
Fight Against The Fish


The door opened slowly. Rather than seeing a piece of land, what he saw instead was a dark and gloomy portal. Unlike other portals, this portal was giving off a gloomy aura as if it was trying to scare away people.

'WARNING! Host do not enter! You are not strong enough to survive against the creature in there!'

"Wah?! Seriously? Then can you estimate what level I need to reach?"

'Only when Host reaches peak Void Shattering realm can you enter that portal and have a chance of winning the battle.'

"Sigh, thanks system. You just saved me from an eternal nap."

'Eternal nap doesn't sound that bad...'



Hou Yan backed away from the gate and ran towards another mountain. Then he heard the voice of the system.

'Quest: Enter the portal

Details: Rach peak of Void Shattering realm and enter the portal.

Reward: Gain 100,000 points.'

'Yeet... Would Host like to accept the quest?'


"By the way system, What are the points?"

'The points are what is used in the shop function. RIght now you don't have that function, but when you do, then you will be able to buy varieties of things.'

"Like anime stuff?"


"Wah!? Then what's the point of the shop."

'You will know when you gain access to it.'

"Sigh looks like I need to research more about this world."

'That's the spirit.'

Inside the mountain that Hou Yan went to, he could sense a formidable beast living there.

"Who dares disturb this king's nap?!!! Truly seeking death!"

"Shut up you big mouthed fish!"

"How dare you insult my race!! I'll have you know that I am not a mere fish!! I am from the Sharknado race! We are known for our attacks involving wind and water."

"Uhmm... What kind of shitty race name is that? Whoever named your race that truly has no naming sense."

"How dare you insult my race! Take my attack! Gaaaaaah!"

The giant fish-looking like monster was truly enraged. It punched at Hou Yan with all of its might. Wanting this mere human to disappear for insulting its ancestor.


The place where Hou Yan was previously at was destroyed. There was a huge crate on the ground with rocks and gravel flying everywhere in the air. If it was any other human and they were hit with that attack, they can kiss their life goodbye.

"Hais, such a short-tempered fish."

"Hmph, stay still so I can discipline you in your parent's stead."

"Are you an idiot?"

"Who are you calling an idiot?!"

The monster launched another attack and the attack caused twice the explosion than the previous attack.


"You. Who else could I be calling an idiot? Stupid."



An endless amount of attacks was launched at Hou Yan. This fish truly had an endless amount of stamina and Qi. Right now, Hou Yan had to get a little serious or else he wouldn't be able to get out of this endless amount of attacks unscathed.

After a while, the explosions stopped. Then the dust cleared away. The once peak of the mountain was now at sea level. The fish monster was severely injured due to Hou Yan counter attack but Hou Yan wasn't better off too. He had bruises here and there. It looked like Hou Yan had underestimated his enemy.

"Huff huff, human, huff, you are truly strong, but that is not enough to take me down!"

With his shout, the monster readied his fist and condensed all of his power into it. This was what they called the ultimate attack. If he failed to land this fist on Hou Yan, he would either faint from the exhaustion of Qi or die from his injuries.

"Eat my attack!"

When Hou Yan saw the attack coming towards him, his eyes shined with excitement. Right now, he was facing a life and death situation. His enemy was using up all of his power and was going to attack Hou Yan but how will Hou Yan escape from this predicament?

In order to save his little life, Hou Yan did the same thing as the fish monster but left a little energy for himself. His fist was also condensed with most of his power and the power on his fist looked bigger and stronger than the fish monster.

"Take my attack too!"

From the power on their fists that were coming against each other, it was causing the sky to shatter and space to crack. If Hou Yan was in Void Shattering realm, he would cause not only the space to crack but also the void itself to shatter into pieces.


Both fists collided against each other and the explosion that they created shook the whole region.

On one side was a disfigured monster while on the other side was a heavily injured human.

"Haaa haaa. Who would've thought that fish was truly strong as fuck!"

'Yeet... Host has mutilated fish-type monster... Experience +...'

'Yeet... Host has leveled up to Core Formation upper level.'

'Yeet... Host has leveled up to Core Formation peak level.'

Energy began to fill up Hou Yan's body. He felt at peace that he wanted to lay down and close his eyes and enjoy this feeling. But he couldn't do it now. He needed to go somewhere and hide in order to stabilize his wounds.

Using his leftover energy, Hou Yan flew to a cave nearby and went deep into the cave before sitting in lotus position and began to recover.

This would truly take a while.


In the 50th floor, a formidable monster awoke from his nap due to an explosion. The first explosion wasn't strong enough to catch its attention, but the last explosion caused it to become fully awake. It feared that whoever released such amount of power would be able to damage it heavily. In order to not allow that, it needed to take care of such problems.

After heading to the battlefield site, the monster was truly shocked at the damage caused at the place. The once mountain was now full of craters, one bigger than the other.

"I must find the ones responsible for this before my life is endangered!"

After a while of searching, the monster was able to find the mutilated body of the fish monster. The monster was now soaking with cold sweat. Who could've caused a formidable monster to turn its figure into that? That person must truly be strong. Although the monster was stronger than the fish monster, the difference wasn't that big.

In fact, the fish monster could put up a good fight against the monster.

After making up its mind, the monster began to search through the whole region for the person who caused this.


After a whole month inside the cave, Hou Yan was able to fully recover.

"Finally, I have recovered fully!"


"hehe~ looks like I'm really hungry."

Then he began to munch down on the remaining food. Although that amount of food could last him for months, Hou Yan finished them all in just a single meal. His stomach was like a bottomless pit.


Patting his tummy, "Haa. That tasted good."

He fell asleep and took a nap.

After the nap, Hou Yan decided it was time to go back up and restock.

Outside the cave, the Hou Yan began to traverse towards the gates that led to the 49th floor. What he did not know was that a monster was immediately informed of his appearance. The monster left his home and flew towards Hou Yan.

Right now Hou Yan felt invincible so he didn't feel scared against these monster. With just his aura, they were backing off like cowards.

All of a sudden, from behind, a spear could be seen traveling towards his back and was getting closer to him every second.

After 2 seconds, the spear was only 2 feet away from Hou Yan's back.

Can't believe people love my novel. And here I thought I was doing a bad job lol. This just makes me want to work harder and upload more chapters.

P.s.: Enjoy hehe.

This chapter is 170 words shorter than my usual 1500~ words long chapters.

Y0ur5_Trulycreators' thoughts