, he gave her his hands and she took it.They walked in and she awed.

"Feels like a castle," She told him.

"Amazing food too." He said.

They were led to their private reservations upstairs, at the balcony. The view was amazing. He drew out a chair for her, she sat down with a smile.

"Being a gentleman, I see." She teased.

"You wound me." He laughed.

"I can't decide if I like this version of you or not." She said playfully.

"I don't think you'll like a gentleman in the bedroom." He teased

"Not at all." She replied.