
Almighty Bloodline System!

Xenon is an orphan, he was found in a jungle. Xenon is an absolute trash with a weak body and was bullied and abused by those his age. He was bullied because of his lame and useless ability. He has the ability to change his eye color to crimson red. But not until he was on his verge of death, a crimson panel appeared right in front of him. [Kill and eat it, and if failed you're going to die with in 0.03 Second] [Do you accept?] [Yes | No] Witness as this young man, unlocks the true identity of his Bloodline.

Cenon · 奇幻
11 Chs

Chapter 2 - Rewards (Revised)

In the year 3046 the world was pushed to the corner when gates started to appear, but as what they say, that when there is evil there is good, a White gate opened and a rare species appeared, and we call them Chymm, they look like humans but they have long ears and wings. in short Elf's.

They help us to defend ourselves through giving us there blood, which has the components that unlock the 50% of a human brain. With their Blood and unlocking the 50% of the brain, humans achieve the impossible.

Humans unlocked the power to control, manipulate, shapeshift, etc. By helping us Humans and Chymm have a deal, by giving us a blood and knowledge we promised them they can stay here on earth.


"The boy is okay, his vital sign's are normal, he only has a 1sy degree burned and a crack nose, you don't need to worry this much Jason." The doctor said as he leave, Jason "That's good," he mumble to himself, he was kind of sad but happy.

"Jason, are you okay? Where is your wound? Where is it? tell me! So that I can be treated." A female was running towards Jason, Jason look to his right and saw Clare running while she ask does questions. "Tell me where!" Clare said with a serious tone.

"I'm good, its just scratch, I'm here because one of the student is injured." As Clare heard does word, worry and sadness faded away. "So did you Close the Yellow Gate?" she asked then sat down next to Jason. "I'm sorry, I was assign to be the Guild's Healer, because we're raiding a Gray Gate." Clare explained why she couldn't help Jason earlier.

Jason just nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

Xenon's Point of View.

I slowly opened my eye, "Is this Heaven?" I tried to speak, but my throat hurts. White ceiling appeared to my vision along with this relaxing smell. "Oh, your awake." A angelic voice spoke, I immediately turned to my side and see a woman. "C-Clare? The rank 2 healer?" I asked in stunned.

She chuckle, as she saw what is my reaction. "Yes, I'm Clare. And you are?" she asks as she seats to the seat next to me, 'She too close.' I sat down properly then bowed. "Xenon John Cassius." I said. "what a cute name, and please don't bow, you should rest." She said with a worried tone. "Did you kill the-" I stopped my question as the door opened and a white suit guy entered along with the katana in his side.

"W-white K-Killer?"

He just smiled then closed the door. "Thanks for watching over, Clare." White Killer said as he smile as he stand beside Ms. Clare. 'They look good, are they a couple? no that's not what you gonna ask, .' I look at them both as they was shock to see me look serious. "So you and Miss Clare killed the Yellow Ogre?" I ask as they both look at each other. "Okay, I should leave and let you guys talk." Clare said as she stood and walks out the room.

White Killer seat and look at me seriously, "That would be be my questions too, Did you kill the Yellow Ogre by yourself?" As I heard those word, several vision's started to pop up, I held my head as I look at White Killer. "Are you okay?" I didn't answer and just look at him. "Did you kill the Yellow Ogre?" He asked again. "No." I answered immediately.

The confusion on White killer's face was obvious, "Well that's true, I checked your Wristband and your ability." he said, then he pulled out a white folder, and read it aloud. "Xenon John Cassius, a Level 1, and has the ability to change his eye color to crimson red." He say, "Who in the world killed that Yellow Ogre?" He mumble to himself.

'I should not tell him, that I killed him, and what is this Crimson Panel?', White killer stood and walks towards the door, but before he leaves said this, "You don't have to worry about what you'll pay here because I already paid it, you can leave the hospital if you want too." before he could closed the door I called him once again. "By any chance can you see this Crimson Panel?" I ask as i point out the Crimson Panel that is in front of me.

He looked at me with confused and worried face. "Are you really sure your okay?" he ask me, Judging by his reaction I could only saw the Crimson Panel, "Yes don't worry." He just closed the door, I was left inside, "What the hell is this Crimson Panel?" I ask.


[This is not called a Crimson Panel, you idiot! this is Called the Almighty Bloodline System!]


I was shock when I heard a mechanical voice, "Who's there?" I immediately asks as I look around in my room. "He you there?" I ask but It did not respond but the Panel was suddenly replaced to something.


[Host Character:

Name: Xenon

Race: Human

Job: [Locked]

Class: [Locked]

Level: 1

HP: 100

MP: 50


STG: 19

AGI: 20

INT: 15

VIT: 20

DEX: 18

Bloodline Skills:

Original Bloodline Crimson Vision: Rookie

(Unlocked) Bloodline Fury Swipe: Rookie

(New) Bloodline Strengthening: Rookie]


'Wait judging by this Almighty System something, could it be I killed the Ogre with this?'




And once again I was surprised by its answer. "But why me?" I ask, 'Why chose me? when there are more capable host than me.' The system did not answer, This system is cold but sassy.


[Thank you for the complement! heh]


I was surprised when he thanked me to what I said, 'Wait, I should leave the hospital now.' I was about to stood up when the voice inside my head said something.


[Do you want to check the Tutorial Quest Reward?]


"There was a reward?" I was shock to what I was heard, "Yes let me see." I said excitedly.


[Opening Inventory...]

[Tutorial Quests Rewards:

(Cursed Ring)

Rarity: B

Type: Accessory

Additional Attributes:

DEX +12

Perception + 10


Hides the wearer for sixty seconds upon activation.

Keyword: Hide.

Cooldown of thirty minutes.


(Yellow Ogre's Dagger)

Rarity: B

Type: Dagger

Additional Attributes:

Hit + 50

Attack Power + 42

AGI +20


A sharp and sword-like dagger.


(Monarch's Cloak)

Rarity: A

Type: Clothing

Additional Attribute:

Stealth + 26

Endurance + 23

INT + 23


Fire Resistance


(Yellow Ogre's Boots)

Rarity: A+

Type: Armor

Additional Stats:

END + 35

DEX + 34

Damage taken - 10]


I was overwhelmed by the things I saw. "In these items I could sell them and earn money! I could finally buy new clothes and stuffs!" I said happily as I looked the items in the Inventory.

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Keep safe everyone!

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