
All Strings Attached![hiatus]

In a world where kingdoms are distinguished by flowers, the Gardenia Kingdom was known for being powerful and dangerous. Ruled by a cruel king that grew powerful by the day. Exploiting the resources of weaker kingdoms without mercy until they were dry. Even within the royal family, Princess Arika was not safe from his iron grasp. After her sudden passing at a young age, the king reincarnated her into a new body. A life-like doll that perfectly resembled her sister. “Arika Purcell. Your sole purpose in this life is to take the role of your older sister, Sibylla. Find a suitable prince for her to marry. Once your duty is fulfilled, and she is healthy, you will live not a second longer.” Her name, face, and sense of identity were to be replaced with Sibylla's. But what never changed was her sense of justice. After a botched incident in the forest, Arika was face-to-face with another victim of her father’s control. An ebony male with a strong build, emerald eyes like that of a dragon, and a passionate desire for change. “My name is Sin-Vira, prince of the Snapdragon kingdom. The plan was to kidnap you, Sibylla, and hold you hostage until your father agreed to release the miners and dismiss his soldiers. We want peace, but we're barely holding ourselves together." Arika knew from the day she was reborn she wouldn’t obey her father’s duty. Why would she if she wouldn’t be spared from Death's cold embrace once more? It would be her first and final defiance she would happily take to her grave. "Currently, I am in search of a prince to marry. If we were to marry, you would have grounds to refuse his demands to exploit the mines if you see the work isn't justified to benefit both kingdoms." Arika was ordered to keep her identity a secret, known only to those in the castle. But as Arika grows closer to the prince, she struggles between continuing the lie till the end or confesses to Sin-Vira she isn’t who she really claims to be…

Scourgie · 奇幻言情
40 Chs

Chapter 28: Motherly Touch

~Sin-Vira's POV~

It hadn't been long since Sin-Vira had finally arrived back in his kingdom. The streets were bare, the small market had the usual shady bargaining buyers, those unfortunate enough to work in the mines were lined up along the mountain trail.

Sin-Vira stood in the entrance and felt his chest ache. He always knew the kingdom wasn't energetic or alive. Even the landscape was bland after visiting the Gardenia Kingdom. It hurt when he realized how much he preferred being in a place that caused so much suffering to his kingdom.

He felt guilt for being oblivious to his privilege. While he could escape such a depressing world, everyone lived every day in fear, despair, and suffering from a Kingdom he was enjoying his days in. In a way, he felt like a traitor.

"I'm sorry everyone…" Sin-Vira muttered under breath before running up the stairs to the castle. If he was careful with his words, his mother might be understanding of his intentions.

When he entered, he was greeted by Ivy with tears building up in her eyes. She had dark circles under her pale eyes and was tense.

"Where were you!?" She shouted before slapping him square in the chest. It stung more with the lack of clothes. "I couldn't find you anywhere! You were gone the entire night, again! Do you have any idea how much trouble I got in because of you?" Ivy asked while jabbing her sharp, white claw into his chest.

"I'm sorry. We were lost in the forest and had to spend the night there," Vira explained.

Ivy's eyes widened before narrowing. "We? So it was because of that gardenia princess, again! That royal has been nothing but trouble for you!" she shouted. "I trusted you to be on your own, and you embarrass me by making me show up on my own while you fool around with that lousy–!"

"At ease, Ivy." His mother's chilling voice made Sin-Vira's blood cold. "He's an incompetent child, but he's still a prince…"

He raised his head to see his mother wearing a black dress. She wore a black bow with a red veil covering her face. It was something she only wore on rare occasions. She rarely dressed in such elaborate clothes even when attending funerals.

Ivy stepped aside and knelt as his mother approached him. She had her usual scowl, but the disappointment in her eyes only made him more fearful.

"So you ran off with her again? I believe I informed you to simply make her yours. But you seem to be having a bit too much fun with this. Must I remind you of what is happening to our kingdom?" She asked while caressing Sin-Vira's cheek. It felt far from affectionate and only made him feel isolated.

He struggled to break eye contact with her lifeless gaze. "I could never forget, mother. I apologize for failing to return. We simply got lost for the night and were too exhausted to continue our efforts…"

His mother shook her head with a small sigh. "You have no business being alone with someone as untrustworthy as her. Knowing her father, she's likely trained to take you out without a shred of remorse. You were kind enough to spare her, but don't expect her to do the same." She continued feeling his cheek. "She's just another cold, manipulative monster wanting to watch you squirm in her hands."

He always thought affection was as emotionless and cold as his mother's. With every encounter he had with Sibylla, he could only remember how different he felt whenever she hugged his arm and when he held her. Maybe it was a trick from the enemy to lower his guard. But even if it were true, deep down he didn't mind.

It felt bizarre realizing that someone he barely knows could be kinder than his mother. Who held him to barely reachable expectations and rewarding him with pain.

"Mother. Sibylla is nothing like her father. She's different. I know you hate the king, but I swear she's–"

He stopped as he felt a harsh slap against his cheek. Sin-Vira looked back to see his mother now furious. It was another expression she often showed towards him.

"Different!?" She slapped him again. "She's different!?" She continued each swing as strong as the last. Sin-Vira only stood still as she took out her frustration. Now composed with a smile and hands by her side. "She is the firstborn to that monster. Anyone in the Purcell family is a monster who cannot be trusted. That family's history is a weed that can't be extinguished with even the fiercest flames. So our only chance is to take control and tame them."

Sin-Vira clenched his jaw as he bit back his frustration. After exhaling, he looked at her calmly. "I am going to make Sibylla mine and make sure she makes changes here. She's simple-minded, so I got carried away. I apologize."

She stared up at him with a solemn expression before looking at Ivy. "Ivy, the moment Sibylla causes trouble here or leaves your sight for even a second, eliminate her. Fail this assignment as well and you will face exile. Do I make myself clear?"

Ivy stood and bowed to her. "Crystal, my Queen. I thank you for the chance to correct my mistakes."

"Then bring my bag to the carriage." She began walking past Sin-Vira. "Oh and Sin-Vira? Remember who killed your father next time you say you can trust her. Good day."

"Where are you going? You rarely ever leave," he questioned as he looked back at her.

His mother continued walking. "I'll trust you, but I'm not foolish enough to solely rely on your ideas. Now mind your business." She then slammed the door behind her right as Ivy was trying to leave with her bag.

Ivy took the chance to give him a stern look. "I'm doing what I can to support your plan. But I will follow through with the Queen's orders. Keep that in mind whenever she's here." She then left through the door.

"She's the monster huh?" Sin-Vira muttered as he felt his cheek. When he brought his hand in front of his face, he saw small streaks of fresh blood. "With a motherly touch like yours?"

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