
Alien in the Cultivation World

We're so used to magicians, reincarnators, transmigrators and other race in the cultivation world. But what about an alien? Even better.... An evil one ?

InnocentFox · 奇幻
49 Chs

Culprit Part 3

Fang Xuan was sprinting through the dense forest, his breath coming in ragged gasps. The trees blurred past him as he tried to put more distanced. 

Suddenly, a voice echoed from behind. 

"Are you really an evil cultivator?"

Startled, Fang Xuan spun around and swung his blade in a desperate attempt, but before he could connect with anything, Tao Bai leaped high into the air, soaring effortlessly above him.

With a smooth landing, the Qi Gathering Stage Cultivator stood on a high tree branch, looking down. 

"W—Who are you?" Fang Xuan asked, his hands trembling. The person in front of him was completely different from the villagers he had killed before. 

Tao Bai didn't respond right away. He looked confused, noting that the swing Fang Xuan made was too ordinary and showed no hint of Qi.

"Tell me, are you the one who killed the villagers?" Tao Bai asked, his voice commanding and authoritative.

Fang Xuan's eyes widened in shock. His face went pale, and he took a step back, trying to process the question. "I— I don't know what you're talking about" he stammered, his heart pounded in his chest as he struggled to maintain his composure. 

But before Tao Bai could say anything, another figure swooped into view. He landed on a nearby branch, his presence commanding attention.

"Elder..." Fang Xuan's eyes widened in recognition—it was Cui Fang, one of the elders from the village.

"Fang Xuan, come with us. You are under arrest for killing six villagers and your own mother!" Cui Fang declared, not even bothering to check if the accusation was true. 

Tao Bai didn't like this, but he stayed silent due to Cui Fang's seniority.

"I DID NOT KILL MY MOTHER!!!" Fang Xuan roared in anger, his eyes welling up with blood as frustration overwhelmed him again. 

Both Tao Bai and Cui Fang immediately drew their swords, their faces showing readiness. They felt a powerful threat from Fang Xuan, as if they were facing a dangerous beast.

"I know it, he's the killer! We need to kill him now!" Cui Fang said, his voice urgent and filled with conviction. 

"How dare you think that you could kill your own mother just to gain this cursed power!" He sneered in contempt, his expression one of disgust and anger. 

Fang Xuan's anger exploded because of the baseless allegations . His eyes, already bleeding, bled even more. 

"YOU DONT KNOW ANYTHING.. HOW DARE YOU!" he roared, his voice trembling with rage and pain. The thought of being blamed for something he didn't do pushed him to his breaking point.

"You're a lost cause," Cui Fang declared, his voice harsh and decisive. "I will kill you now and rid this world of evil!"

Without wasting any more time, Cui Fang leaped from the tree and dashed forward with deadly intent. His sword glinted in the sunlight as he aimed to end this fight with a single, powerful strike.

Blinded by his anger, Fang Xuan gritted his teeth and clutched his dagger tightly. 

"I WILL KILL YOU !" he roared, charging at Cui Fang with all his strength.


But when their weapons clashed, the dagger was shoved aside with ease. 

Without missing a beat, Cui Fang delivered a powerful kick in the stomach, sending Fang Xuan sprawling to the ground. The impact left him gasping for breath.

Suddenly, he vomited blood, the warm, coppery liquid spilling from his mouth and splattering onto the ground. His vision blurred, and his hands trembled as he tried to steady himself. 

"You're going to die here," Cui Fang declared, his tone cold and unwavering. "Evil cultivators like you have no place in this world."

Fang Xuan, struggling to get back on his feet, stared up at Cui Fang with a mix of pain and defiance.

The bright noon sun made everything feel even more intense. Even though he was exhausted and hurt badly from the earlier attack, Fang Xuan's eyes showed he was still determined and ready to fight.

"I won't die until I take my revenge," Fang Xuan said through gritted teeth, his voice hoarse but resolute.

His legs felt like they were made of lead, and he struggled to stand up, but his eyes still burned with anger.