
All Strings Attached![hiatus]

In a world where kingdoms are distinguished by flowers, the Gardenia Kingdom was known for being powerful and dangerous. Ruled by a cruel king that grew powerful by the day. Exploiting the resources of weaker kingdoms without mercy until they were dry. Even within the royal family, Princess Arika was not safe from his iron grasp. After her sudden passing at a young age, the king reincarnated her into a new body. A life-like doll that perfectly resembled her sister. “Arika Purcell. Your sole purpose in this life is to take the role of your older sister, Sibylla. Find a suitable prince for her to marry. Once your duty is fulfilled, and she is healthy, you will live not a second longer.” Her name, face, and sense of identity were to be replaced with Sibylla's. But what never changed was her sense of justice. After a botched incident in the forest, Arika was face-to-face with another victim of her father’s control. An ebony male with a strong build, emerald eyes like that of a dragon, and a passionate desire for change. “My name is Sin-Vira, prince of the Snapdragon kingdom. The plan was to kidnap you, Sibylla, and hold you hostage until your father agreed to release the miners and dismiss his soldiers. We want peace, but we're barely holding ourselves together." Arika knew from the day she was reborn she wouldn’t obey her father’s duty. Why would she if she wouldn’t be spared from Death's cold embrace once more? It would be her first and final defiance she would happily take to her grave. "Currently, I am in search of a prince to marry. If we were to marry, you would have grounds to refuse his demands to exploit the mines if you see the work isn't justified to benefit both kingdoms." Arika was ordered to keep her identity a secret, known only to those in the castle. But as Arika grows closer to the prince, she struggles between continuing the lie till the end or confesses to Sin-Vira she isn’t who she really claims to be…

Scourgie · 奇幻言情
40 Chs

Chapter 21: Unlikely Partners

~Sin-Vira's POV~

 Vira felt foolish as he stood before Sibylla with his hand out to her. All she did was stare with a blank expression.

 Sibylla wasn't under any obligation to dance with him of all royals. But it was the one thing he couldn't get out of his mind since he started practicing. He knew he was far from being the best dance partner, rather all he cared about was showing her a good time to repay her for showing him a good time earlier.

 He sheepishly laughed as he lowered his hand."Sorry if I made things awkward. I thought it would've been fun, but we can find something else to-" Sibylla grabbed his hand, causing him to look at her.

 Her pale cheeks were red and she was beaming a bright smile. "No, it's my bad! I always turn guys down without a second thought! You asking just made me a bit flustered." She tilted her head to the side. "I would be more than honored to dance with you, Prince Sin-Vira." She bowed slightly towards him.

 Vira sighed in relief as he held her hand. "You know how to create suspense." He led her towards the center of the room placed his hand on her hip. "Is it alright if I lead?"

 Sibylla placed her hand on his shoulder and nodded. "Go ahead. I trust you."

 She likely wasn't aware, but putting her trust in Sin-Vira only made him pressured. Regardless, he began stepping to the music and remembering the orders Ivy took the time burning into his mind. There were few times when he missed a step and caused Sibylla to stumble.

 He flinched with every mistake he made and mumbled an apology each time. Rather than teasing his mistakes, Sibylla only complimented him and assured him it was okay. It was unexpected, but it helped Vira recover and continue.

 Over time, he slowly lost focus as certain comments flooded his ears.

 "Do you see that?"

 "I think that's Lady Sibylla dancing with someone."

 "Is that a Snapdragon? Who invited him?"

 "He must've forced her to dance with him. The poor girl…"

 Sin-Vira tensed up as noticed the attention they were getting. Glancing around the room, he saw critical gazes and heads shaking with disapproval. His heart began pounding and lost his rhythm. Bumping into Sibylla more often and stepping on her foot occasionally.

 Remorse clouded his mind, convincing himself that he was embarrassing Sibylla in front of her guest. She likely wanted to stop but didn't to keep from looking rude. He did force her.

 "Sin-Vira? You're supposed to be looking at me," Sibylla spoke.

 He looked down at her expecting her to look annoyed, only to see her with a big smile and red eyes crossed. Sin-Vira stared at her with confusion.

 "Is there something on my face?" She asked in a soft voice.

 "Ahah… No. Sorry, I'll focus on you now. Could you maybe do the same?" he asked.

 "But then your cuter twin will disappear…" she commented before uncrossing her eyes. "I guess you'll have to do…"

 Sin-Vira quietly chuckled. "Sorry, you have to settle with me for now."

 "You're doing a great job. Try turning with your left foot, it's fancy!" she instructed.

 He took a deep breath before doing as she said. Sibylla followed and began giggling quietly.

 "Sorry. Did I do it wrong?" He asked.

 "Nope. You did it perfectly. I think I'm just enjoying this more than I should."

 Sin-Vira kept looking at her. "Do you actually turn down everyone who asks to dance with you?"

 Sibylla nodded. "I don't trust anyone touching me…" she adverted her gaze down towards Vira's chest. "I doubt I'm comfortable to touch, Drell said I'm as cold as a corpse one time."

 He scowled at the comparison. To make such a comment to someone who lost two family members. It made sense Mayne splashed wine on him. "Maybe I'm too nervous to notice, but you feel alive and well to me. I'm sure they're just saying cruel things out of jealously. Try to ignore them…"

 Sibylla shot her head up to look at him. Her glossy eyes were wide and her lips slightly parted. "Do you mean that? Please don't say things trying to be polite."

 He looked into her eyes which seemed desperate for his answer. It bothered him with how little confidence she had in herself. Was she always confident and outspoken until it's about her appearance?

 Vira stopped himself from touching her cheek and smiled. "Bylla. I don't like kissing up to people. If someone's being an ass, then I'll see them as an ass. I do mean what I said. You've done nothing but made this day the best I've had in a long time."

 Sibylla slowly smiled as well. "Today was nothing but fun for me. Seeing you eat to your heart's content and be welcomed was fun. You even played with kids who later turned on you. Oh! I almost forgot the time you saved me. If I were to damage anything, I'd be in a lot of trouble."

 He chuckled. "Even if that branch didn't break, I would have to come up there to get you down. You're always confident when doing the dumbest things."

 Sibylla's hold on Vira's shoulder loosened. "Whenever you're around, I forget about a lot of my problems. My duties, my father, my manners. I don't mean to be careless, I guess I tend to forget how fragile I am whenever you're with me…"

 Vira opened his mouth to speak when he noticed the figure behind her. Without a second thought, he turned on his foot abruptly. Switching places with Sibylla right as a cold, wet liquid was slashed all over him. Drenching his styled hair and soaking him entirely.

Any support is appreciated! But a towel would be nice a well!

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