
Alpha’s Regret: An Omega’s Truimph

"I'm leaving everything I own to her, she's been rejected, the least I can do is make her rich." The old man's voice shook, but he spoke from the bottom of his heart. *********** After being rejected for being an Omega, what more could Alison stay in the Moonlight pack for? Nothing. Then fate got on her side, she acquired enough wealth that made the pack sought her out for help. Will she help, despite all the torment the whole pack has put her through? Will the rejected omega become the pack’s savior? Perhaps the hurt of the rejection was too much? Will the moon goddess be generous to give her a second chance mate that will love her, heal her broken soul and accept her ? Or she has moved on with something else?

Fayfay_Kings · 奇幻言情
4 Chs

Chapter 3 - Her ! From His Past

Charles was successfully executed, but the treachery still didn't stop.

"Alpha, I think we got the wrong person." He said, after the alpha invited him into his office.

"Why would you say that? I am never wrong." An alpha who was full of himself.

"It has happened again." Jackson confessed, showing him the reports of the previous month.

"Again!?" Even Ryan was shocked at the news.

"Who is stealing from me?" He questioned, starting to pace in his office.

"I am sorry I couldn't find anything when I looked into it sir." Jackson's head hung low, the feel of guilt creeping on him.

The alpha stopped pacing and stared at Jackson . "You're a good man, Jackson . You've always been loyal to me." He sighed, "I don't want to believe that someone in my own pack would betray me like this. But we cannot let this continue. We need to find out who's responsible for these thefts."

Jackson nodded in agreement, relieved that the alpha wasn't angry at him for bringing this to his attention. "I'll do my best to investigate it further," he promised.

The alpha put a hand on Jackson 's shoulder. "I trust you to handle this, Jackson . Find out who's responsible and put an end to it."

Jackson nodded again, feeling a sense of duty to his alpha and pack. He left the office and started to think about his next steps. He knew that finding the thief would not be easy, but he was determined to do it.

But, at the end of the day, it was a bottomless issue that he couldn't solve.

The next day he received news that their neighboring pack was having an annual ball, it surprised him.

"They're having a ball?" Ryan chuckled, questioning the messenger. "With what money?"

Everyone knew how penniless the Nightshade pack was, they could hardly feed their members, talkless of throwing a party that requires good planning and a lot of money.

"I can't say alpha." Before Ryan could throw a fit at him for not having an answer to his question, the messenger ran out of his office.

"I need to see this myself, a ball it is!" He declared then proceeded to inform his fiancee.

Jackson's mate, Linda, was ecstatic when she heard about the ball. "Finally, something exciting is happening around here!" she exclaimed.

"Exciting? We have a thief among us and you think a ball is exciting?" Jackson retorted.

Linda rolled her eyes. "Yes, because maybe we can finally catch the thief at the ball."

Jackson looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "And how do you propose we do that?"

"We investigate! We mingle with the other pack members and see if we can catch anyone acting suspiciously," Linda explained eagerly.

Jackson couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm. "Alright, we'll go to the ball and see what we can find out."

As they prepared for the ball, Jackson couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He had a feeling that this investigation was not going to be as simple as Linda made it out to be.

When they arrived at the ball, they were greeted by the neighboring pack's alpha.

"Alpha Ryan, welcome." Miller, alpha of the Nightshade pack addressed Jackson's alpha first.

"Beta...Thank you for coming." He patted Jackson' back.

"Of course Alpha, it is my pleasure." Jackson bowed and took his mate to mingle with others.

"Come, my friend, we have a lot to talk about." Miller pulled Ryan away from Bella into a private room where they could talk.

"You bet." Ryan was dying from curiosity, how was Miller able to gather money to throw a ball, at the same time he was growing suspicious of him, especially with what has been going on in his own pack.

When they got to Miller's office, Ryan didn't bother waiting before attacking their host alpha.

"Where did you get the money for this ball?" Ryan demanded, his arms crossed over his chest. Miller raised an eyebrow at Ryan's aggression. 

"What do you mean?" Ryan gestured to the extravagant decorations and food. "This ball must have cost a fortune, and yet, your pack is struggling just like mine. So, I ask again, where did you get the money for this?"

Miller's expression turned serious. "I had some help from a friend. But that's not important. What is important is that we are here to celebrate and enjoy ourselves."

Ryan wasn't convinced. He had a feeling that Miller was hiding something from him. "I see. Well, I hope you had a good time because we certainly didn't."

Miller frowned. "What do you mean?"

Ryan hesitated for a moment before deciding to share his suspicions with Miller. "Someone has been stealing from my pack, and I have reason to believe that someone is trying to bring me down."

"What?! That's bad." Miller exclaimed, but a light bulb went off in his head as he realized something.

Ryan, seeing the reaction Miller was giving, asked " What is it? Do you know something?"

"No, I don't, but I have someone that can help you figure all these out and even help your broke ass. " Miller attempted a joke in his weird accent, which Ryan didn't smile at because he was not in the mood for a joke.

"Okay, I'm in." Without much thought, Ryan agreed.

"Okay, good I will take you there tomorrow." Miller promised."Now, I want to enjoy my own party." He left Ryan to greet more of his guests. 

Ryan's mind was at one place all night, he just wanted the problem solved, he couldn't concentrate on the party or to even dance with Bella. She understands his plight and lets him be.

The next day, Alpha Ryan was up before the cock crowed. He had slept over at Miller's pack, after sending every one of his own pack members home.

"Let's do this." He urged Miller, who was standing at the kitchen counter with his coffee.

"Care for some?" He handed a cup to the impatient Alpha.

Ryan downed the cup in one go, not caring that it was hot. "Can we go now?" He talked his feet on the floor, his impatience getting the best of him.

"Yes yes, come on." Miller led him to his car, which once again awed Ryan.

When they got to Jaden Insurance Corporation, Ryan was surprised at the kind of place Miller had brought him to.

"Will we find help here?" He questioned, looking around with a gaze full of skepticism.

"You'd be surprised." Miller chuckled, leading them inside.

"Hey! Kira sweetie, how're you, is your boss in?" Miller, being a naturally flirty person, greeted the secretary after they got off of the elevator.

"Mr. Night, oh yes she is in, you know your way?" The secretary, Tracy, responded with the same enthusiasm.

"Thanks darling." Ryan almost growled at the amount of flirting that was going on, but he kept it in. After all, he was the one looking for help.

"Don't act strange, Ryan, I know you." Miller warned, before they knocked in the office door.

As they neared the office they were supposed to go in, Ryan was taken aback by the scent that was wafting from in there, it was distant, but still familiar.

"What is this place?" He questioned, inside of himself as he looked around, trying to point out the origin of the scent.

"Knock knock." Miller called out cheerfully, as he knocked on the door.

A chuckle, a very ladylike chuckle could be heard from the inside, "Come on in Miller." The smile in the tone of that voice could be heard miles away.

The scent was more prominent in the room, Ryan was convinced it was coming from the person sitting behind the desk. He looked up and he was floored. It was her.

Her, from his past.

Her, that he never thought he would lay his eyes on again.

Her, who he treated like dirt.

Her, who was going to help him?

"Omega?!" He exclaimed in a loud tone.