
Alpha's daring Queen

Who would believe that in a world full of mystery, Half human half wolf really exists. What will you feel if you just not saw and met the beast in human form, but you also had mate by one? Would you believe in it or treat it as a dream. A beautiful dream or a nightmare?

Lady_xheimin_143 · 奇幻言情
19 Chs

Stubborn Princess

"Are you sure about this?" The guy on the driver's seat asked while looking at the woman who's just come out from that car and now walking away.

"Yeah.. It's no use to force her, She's as stubborn as paps. The more you force her the more she will refuse you."

"But it took us almost twenty years just to find her! And now that we finally have her you will just let her go that easily?"

"Who said I will let her go on my grasp? She's not like that. She's still human. And if we want to get what we want, we need to do it slowly. We need to earn her trust first before we make our move on her."

"What about those bastards who fooled her and made her suffer?"

"For that.. I think it's about time to make some moves."

"Alright!!! Do I need to crash down their companies to the core? Or do you want me to play with them first?"

"Do whatever you want. Just don't show them any mercy this time. Especially to that bastard who just uses her as a personal blood bank for his daughter and treats her as a tool to acquire wealth that doesn't really belong to them."

"How about her idiot ex?"

"Let's save him for last. I have plans for him. How about the things I told you to look into?"

"Ah… About that. I'm still conducting some investigation to see if she really got pregnant and gave birth. She doesn't have any records in any hospital even though her delivery is a mystery. All I found out was she got fired from her last part time job when they found out that she's pregnant. They even accused her of stealing food and eating it inside the bathroom as they caught her eating there inside."

"Why is he eating inside there?"

"Who knows. But some of her previous co-workers said she's a quiet type of lady who doesn't usually mingle with them. But she's kind and industrious, that's why they don't believe that she will do such a thing."

"Investigate that matter thoroughly and gave me the name of the owner of that stupid place where she worked."

"You know what's more interesting? The owner is none other than the Montreal brothers who happened to be looking for her too."

"Really?" The guy said while still watching the woman that now is entering her apartment.

"And guess what? This gossip will surely interest you." He already started the car and left the place.

"What is it?" The guy looked at the other guy when he saw that she safely got inside her apartment.

"For what I heard. That young lady has a grudge over Montreal. To the eldest specifically."

"Why is that?"

"Well… It's all because of her ex. She believes that if Montreal didn't push her ex business to the limit her ex won't marry that woman just to save his company. So basically she's blaming Keizer Montreal for the failure of her lovelife."

"If she hates them, why did she work in one of their businesses?"

"I guess she really doesn't have an idea that it's a Montreal property. Well not at least when she got fired and the manager announced that she's the future madam of Montreal who owns that business. She didn't even take her last salary because of that." The guy cackles before adding. "He's really just like you. As stubborn as a bull."

"Interesting huh… LooksLooks like Montreal is repeating the same history as what they've done before." The guy's face showed a dangerous smile. "Bring it on.. But this time I'll make sure there's no Crimson who will waste her life just because of them."

"By the way… YouYou mentioned the word Luna right?"

"Yeah.. What about it?"

"Idiot… Did you forget that our princess still has wolf blood in her? Luna means she's every wolf's mate. The Queen that will produce a high class breed of Alphas in their tribe."

"That's bullshit!!!! Those humans made her their personal blood bank, now those filthy wolves want her to be their breeding machine?!!!"

"Well that's the curse of being a Luna. As a human, maybe it's flattering being chased by those hunk and handsome men but as Luna herself? It's a nightmare!! Because whether she likes it or not those wolves will surely always chase after her just to mate her. And produce puppies for them."

"That's unacceptable!!! I won't forgive anyone who will touch even the single strand of her hair!!!" So that's the reason why Montreal is looking for her. The guy's eyes darkened upon thinking this.

The guy on the driver's seat just shook his head when he heard the sound of glass shuttering. Indeed when he saw from the corner of his eyes a blood dripping from the man's hand no doubt, the crystal ball that he bought for that woman is now shattered into pieces in his hand.

"Calm down. All we have to do now is make a plan for her. And oh.. Before I forget! Don't you know that… The Eldest of the Montreal brothers is already a father? He already has three kids. Two boys and a girl."

"Kids? You mean to say puppies? A shape shifter puppy?"

"No.. They are really kids."

"Huh?" the guy pauses for a while and thinks. "You mean to say…"

"Exactly!!! A half human, Half wolves. Which is forbidden to their kind."

"How is it possible? Wolves can't mate with an ordinary human."

"Well maybe it depends upon the circumstances."

"Like what?"

"The mother of those kids is none other than that old bastard's daughter. You know what it means?"

"No way!!!..."

"Yes.. It's true.. Maybe because she has our princesses blood that's why Montreal manages to mate her by accident. I heard he was drugged that night and after refusing to breed his mate he finally gave in when he met the bitch that's possessing our princess blood."

The guy didn't answer as he was trying to analyze the situation.

"What do you think? Do those kids can have our line? Princess blood is the majority from our line. Do you think those little rascals belong to our line?"

"No.. That's impossible. They will become the descendants of our line if they are directly produced by our kind. I'm sure they are all nothing but those filthy wolves."

"What if they… By any chance have our bloodline?"

"Then I won't accept them!! If that happens we need to dispose of those rascals immediately!. Our line doesn't need the blood of Montreal.!"

The man on the driver's seat becomes speechless. He knew this guy beside him to be ruthless and cruel but he never expected that he would show no mercy even to those kids who were oblivious to everything.

"Investigate more about those filthy rascals. Do necessary actions if needed. And also send someone who can watch over her. I'm leaving the country in three day and will be gone for a month or so. I'll leave everything to you for a while."

"You think Paps can make it this time?"

"I hope so.."

"Go.. Do what you need to do. Just focus on Paps first. I'll take care of our princess here myself."

"Make sure about that or else…"

"Yeah.. Yeah I know.. You will ruin my handsome face and cut this head of mine. What a sadistic brother I have."

"I just want to make sure you will do your job properly."