
Alpha's daring Queen

Who would believe that in a world full of mystery, Half human half wolf really exists. What will you feel if you just not saw and met the beast in human form, but you also had mate by one? Would you believe in it or treat it as a dream. A beautiful dream or a nightmare?

Lady_xheimin_143 · 奇幻言情
19 Chs

I finally found you.

Keizo saw the women put the puppies on the soft cushion and cover them with blankets. She took the medicine box and came near to where he was. He growls at her and even shows his fangs to her. Trying to scare her and to tell that he doesn't want her to come near him. But it looks like the woman isn't scared of him at all.

"Now.. Now stop growling at me. Let me see your wound."

Before Keizo could react, the girl is pinning his body now on the floor to his surprise. The way she holds him so he can't escape, Keizo concludes that this woman is not an ordinary one.

"So you are a male wolf. I wonder what kind of wolf you are?"

He heard her say while trimming the fur around his wound with a little scissors. Keizo wants to get away from her but the woman is exceptionally stronger than what she looks like.

"Don't move so we can finish this quickly. I really want you all to stay here tonight, but you can't. There's always some groups of hunters roaming around here every night. With those two puppies with you it's so dangerous for you to meet them. Don't worry.. Looking at you, I know you're not just an ordinary wolf. I won't use any human medicine for you. Human's medicine has a strong impact on your kind, right? That's why you don't want me to treat you."

Kiezo looks at the woman who's kept on babbling while attending his won't gently and carefully. When she puts some antiseptic on his wound Keizo feels warm air from her mouth as she's trying to blow the pain away like she's treating a kid.

"There.. All done!! Good thing it's just a scratch. I'm sorry if I did that to you. You really startled me. I thought you were going to eat those two angels."

Keizo was stunned. Angels? Who in the world she's talking about? She's calling those two little devils angels? If she just knows how naughty and mischievous those two are, she will agree that those two are suited to call devils rather than angels. Looking at his arm, his wound is already covered with a bandage.

"You have very fine and soft fur. It's very unusual for an animal who lives in the wilderness." She said squatting in front of him. "Can I touch you?.. I mean I already touched you not long ago but I want to touch you more?."


Luna reaches the beast's fur slowly. Approaching it with care to know how the beast will react if she touches him. When her hands finally feel the soft and silky fine fur without any reaction from the owner, she gently strokes it. Enjoying the softness of it. She even presses her cheeks on it.

Luna is enjoying the softness of the beast's fur when they hear a loud gunshot that startled them. She quickly stood up and picked up the two puppies. She looks back on the huge wolf.

"Follow me quick!!"

This is bad. She almost forgot about those huntsmen and forest rangers roaming and patrolling in that area. For sure someone will knock on the door to check them out like what they always do. Since the incident of the wolf harming a human there's been a group of people patrolling every night and knocking on the houses of the people around in that area to check if they're OK and free from wolf attacks. There's also huntsmen roaming around day and night to catch a wolf and exchange it for some money.

"I need to hide you for a while. That gunshot is from those huntsmen for sure."

Luna goes to the dirty kitchen at the back of the house with the puppies. She tried to push the fridge aside but with two puppies on her arm she can't make it move even a little. She put down the puppies and tried it again. To her surprise the huge beast that lazily follows her from behind, steps forward and pushes the fridge easily. On the back of the fridge, there's a small door that her grandmother taught her for emergency use. She hurriedly opened it and put the puppies inside. She pushed the big wolf inside too.

"Please stay there for now and don't make any noise."

She said as if the wolves understood what she's saying. She closes the door and leaves them there for a while as she tries to compose herself whenever someone knocks on the door. Indeed. Not long after she reached the living room she heard a knock on the door. She's in the middle of answering it or ignoring it. But it looks like someone on the other side of the door doesn't want her to choose her last option, knocking the door without giving up.

Luna decided to answer it. She pulled the blanket from the couch and wore it around her shoulders. She even makes her hair messy for them to think she just woke up. She opens the door enough just to see the two men outside wearing thick clothes and holding guns and other things for hunting.

"Good evening Miss. Sorry to bother you at this hour. We are huntsmen roaming in this area, and we just want to inform you that we saw a huge wolf not long ago. Let us also advise you to close all your doors and windows for your security."

"Thank you for your reminder, good Sir. Here take this in return. Please stay warm and be safe." Luna handed them a pack of food like what her grandmother did whenever this scene happened.

When she saw them leave. She quickly locked the door and windows. She then went back to the dirty kitchen to check the wolves there. She moved the fridge to the side again and opened the door.

"It's safe now. They're going north now so it's the best time for you guys to leave and go back to your home. You're not safe here."

Luna took the puppies out and walked to the back door. She almost screamed in horror when she saw another beautiful wolf that was bigger than the one she first met upon opening the door. The two puppies jump out from her arms and run towards the wolf followed by the first huge wolf she met who lazily walks towards them.

It must be the mother. Luna said to herself. The way the bigger wolf licks the puppies makes Luna believe that that is their mother. Luna smiles at the sight in front of her. They are indeed a family. With a father, a mother and the two puppies. But her smile quickly faded away when she saw a red dot on the body of the wolf that she first met. Without even thinking she ran towards them.

A loud gunshot is heard again in the middle of a silent night. Luna removes her embrace to the wolf that she tried to protect and winces in pain while holding her shoulder. Blood is flowing from her wound nonstop.

"Go!!.. Leave now!!!" She said to those wolves who looked at her with shock. She even slapped the wolf in front of her. "Go now.. And don't come back here anymore. It's not safe here for your kind."

But the wolves didn't move at all. The two puppies run towards her but she chases them away.

"I said go!!! Shu!!! Shu!!! You all need to leave now before they come here!!!"

When they still didn't move. Luna ran inside the house and grabbed the gun and pointed it at them. She fired a shot near them that made them move back. She fired another shot not directly at them but on the tree above them. A file of snow falling down on them made them run away to her relief.

When Luna didn't see them anymore, she decided to go back inside the house to treat her wound. The moment she turned around she saw a human under the moonlight looking at her. She can't see his face but his half naked body is glowing under the moonlight. The man opened his mouth and said…

"I finally found you."