
Alina and Robin a sad inspiring love story

Alina was born in a very poor family and used to live in a small town named new castle ,she had 3 more sisters but no father ,whole day she worked hard with her mother to fulfill their daily needs ,Alina picked up rags whole day ,then she sold newspapers on the railway stations ,went to homes for the job of maid ,gradually she was growing up with new dreams , after exploring so much places ,after facing so much humiliation and meeting so many people she joined an NGO as a pune,there she used to listen to the lessons taught by the teachers,her passion of learning new things always forced her to try to study ,she used to do the work of cleaning but as she was very active so she used to study in library after completing work in NGO. As the time passed she became a social leader and then opened her own orphanages charity schools ,one day when she was on a visit to an orphanage for donations she saw a handsome guy named ROBIN of merely 24 years on a wheel chair he was trying his hard to get up from his chair but was not able to do so ,in fist sight only she started loving him and at the same time she decided i will make him stand up from his chair at that time Robin didn't knew that Alina loves him ,Alina one day came to meet Robin very randomly and casually and started conversation with Robin and asked him "how u became physically impaired" Robin had tear in his eyes and with a heavy heart he told i don't know because he didn't even knew who was his mom and dad and since the time he came to this world and opened his eyes he was in orphanage ,Alina understood that Robin has very much pain inside his heart he also hv tolerated so much humiliation so now she was determined that with her love she will fix all the problems,Now it became a schedule for Alina to come everyday to orphanage , gradually Robin started feeling comfortable and happy with her ,there was a time when he was counting days to die but after meeting Alina he wanted to live his life with full enthusiasm ,time passed Alina everyday used to narrate the stories of successful physically impaired persons in front of Robin to light up a fire in his mind to stand up from his wheel chair and do something ,Alina intentionally used to keep his daily usage products a bit far from him so that he could at least stand up ,she used to take Robin to physiotherapist also ,she arranged many online classes so that he can study on wheel chair also ,time passed gradually Robin started recovering and now he was a changed personality ,after 2 years he started walking and now he was very confident after 3 years he attended many interviews and got a good job but gradually when everything was okey Robin started forgetting Alina ,in his office he met a new Girl named Sofia who was very beautiful and belonged to a rich family ,she also started loving him because he had became very skilled but Somewhere he had forgotten that all his personality and skills were because of Alina ,Alina used to contact Robin BCz still she loved him most but Robin remained buisy with Sofia , gradually time elapsed Alina became Sick reminding memories with Robin but Robin has now completely forgotten her ,Everyday Alina's health was deteriorating and everyday she demanded to meet Robin but he didn't came ,One day a very unfortunate incident happend ,in the way of his office Robin met a severe accident and his eyes were gone ,for two weeks doctors were searching. For eye donor giving him hard medicines to tend his wound but gradually his kidney was getting damaged ,one day suddenly doctor shifted Robin to operation theatre and he told u got a donor for both yr eyes and kidneys ,Robin was shocked His eye surgery and kidney transplantation were successful ,now Robin was so excited to ask doctor who donated both his eyes and kidneys for me ,then after so much request Doctor gave a page to Robin on which it was written "the day i saw u I fell in love with u but i didn't confessed because if i had confessed that day then u would had understood that. I'm doing mercy on u and u would have never took a stand for yourself , i loved u from my heart and soul and when u told that u love Sofia i moved out of yr life dying in yr memories but when i herd u met an accident i was not able to sleep so I decided to give myself to u and now when u will open yr eyes u will feel me ,when u will breathe u will get my smell and i will be alive in yr memories at least and its enough for me to leave this world ,my love and blessings are always with u my dear Robin "I LOVE U"your Alina ,Robin was speechless and for whole life it became a guilt for Robin that he forget the girl who made her up and never married now he is also completing the dream of Alina to help poor and physically impaired persons and he named the organisation Alina and Robin.