
Alpha hunter.

Two werewolves who never wanted mates finds out they are each other mates in different circumstances. Both have their own reasons but will these reasons let them fight the bond between them. The bond that the moon goddess has created for them. - - - Preview: It was my turn. I opened the Truth or Dare app and clicked on Extreme. I chose dare, then later regretted it. I gulped and showed it to Kate, she smirked and read it out loud. "Group members will choose a person of opposite gender and you have to give him/her a lap dance." I took a glance at Alpha Hunter and saw him staring at me but then looked away. They all laughed but Alpha Hunter had an amused face. "Give George a lap dance or strip," Kate said. "She won't do any of it," Alpha said. "Okay then, give Hunter a lap dance," Kate said. "No," I said. But then I had to strip and when I saw their faces it told me I have to as. It was easy for them to force me to strip because nudity was normal in werewolf world, however I would never ever strip in front of many people even if I was a werewolf. "Strip," Kate said. "No, she will give me a lap dance but not strip," Alpha said. - - -

DaoistvNYRTZ · 历史言情
11 Chs

Chapter 7


Me and Tina were still shopping until it was night time.

Tina dragged me into many shops mostly Victoria Secret and bought me many lingeries that I will never wear. I remember turning hot after her buying me them without my permission.


Tina showed me a sexy black lingerie and told me to buy it. It showed a lot of cleavage and I went against buying it.

"Why are you so persistent into buying this for me, you know I wear PJs when I sleep and I don't wear these," I try to reason with Tina.

But Tina had her own big reason.

"Oh stupid, I know you won't wear this alone, these are for when, when you and Alpha Hunter will do the mating process, or in other words when he will make love to you." she reasoned.

When she saw my red face she started laughing.

"Or when you try to seduce him or tease him wearing this small article of clothing," she whispered in my ear.

"Stop it, ugh!" I said and stomped towards another shop. Tina bought many lingeries for me and then left the shop.

Flashback over.

We went and ordered McDonald's nuggets and a drink since it was both of our favourite.

After eating and talking for a while, Tina led me to a shop, which looked very fancy and expensive. She said she wanted to chose a dress for the party.

When ever I liked a dress Tina would say that its:

Too Long!

Too Ugly!

Too not sexy!

Too Loose!

Too Thick!

Then Tina ran to a dress which was black and strap less then she told me to put it on. It came to my mid thigh and was extreamly tight and hugged my curves perfectly.

Tina bought that dress for me, not hearing my complains about how revealing it is.

"Are you worried that Alpha Hunter will not like the dress and become possessive?" she asked.

"What? Why will he?" I said.

"Never mind," she said and brushed away my question.

After buying makeup and shoes and some more clothes, we left the mall.

Tina and I drove back to the pack house just to see Alpha Hunter standing inside the pack house with worry and rage visible on his face and all the furniture broken.

He sniffed the air and turned his head back too quickly that I wonder how his neck isn't broken.

He suddenly ran to me and hugged me and may I add very tightly.

"Where were you gone?" he asked his voice lacing with worry.

I was stunned.

Is he worried for me?

"To the mall," I said.

Suddenly he put his head in the crook of my neck and inhaled.

"I was so worried for you," he said breathlessly.

"You were?" I asked confused.

He suddenly pulled his head away and stared at me then what happened suprised everyone.

He kissed me!

His soft lips touched mine and sparks surrounded us. Too lost in the kiss, I didn't care about the surrounding or anything. Feelings I never wanted to confront, were trying to come out. My wolf was begging for control.

I might start ripping his clothes in front of everyone if she took control.

I heard clearing of throats and pulled away.

Almost immediately hearing a growl.

From Hunter.

He picked me up bridal style not breaking the kiss, he walked to his room. I opened the door and he walked in.

He placed me on the bed, his lips moving in sync with mine. I put my hand in his hair and tugged harshly them as he groaned.

He pulled away and stared at me, me doing the same.

At that time he did not look like a scary, cold alpha but a cute, sad puppy.

"I'm sorry, I know you don't want me as a mate because I don't have a father or a mother and I'm broken and cold to everyone, that's why I avoided you, I'm sorry I kissed you without permission," he huskily apologised.

I just stared at him.

I couldn't understand, I thought I dislike him and that's why ignored him but now I realised that I was scared that he wouldn't want me as a mate, instead he will reject me.

I caressed his cheeks with my hand.

"Don't apologise, I will never reject you and you are not broken, I was in fear that you will reject me," I said and looked at my other hand.

I felt Hunter moving my face upwards and then I felt his lips brushing mine.

It was so good and I can't get enough of him.

I watched his face and he looked nervous.

"Can I mark you?" he asked.

Can he? Can I give him permission to mark me?

I nodded my head unsurely.

"Say it," I heard Hunter hungrily growl.

"Yes I want you to mark me," I said and that was all he needed to hear.

He dug his canine on the part where my neck and shoulder join.

The pain was excruciating but I knew I would trade this moment for anything

"I'm so sorry," that was the last thing I heard before I felt darkness consume me.

- - -

I was woken up my someone kissing my neck. I woke up to see Hunter hovering me and kissing my neck.

All the memories came back to me:

He marked me and I let him. I was so sleepy as I am not a morning person, so I pushed his head away. He need to stop teasing me

But did he stop? No, he didn't.

He kept kissing my neck and then my face and then my lips.

I was very suprised to see this side of Hunter and I liked it.

The next thing made me frozen.

Maybe because I have never in my life imagine that something like that would ever happen.

"Can we mate?" He asked, kinda nervous.

Maybe my expression was still the same because he then asked me

"Did I scare you, do you want to take it slow, I am sorry," he started to panic.

I just leaned in and kissed him.

"It's okay, and yes uhm I want to," I said.

A wide grin spread over his face and he took off his shirt. I blushed furiously, and looked away.

Even though this wasn't my first time seeing a boy shirtless.

He grabbed my face and moved it so I was looking at him.

"No need to blush this is all yours baby," he said.

He took my hand and wrapped it around his neck.

When he moved forward to kiss me. I stopped him but soon regretted it seeing hurt on his face.

It's like his whole personality changed

the Hunter I knew from before never was the one to show his emotions.

I kissed him and told him to wait here and that I was coming. His expression still did not change as I slid away from him.

I went and took the shopping bags that I found on the table in his room, someone must have brought it in here.

I went in the washroom and took the lingerie, the black one that Tina bought me and I wore it.

I looked different, it wasn't me on the mirror but someone else, someone with more confidence, I assume perhaps?

I went outside the washroom and saw Hunter laying on the bed his back facing me.

"I think she regret all this, I love her but she will leave me? I won't let her," I heard Hunter ramble.

Didn't know he could ramble.

I went inside the covers and as Hunter must have smelled my scent so he turned towards me so quickly that it was like magic.

His eyes raked my body as his eyes changed colour, into dark shade of black, full of lust. He pulled me over as he hovers over me and goes near my ear.

"So this was your plan, huh?" he sexily asked.

I tried acting innocent.

"What plan?" I asked.

He again came near me and whispered in my ear.

"You look so hot in this baby," his voice sent shivers down my spine. "Let's take this off now."

I blushed furiously again.

(After they have done the deed)

Hunter covered us with silk sheets, which felt satisfying against our skins and we slept soundly, with no conversation because if we did I would totally die out of embarrassment.

Before falling asleep I heard hunter whisper, "I love you."

And I sighed with happiness.