

Sierra made it to the command base together with Asher. Word spread fast her soldiers had all gathered, the stage was set for broadcast, the journalist present and ready to go live. She was dressed in simple clothes having just been discharged from the hospital but that didn't matter.

Her aura caused eyes to fall on her as she made in with her beta they bowed to her to show Respect. She let her eyes scan them. The elders were here including her foster father Richard. The rescued pack members were also here at a corner. Her eyes trailed for a certain man but when she didn't see him a look of disappointment crossed her face but she knew didn't need to be, it was her fault.

"Please, let's go ahead with this " She said to them and they raise their heads to look at her. She climbed to the pulpit. The microphones on the stand, dozens of cameras pointed at her. She cleared her throat and gave a signal for it to begin.

"The last time I held a broadcast it was all for the wrong reasons. With the past few months this pack has faced wars, deaths, virus, famine, kidnap and a whole lot. Things we didn't think we could survive from. Our hardest yet our strongest, different obstacles thrown our way but we succeeded in breaking them and coming out strong. The former alpha has caused so much trouble for this pack by even going as far as kidnap. Last week I and my team of soldiers set down to track him and rescue our people.

We tried before but failed, it resulted to deaths of my soldiers, I cried and buried myself in guilt. I didn't think I was good enough, I thought I was bad luck. He sent the decapitated heads of members from this pack to us, including that of a child, I lost myself. He brought a virus to this pack throwing me into a state of confusion. Dexter has tried hard to destroy me, last week I decided to try again for the last time. We penetrated his fort, destroy his supply house, killed his rogue army. We got to the hostages, got them released attacked Dexter and made for an escape, we're still encountering challenges.

Alpha Seth has helped in several ways to obtain this feat of success, I can't help but say thank you to him. He's helped with supplies of both man and goods, he joined for the war and help curb the virus. Moonlight pack owe you too much " She said sincerely, making sure to look directly at the camera knowing fully well that he was watching. She needed him to see that She was sincere with her feelings. She was very grateful to him.

"He gave us his Beta Ian to help in the research of a vaccine which has been going on for a very long time, also with the help of my team. He also deployed men from his pack to assist in this vaccine hunt. He brought his army to protect us.. Alpha Seth is one of the reasons this pack is still existing. I want to thank the elders for keeping this out of the public eye and donating so my to help the pack survive. I want to thank each and every one of you, complaint or not, You're part of the reason we're still together. Meanwhile some challenged my authority as Alpha, other's disobeyed the sit at home order. One way or the other I still want to say thank you for not giving up on me as alpha, today has marked the beginning of a new victory for us, not only the have we brought back our taken brothers and sisters, I bring good news. The cure for the virus has been found." She let her word sink in.. She saw the way the soldiers looked at themselves, their face lighting up. Everyone was overjoyed.

"We'll start distribution as soon as possible. There'll be no more Dexter to trouble us, and no more virus to scare us. For our departed brothers and sisters who have fought for this peace today we pay homage to you" She completed with a bow kissing the stand. All the soldiers went on their knees with their hands to their chest and their heads bowed.

It was few minutes of silence to honor the dead, they had fought bravery,no gift or compensation would make up for the lives lost but today will mark the beginning of a new victory.

She raised her head her eyes shinning in a new light , they seemed to come alive She would enjoy this temporal peace while she had it.

"I am Sierra sparrow, Alpha of the moonlight pack and I promise to protect this pack with my flesh and blood."She said loudly, her voice unwavering.

"We'll protect this pack with flesh and blood." The soldiers said pumping a fist in the air. She liked the energy.

"This broadcast has come to an end " She said and immediately left the stage.. The crowd giving her a standing ovation She made no room for questions, only give a direct speech and cutting it short. The cameras going out of her face. She felt good in a strange way, getting that out if he chest was therapeutic.

"You good?" Asher asked and she smiled

"Never been better."

"Ian's making out plans for the distribution of the vaccine.The other scientist at the Lab have started administration on the rogues that were caged. In a week's time everyone should have been vaccinated. We'll be free from all this soon.." Asher reported.

"Good, good." She smiled.

As sierra drove down the street to her house, she saw the broadcast replay on the street screens. Soon moonlight pack will be bustling with people and she couldn't wait. As she got to the her house she saw that it was empty. The atmosphere was a little bit strange She thought reaching out for the knife tucked in her pants she walked the stairs carefully before making it to her room, the door was unlocked. The room was dark but she could make the silhouette of the person In the dark. Tall, brooding, enchanting and definitely enticing, yet mysterious and dangerous. His scent she would recognize anywhere.

"Finally done hiding from me?" She asked Seth. He turned towards her but there was no smile on his face.

"And who said I was hiding from you. We have scores to settle, Sierra."