
All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call Me A Natural Disaster!

Story of: All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! It's a world of job change. There are ceiling professional saints, nuron angels, nightmare assassins, dragon blood warriors... There are also C-level necromancers who are as ordinary as the protagonist White Night. Until this day, Bai Ye found that his skill level did not have an upper limit? from now on Basic skills, summon skeletons (lvmax), small skeletons turn into skeleton kings, and slaughter gods with one sword. Advanced skills, Life Link (lvmax), Summoned Immortal, I Immortal. Aura skill, legion aura (lvmax), undead legion health +1,000,000%, attack +1,000,000 percent. There are also Hell Bones, Knights of Heaven's Punishment, Skeleton Dragons, Succubus, and Night Elves. C-level necromancer? Please call me a disaster of God! Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novel: "All people change: necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! 》; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · 游戏衍生
282 Chs

Chapter 1


"I'm going to pay rent again."

It has been 1 month since the successful job change.

Although he changed his profession, he was a necromancer who was rated C-class.

Looking at the grade of C, it seems to be not bad.

Below there are also grade D, E, and F grades.


The reason why necromancers are rated as C is mainly because of the undead's numerical superiority.

The rest of the points do not prevail.

You control a bunch of dumb skeletons

And opposite,

Whether it's a fast ranger or an invisible assassin, you can easily take away a fragile mage body.

Not to mention facing an opponent who has powerful long-range means

It will directly smash you from afar.

In terms of absolute high-end combat power, necromancers are also relatively weak.

Even one of the necromancer's ultimate skills, the Skeleton Dragon.

It can't defeat the real dragon summoned by the slave dragon.

How can you, a dead dragon, beat a living dragon?

You can only pile up the opposite side with the quantity.


There is also an extremely important factor here

The dragon exists as the top combat power of Blue Star.

If the dragons know that you dare to summon the bone dragon

Maybe in a matter of minutes a swarm of dragons will send out and tear you apart.

Say you're blaspheming the dragon.

Why do you always feel that your profession is being targeted?

Leave that alone

Compared to the rest of the summoning classes, necromancers will also have relatively few skill books.

Want a necromancer's skill book,

It is necessary to conquer copies such as the undead and the dark.

And this kind of copy, the number of undead in it is innumerable.

And inside, whether it is the explosive rate of equipment and skills, or the experience points, it is extremely low.

This has led to the general reluctance to go to the copy of the undead lineage.

Scarce is expensive

This also leads to the skill book of the undead department, the premium should not be too high.

It is said that quantitative change causes qualitative change, but the premise is also to be qualified for quantitative change in the white night.


Most of the classmates have reached level 15 and are already preparing to break the shackles of their profession and obtain their own functions.

And Bai Ye himself is only level 9.

Just like this, it was all exchanged for Bai Ye's repeated injuries.


Bai Ye crossed over, just came here, and learned that he had no relatives and no reason.

Still think you're the protagonist template?

As a result, the punch in the face is so fast.

Everyone else in the same class is on the highway, and they are still here Abba Abba.

After analyzing for a long time, I still have to face reality.

Honestly raid the dungeon.

Bai Ye's front foot just stepped out of the room.

A seductive voice sounded from behind Bai Ye.

"Going to the dungeon again? Why is it so hard? As long as you open your mouth, your sister's is yours. "

The sudden voice made the night excited.

No need to look back, Bai Ye knows that he is his landlord again, Sister Mengling.

Seeing that Bai Ye did not react, his walking speed was faster.

The landlord muttered dissatisfied, "The teenager is not only a good sister, but also too young." "

Don't say anything else.

The landlord Sister Mengling is definitely the perfect partner image in Bai Ye's heart.

Whether it is the face or the figure, it is one top and one top.

Especially the exaggerated waist-hip ratio

It can't be described as ripe peaches.

But a few years of getting along

Bai Ye had long known the character of his landlord.

Don't look at Sister Mengling's frivolous speech

But the absolute control does not care about the buried Lord.

The favorite thing is to stir up the white night, and then immediately retreat with the whole body.

Let the white night not go down by himself.


Ignoring Sister Mengling is the most correct choice, which is the conclusion reached by Bai Ye for many years.

Especially if you have to pay rent again tomorrow.

Come to the familiar dungeon entrance.

"Sunset Forest · LV5」

That's right, it's LV5.

It can be said that it is the lowest level dungeon that almost all the professionals in the city have experienced.

It is also one of the few dungeons that is officially maintained and protected.

Because this is the most suitable for beginners to practice their guts.

And the reason why White Night came here,

Of course, it is still a level 15 dungeon, and I am always injured.

All the money earned goes to other medical professionals.

It's infuriating to think about it.

How could this necromancer profession be much more difficult to mix than he thought?

It's better to have a medical career casually.

Isn't it fragrant to be a daddy?

Isn't it fragrant to learn the Buddha on top next door?

In addition to the people in charge of guarding the dungeons,

There is not a single other professional.

Presenting his license, Bai Ye ignored the ridicule along the way.

"It's been a month since the day of awakening, right? Why is this kid still here? "

"Maybe the profession is too rubbish, resign, can't you be an ordinary person?"

"I know why, he awakened a necromancer."

"No wonder, if this were in other countries, it is estimated that he would have been taken by the Light Sect long ago, right?"

"Shh~ Is the Bright Sect something you can talk about?"

Enter the dungeon in the white night.

But it was as if it had touched some organ.


The entrance to the dungeon began to flash red.

"Huh? In broad daylight, why is there a red light in the sky? "

"Idiot! This is a problem with the dungeon. "

When the guards at the gate looked at the original display of "Sunset Forest · LV5」.

At this time, it has become "Bloody Sunset Forest· LV15」.

"Not good, what should we do?"

"What's the rush? It's been a month since they all awakened, and now, the entire dungeon has just entered that kid alone. "

"yes, scare me."

"Let's inform the above first, even if the level 15 dungeon hangs up, the monsters inside can easily be guarded when they run out."

As for the life and death of White Night, they did not care.