
Alpha's daring Queen

Who would believe that in a world full of mystery, Half human half wolf really exists. What will you feel if you just not saw and met the beast in human form, but you also had mate by one? Would you believe in it or treat it as a dream. A beautiful dream or a nightmare?

Lady_xheimin_143 · 奇幻言情
19 Chs

You are cordially invited.

"By the way.. Did you find out who's the owner of that house there? What is she doing there?" 

"I tried to ask those residing on the foot of that mountain, and they said they have no idea that there's someone living there. In fact when I said there's a house up there they all look puzzled. That place is strictly prohibited by the government because of some wild animals staying in them as their natural habitat. Only those huntsmen are allowed to go and hunt there if they have permission."

"What is she doing in there then?" 

"I managed to talk to their nearest neighbors which is two damn kilometers away from that house, and they said there's an extraordinary old couple living there with a beautiful young lady." 

"Extraordinary? In what way?" 

"That I don't know. They refused to answer me after that. I also tried to bribe them with money but they really don't want to talk. Afraid that they will be cursed by the old couples. They might think that the couple are witch or some kind of a sorcerer"

"How about that beautiful young lady? Did they say something about her?" 

"Not much.. They just have a glimpse of her since they're all afraid of getting near that house. But even so in just a brief moment they are strongly told that.. That lady is beautiful." 

"Is there anything else?" 

"I also ask when they saw her or if she's with someone like husband or if she's pregnant. And all they can say is they don't know." 

His jaw clenched upon hearing this. "If we can't make them talk in a nice way then let's do it in a rough way. Send some people there and gather all those things they think belong to her and bring it with me before tonight. I'll look at it for myself." 

"Tonight?!!! What do you think of our people---" 

"If they can't do it then I don't need useless people like them!!" 

The driver wants to say something more but is interrupted by a slam of the car door that he closed hastily. He just sighs and chooses to just follow his order. 


When Luna finally arrived in her apartment, she walked straight to her bed and flopped her tired body. She feels so exhausted and she doesn't know why. She also doesn't have any idea how she ended up in the car of those two handsome men. All she remembered was she went to those old couple's houses who helped her before just to pay them a visit. Why does she end up riding in those stranger's cars? 

"Great Luna! One day, don't be surprised if you just got killed because of your stupidity." 

She scolded herself. She looks at her shoulder that has a bandage on it. That too. She doesn't have any idea where and when she got herself hurt. She's in deep thoughts when someone knocks on her door. She didn't expect anyone since she doesn't have close friends or relatives that will check on her ever since her own family kicked her out of their house. 

"Who's there?!!" She asked without opening the door yet. 

"A letter for Ms. Luna Crimson." 

A letter? In this modern world SMS is the easiest way to send a message whether it's important or not. Who the heck will send her a letter in an old-fashioned way? But regardless of that. She opens the door to receive the letter. After putting her signature in the log paper, she went back and closed the door behind her. She's holding a pink envelope. More or less she already has an idea what it really is. 


Luna just smirks upon reading this. If they think she's the same Luna as before who will cry and become miserable for just a piece of paper like this, well they got it all wrong! She felt nothing but anger and regrets. Anger for all those things they've done to her that she thinks she doesn't deserve. And regrets because she wasted her youth following that person who promised her the happiness of forever. 

Timothy and her are always together ever since they're in middle school. They are officially in relationships when they enter their high school together and go strong until their college. Well that's what she thought. Little did she know her faithful and loyal boyfriend is messing around behind her back, screwing any girl that shows interest in him on campus.

Of course she didn't believe it when her classmates told her about it. Timothy never took advantage of her. Whenever they're together, the most intimate things they can do are holding hands, hugging and kissing (if you can call kissing on the cheeks, nose, forehead, and hands intimate then count it in). 

Timothy never kisses her in her lips like every boyfriend does to their girlfriend. It's not that he doesn't want to. She's the one who always refuses whenever he asks to kiss her there. It's not that she doesn't want to kiss him but she is just simply not ready yet. Call her advanced thinker but who knows where those kisses end up? 

She doesn't know what she feels when she sees him one time when she visits him in his apartment sleeping with a girl beside him on his bed. She's willing to accept that it's just a simple sleepover until she sees that they're both naked!! And her bastard boyfriend has a lot of hickey on his body. She felt so devastated. However, despite the things he did. She doesn't have the heart to hate him. It's her fault anyway. She failed to do her obligation as his girlfriend to him. 

She forgives him for that when he asks for her forgiveness. Months have passed. Timmy and her are back to normal like nothing happened. Until one day Timothy introduced to her his so-called cousin. He said she's the daughter of his mother's cousin. Sheriee was so friendly, kind and bubbly when she first met her. That's why she treats her good and true. When Timothy said that she's living with him in his apartment she felt something inside her but ignored it immediately. 

They are cousins. Blood related. Relatives. So it's safe. And also she finds it a good thing too that someone will watch over him there. But as days go by Sheriee becomes more clingy to Timothy. They go out together more often in public like they are a real couple. Their usual dates and night outs are starting to mess up. Timothy always stood her up in their meeting place. He keeps on saying he's busy handling the business of their family that his father passed on to him. 

At first she tried to understand him. In fact she helped him make some reports and planning in every project he has. It's not too much to say that she really excels in business management. At a young age, her father forced her to study and learn all about business. Timothy didn't know about it. But even though she really has a busy schedule, she always makes sure she always has time for him. 

In their third year in college. Luna decided to shift her course. Business management is really not into her. She told Timothy about it and he said . She will just simply look for some part time jobs and become a working student. Knowing that her boyfriend is there to support her is enough for her to boost her confidence.