
Alpha Asher

“As long as i’m here nobody will look, smell or even THINK about you, do you hear me? You’re mine!” He shouted. — After Madison and her brother leave her old town to begin a new life, she meets alpha asher, a possessive and dangerous werewolf who unfortunately, is her mate.

happynotvxbss · 奇幻
29 Chs


I woke up with a blindfold on. I was definitely in a car and it was moving very fast. I attempted to kick and punch whatever I could, receiving grunts from the men around me. "Who are you? Where are you taking me? Let me go!" I shouted.

There was some shuffling around and out of now where something was stuffed in my mouth to keep me silent.

I still continued to let out muffled screams.

"Calm down." One of the men said, "we won't hurt you. We're taking you back to Asher."

My body went stiff and it felt as if my chest was caving in. I was going back to Asher. My mind couldn't help but wonder about what he'd look like now.. or how he'd talk to me… what he'd do to me.

Would I even feel the tingles that I got whenever he touched me? Would my heart still face when he got close?

A needle was pushed into my neck once again and I didn't even have enough time to fight back before it kicked in and I was unconscious again.

I was awoken for the second time by light nudges. This time, my mouth wasn't stuffed, and I was blindfolded.

I looked around and I was in a limo. There were five men in the car with me looking at me with disgust and curiosity. "Who are you guys?"

"I am Lorenzo. The beta of Asher's pack. We're here to reunite you with him under his request. Are you going to cooperate with us or will we have to knock you unconscious again and carry you?"

"First of all, I wasn't going to put up a fight in the first place. I have business to finish with the alpha and I was headed here after my brother's funeral anyway, beta."

I opened the door and stumbled due to my weak legs. I quickly picked myself up and headed toward the doors of the pack house. Each step I took, memories returned. They made my heart ache. I guess this is the effect of breaking the mate bond.

The men followed close behind me, but not too close.

I opened the door and walked inside. Immediately I saw the place I got marked, and the kitchen where my heat first started at. I shuddered, I would never want to go through that again.

I walked up the steps and gulped. It was getting harder and harder for me to breathe. I stopped on the last step and squeezed the railing.

Come on, Madison. You got this.

I walked up to Asher's room and placed my hand on the handle. I looked back at the men and Lorenzo nodded at me. "Go on." He mouthed.

I took a deep breath and gathered all my strength, opening the door. I scanned the room and my eyes landed on a man sitting in a desk chair.

The chair spun around and Asher was revealed. The bags under his eyes were large and his eyes were red from crying so much. He was slumped down in the chair with only sweatpants on. I almost broke down in tears when I saw him. I thought that when I saw him my heart would heal itself but it didn't.

I was wrong.

"Madison?" He called out. His voice was hoarse and I could tell he hadn't slept in a while.

"It's me, Asher." I managed to speak up. I squeezed my hands into little fists and gulped.

He rose up from the chair and walked toward me until we were a hair away from each other.

He lifted his hand to touch me and I backed far away. "I-i can't have you touch me im… I'm sorry."

He bit his lip and nodded sadly.. "Madison.. these past few days all I could think about is you."

Me as well. My mind never left the thought of slashing your neck with my claws and letting you bleed out for murdering my brother.

"So have I."

A weak smile crawled onto his face. "I knew it. I spoke to many pack doctors. They say that when someone… rejects their mate, it's possible for the bond to grow back. With time and love."

I stared at him in disbelief.

"What makes you think I would want to rebuild the mate bond?" I said emotionlessly

His eyebrows furrowed and his eyes were full of sorrow, "what?"

"You know what. You killed my brother for no reason. Why would I be mates with my brother's murderer. Thats absurd. I don't regret rejecting you at all."

I know my words struck him where it hurt. I wanted to break his heart with my words, then let him watch as I crushed his heart in my hands.

I took one stop toward him, "do you even know how it feels to lose your only family member?"

"No. That's right, you don't know," I growled, "and do you know how it feels to have your heart crushed to bits?" My claws began to extend out every second that went by. He was oblivious, the mate bond weakened him enough so I could kill him.

I was surprised no one had did it already. Probably because he had his little warrior squad protecting him.

I took another step toward him and now I could smell the liquor in his breath. "I will end your suffering, mate."

I hastily pushed him down onto the ground and jumped in fop of him, taking my hand and slashing his chest with my claws. He growled and gripped my hands, refusing to let me hit him any more.

Tears filled my eyes as the beta lifted me up off Asher. "How could you do that?! How could you kill my brother? Do you have no heart?! How could you Asher, how could you!!" I screamed and kicked while being dragged away.

"Take her to the dungeons." Asher said as he looked at me sadly and placed his hand on his wounded chest.

"I hate you!" I yelled out before being dragged out of the room, "let me go now or I swear you will feel my wrath!!"

Chuckles were heard from behind me, "she's a feisty one ain't she? Alpha must've had fun with her in bed." They all laughed at me which only angered me more. I broke out of the grip Lorenzo had on me and immediately ran toward the warrior who said that.

I slashed his neck with no hesitation, immediately killing him.

"Fuck! Grab her!" Another warrior yelled and three of them were now holding onto me, dragging me to this so called dungeon even quicker than before.

I kicked and screamed, "you're gonna get it you little bitch." A guard said to me with tears in his eyes.

That probably wasn't a good idea but, he was being disrespectful to a already angry werewolf, what did he think was going to happen?