
Chapter 230

Chapter 230 Aliens!!

Finally he set his sights on Avlie.

He still kind of wanted to look forward to the moment his child was born.

If you are not present when your child is born.

That would be fucking bad.

So he thought about it.

"Maybe we can wait until the baby is born…"

"Take him to see that new universe, and then I, the companion of the father, his growth."

The women hesitated when they heard this.

Avlie's children don't know when they'll come.

If you really have to wait.

Wait until the flowers are thanked…

After all, Sorenfia said, it is not that the time has not come.

It was the naughty kid himself who didn't want to come out.

They can't get him out by violent means.

However, it seems to have heard Lin Yi's words.

At this moment, Avlie suddenly covered her stomach in surprise.

"There is a reaction, he seems to be born in this world…"

After hearing these words, everyone's faces showed a look of surprise.


The crowd hurriedly let Slightly send Afri into the room.

Delivering babies with Lin Yi, new life belonging to their family on the island…

"Does the world really have what we want?" I feel that this world is so big, bigger than our world. "

"I don't know how strong the people inside are, well, the strongest person in our world is only the 16th order… At present, if they perceive it, they have not found that they have strong people above the 10th level. "

"It's hard to say, but we still have to be careful, our universe has already had problems, and the Lord opened this channel just so that we can find the root cause of the problems in the universe."

Lin Yi's universe.

The space passage that opened up had two humanoid creatures running out.

The two creatures looked exactly like humans, wearing elaborate armor and holding a sword-like weapon in their hands.

It's just that the language of speech is very different from the island world.

After they came to this universe.

The first time is to activate a special prop in his hand, with himself as the center, and explore the surroundings of the universe.

The results of a scanned scan after the prop emitted a light wave were presented on a screen for the two of them to observe.

The result is all green or yellow dots of light.

There was no red color they were afraid of.

After discovering this, the two of them were relieved at the same time.

As long as there is no existence of more than 1st order, they don't have to worry.

With their eleventh order abilities.

There is no problem in acting arbitrarily in the universe.

"So where are we going to start exploring?"

"This universe is too big, a little beyond my imagination."

"But is it possible that they actually have a powerful presence, but they just don't happen to be in our area?"

One person reacted suddenly.

Although the speed of their exploration is very fast during this exploration period, the exploration area is still limited.

If you happen to explore this area by yourself, there is no strong presence.

Isn't it a little too stupid for them to rush forward?

But thinking of the Lord, the task assigned to them…