
Alien amongst Mythology and Supernatural.

The story of a human from our world who found himself inside of a new world, reincarnated into this brand new expanse world of dangers filled with aliens, demons, angels, dragons and even gods how will our protagonist survive?

King_Rycon · 漫画同人
18 Chs

Chapter Seven: Explanations and Preparations

Author Note: Let me know if you see any grammatical errors.


Main Character POV:

We all stationed ourselves around Gaea and Rhea as they began to talk about our preparations, and telling all of us to spend all this time training or honing our skills till they deem us ready, as we were all currently too weak some of only barely entering the Supreme Tier: God Class: On the other hand Gaea stated and confirmed that most of the stronger titans were easily at the Ascendant Tier: Heavenly Class.

Meanwhile Kronos with the help of his scythe and recent perfect sync with his Domains had managed to enter the lower end of the Aspect Tier: Primordial Class, joining alongside him was Atlas who was regrettably only a little bit weaker than Kronos.

Knowing that information shocked me, we were basically a whole fucking tier behind most of the titans, let alone Kronos. However, at this I only felt excitement due to my innate Saiyan nature that loves battling. 

The reactions from the Future Olympians were varied, Zeus and Adamas were visibly excited at hearing how powerful the titans were and couldn't wait to test their skills. Poseidon, Hera and Hades maintained their neutral expression and didn't show any reaction. Demeter looked seriously at this information and Hestia seemed concerned for the well beings of her siblings after the war starts.

Meanwhile, on the other hand Gaea will work on keeping her children from detecting this island as Kronos has already ordered all his army to scour through every realm and find us. Which is no shocker after what we did to him, making someone who is as powerful as him vomit, and unconscious must have infuriated him to no end. 

Which was fair considering how much powerful he was from us.

Rhea with the help of Metis and Amaltheia was currently recruiting allies to help us for the upcoming war. They had told us that they managed to recruit several titans and beings to aid us in this upcoming war.

Several Titans who were recruited and sought out however only remained neutral during this war such as Selene, Helios, Oceanus and Tethys.

Gaea also stated that she won't actively participate in the war as she didn't want to harm her own children.

Many recognizable names, such as the Titaness Mnemosyne, Themis, The Twin Titan's Prometheus and Epimetheus and others such as Perses and Asteria, Hecate and Leto.

Some of them are on the island, but we haven't met them yet. Others are outside gathering information for the alliance.

We were also allied with Styx and her children, but they were also not present at the moment. Rhea also tried to reach and obtain aid from several primordial's such as Nyx and Erebus, but they didn't respond.

However, even with all these allies, we were still massively outnumbered against Kronos and his Army.

Kronos had many formidable Titans and allies such as all his brothers and sisters [Except Oceanus, Tethys, Themis, Mnemosyne and Rhea.] such as Atlas, Iapetus and most of his children except [Prometheus and Epimetheus], Crius and Eurybia, Coeus and Phoebe, Hyperion and Theia and many others.

Kronos himself alone was a massive problem considering his current power.

" Which is why you should all start training hard from now on, as you all are right now you lack the power to face the titans, we will try to bide as much time as possible however war is inevitable." Rhea ended her long speech after going over all the details regarding their current situation and their current alliances.

There was long silence after all that, leaving everyone to digest the words of Rhea. I looked around and saw Zeus look at himself and clench his fists excitedly. Demeter, Hestia and Adamas looked quite serious as they situation seemed quite dire in their own opinion.

Hades and Poseidon seemed rather taking all of this well as they showed little to no reaction to any of this.

I looked to the Future Olympian who was beside me and saw Hera who looked somewhat serious, but her expression was also showing neutrality the same as his brothers. She must have noticed my stare as she glanced at me, her eyes adopted a glint of curiosity.

We ended up merely staring at each other before looking back at Rhea who looked at everyone expectantly.

Someone finally broke the ice and spoke.

"I see. So, I am led believe we are in a rather terrible spot, am I? Whilst this is quite unfortunate, I do not believe that this will last for very long. We shall not fall to our defeat; those titan's will regret their actions. I will personally make sure of that for this is not a threat but a promise, a vow." Hades finally spoke as he was holding a rock which crumbled into dust as he clenched and raised his fist and adopted a look that radiated absolute confidence in his words and actions.

As expected of the King of Netherworld, Hades was not called 'The God whom the Gods Rely on The Most' and 'Most Confident and Admired God' for no reason, In Record of Ragnarök Zeus himself acknowledged that Hades was the most inspirational and confident God he ever met.

Another voice close to him spoke.

"Precisely, whilst it's true that those Titans are currently more powerful than we currently are. But that is no reason for us to wallow in fear. If those Titans want a fight, we will give them one. " Adamas agreed with his eldest brother and added his own piece.

"Hohohohoho. I agree with my older brothers. Those Titans have oppressed and discriminated against us Gods for FAR too long. It's time that we retaliate and show them our might." Zeus began with a laugh and adopted a rather dangerous tone as his expression became serious and began to unleash his aura.

"By the time we are done with them, those vermin will come to realize who is on the top of the pecking order. It is our duties and fate as Gods to stand above all others. Even other divine beings such as Titans, for we are the perfect embodiment of the divine." Heck, even Poseidon added his own piece in the conversation as assurance.

The sheer confidence these four emanated was infectious as Metis. Amaltheia, Hestia and Rhea couldn't help but feel assured at those words.

 I let out a grin and chuckled.

"Yes, that is the spirit! Yielding or Doubt is not known in the dictionary of the Gods. We shall show them the error of their ways." I decided to speak too, earning approved looks from Adamas, Zeus, Hades and Hera. Meanwhile, Demeter was seen smiling as Metis and Rhea shook their heads at this scene.

"Then you all be better for a very long session of training, especially if you wish you defeat and overthrow all the Titans." Gaea after seeing the confidence of her descendants and new ally, spoke to us.

"That's the goal anyways, the others and I do have a lot of catching up to do. Especially I, I have a lot to do to catch up to my fellow Outer Gods." I spoke to Gaea, and the last part to myself but in a lower tone which was still heard by everyone.

Gaea merely blinked and then later adopted a small smile, On the other hand Metis, Amaltheia and Rhea seemed surprised at this exclamation.

Zeus who had previously not known about the Outer Gods until my recent demonstration merely grinned as his eyes glowed excitedly at what I just said.

"Hoho! That makes sense! even more so after hearing what you say to Poseidon earlier regarding your ideals, especially after what we had seen and felt yesterday It's no wonder lacking compared to them and desire growth." Zeus spoke to me with a chuckle at the end, Poseidon who heard himself being mentioned and Zeus's words had grown curious.

I nodded to him in affirmation.

"Yes, I still need to figure out why my senior had sent me here." I told him with a thoughtful expression whilst stroking my chin.

As I was about to delve into those thoughts, my concentration was broken by the Goddess next to me who tapped my shoulder gaining my attention.

I snapped my attention on her and saw her with a confused and curious expression on her usually cold and dignified face. 

I just noticed that most of Zeus's siblings who had not been here the day before looking somewhat curious on the behalf of Hades, Demeter and Hera and clueless on the side of Hestia and Adamas. All of them hearing the term 'Outer God' for the first time, which was due to them being stuck inside Kronos's stomach for most their lives.

Even Poseidon got a bit closer than previously so he could hear everything more clearly.

Just as I was about to say something, Hera's words rang in my ears.

"I had heard you mention the term 'Outer God', several times now. Do you mind indulging us on that particular term? What do you mean when you say, 'Outer God'?" Hera curiously asked me.

Hera's question had gained everyone, and I mean EVERYONE'S attention, especially her other siblings which were stuck inside of Kronos's stomach.

Metis and Amaltheia looked at each other nervously at this as they couldn't forget what they had experienced yesterday, Rhea on the other hand could only gaze at her daughter worried as to why she would ask such a question.

Gaea and Zeus on the other hand seemed amused about the question as they gazed at me and wondered what my next course of action would be.

I don't know how much they know about the Outer Gods especially after going through what they did yesterday and how much their Status Inspect told them, but the one with the most knowledge about them is probably Gaea herself.

"That's a very complicated question." I spoke with a sigh as I closed my eyes and rubbed my forehead.

"Heck, I don't even know where to start this long explanation." I couldn't help but admit as this was really a complex matter.

"How about the beginning?" Hera quickly answered, wanting to know everything it seems.

I looked at Gaea and wondered if she was going to do the honours.

She shook her head.

"You should be the one to inform them, as an Outer God yourself who else but you are more suitable to tell them?" Gaea quickly responded, deflecting my obvious attempt of trying to divert the question to her.

"I see, okay you should all brace yourselves this is a rather long tale." I told the Future Olympians, who nodded.

"To first understand the Outer Gods, you must first understand the structure of all of the things that lay within the confines of existence itself. As such, I would like to ask how much you all know about the cosmology of the Multiverse?" I asked everyone.

To answer me would be Rhea.

"That is a rather complex question, but I have no problem answering it. The vast reaches of the Cosmos in its entirety are usually split into three different major planes inside a massive cosmological transcendental sphere which does not begin nor end." Rhea spoke, having everyone's attention on her.

" One is the Inner Planes in which our Multiverse lies, the Inner Plane consists of endless never-ending space which contains an Infinite number of Multiverses, each one of those Multiverses is stated to contain an Infinite number of universes." Rhea began her explanation and was continued by another.

"The Inner Planes in totality according to The Root which is the Source of Existence, and the Three Major Planes consist of Infinite Dimensional Layers, within them a massive hierarchy of Gods within the cosmos thus resulting in a Nigh-Infinite number of Pantheons, each of those Pantheons is tied to a Source of Origin which births their Mythology." Metis took the reins and began to explain.

"Pantheons are usually connected to an affirmed world, however each Pantheon stated to possess its own independent Cosmology of Higher Dimensional Existence Planes and Realms which can survive regardless of whether their Source of Origin is destroyed or not." Metis continued.

"However, the loss of the Source of Origin can occasionally lead to a disconnection between the divine realm and the mortal world if the Pantheon is extremely weak and lacks Gods who are on the level of the Aspect Tier: Primordial Class which our Pantheon does not lack which means we are fairly highly ranked. Those Higher Dimensional Existence Planes exist in an Extradimensional Space known as the Neutral Zone." Those next worlds that came out of Metis mouth, ended up shocking the younger deities who hadn't known much regarding the cosmology of their world.

Before anyone could speak however, Amaltheia decided to continue on the behalf of her friend.

"Which takes us to the second Major Plane, The Neutral Zone. The Neutral Zone is completely independent of the Other Three Zones and exists as an independent part of the infinitely transcendental cosmos which can only be accessed by the Supernatural Aspect of Existence which means that it cannot be reached by Mortals no matter how hard they try due it being considered beyond comprehension and understanding." Amaltheia began.

"It's of a much higher level of existence from the Inner Planes and is said to house its own Hierarchy of Higher Dimensional Planes which are even more complex than the totality of the Inner Planes, as it also contains all of the Pantheons, Mythological Planes and Divine Realms that exist in the Inner Planes inside of it. That's why the Neutral Zone is also known as the Realm of The Supernatural and the Gods or the Astral Plane." Is what Amaltheia ended her explanation with, the next to speak was Gaea.

"The Neutral Zone or Astral Plane is also where 'The Root' and 'Counter Force' live, at the most uppermost and highest point of the Infinite Hierarchy placing them above all the Pantheons and Mythologies. They are also the absolute force that creates the massive boundary that separates the First and Third Planes from each other." Gaea began, her words full of wisdom and knowledge.

It seems that this piece of Information surprised even Metis and Amaltheia, however before they could voice it, one of Future asked a question.

"What is the 'The Root' and 'Counter Force'?" Demeter asked, curious as everyone else.

" The Counter Force is what we refer to the 'Will of Existence', which refers to all of that exists within this cosmological structure. It also places a massive veil between the Supernatural and the Ordinary separating the two, as usually any supernatural act viewed by mortals would be covered by something known as 'The Mist' which is an optional feature presented to the Gods by the Counter Force, which is an illusion the Counter Force creates in order to promote the idea of the lack of existence of Supernatural as a form of protection to the Supernatural." Gaea began.

"However, the World which we are currently connected to has no such beings and is empty and devoid of life which means that the Counter Force currently does not function on the planet despite the abnormal huge concentration of pantheons and their emergence during the birth of the universe and their innate connection to Earth. Pantheons are usually born during the start of their home universe and remain stale until their Source of Origin is finalized on a planet chosen by 'The Root'. " Gaea continued.

"The Counter Force also manifests itself as the 'Will of the World' and exists as a mandatory feature that ensures the existence and prosperity of each world, which it promotes. Sometimes creating and uploading certain features necessary to maintain the existence of said worlds. Then there is the Root, otherwise known as 'The Vortex of the Radix' or 'The Akashic Records', is a metaphysical location that acts as the "force" that exists at the top of all theories in every dimension, as well as the source of all events and phenomena in the universe." Gaea added, this time shocking even her daughter.

"Mother, how much do you know about 'The Root'?" Rhea asked.

"Not much, no one has seen or had the chance to meet the Root. Not even my father, Chaos did. All I know is that the Root is often regarded as the very embodiment of what exists 'Outside of the World' and exists above all the Concepts such as Time, Space, Reality as an absolute being. The Root is also stated to have created the Counter Force and the Akashic System and is the very Origin of all Magic and Supernatural Energy." Gaea answered her daughter, revealing many things.

I looked around and saw the amazement, surprise and awe on the faces of the many people currently present. 

The people who hid it the most were Poseidon and Hades, Poseidon showed no reaction except the slight widening of his eyes, Hades on the other hand had his mouth open a little.

"I believe we have gone a bit off topic. How about you take the last part?" Gaea spoke, looking at me.

I nodded, but inwardly I was honestly absolutely shocked by all the things I heard. Most of them were things I didn't even know. All my current knowledge is about the Outer Planes. I didn't know much about the Inner Planes and didn't even know the Neutral Zone existed.

I decided to secretly and inwardly ask Aexalton for more information, as I did not know much about the Outer Planes and did not want to seem like a fool.

So, I tried to reach out to him, which surprisingly worked as he sent me a LOAD OF INFORMATION.

'Holy fuck, my brain is overloaded.' I said feeling somewhat dizzy.

I sighed and opened my mouth and started to speak.

"Like the others had said there is three major planes. The Inner Planes, the Neutral Zone which they had explained earlier. Which takes us to last and final Major Plane. Which are the Outer Planes, otherwise known as the 'Great Beyond'." I started and took another breath and continued, Metis, Amaltheia seemingly shivered at that term and Zeus and Rhea looked uncomfortable.

Most likely due to what they had seen from my 'Great Beyond Domain'.

"The 'Great Beyond' is a term referred to any specific area that encompasses all the dimensional layers of existence that make up the known Cosmology of both the Inner Planes and Outer Planes. The Outer Planes refer to a reality beyond our reality where the Unknown dwells. Within the Outer Planes exist ungodly beings of eldritch nature and alienish gods the likes of which the Inner Planes had never bore witness too. These creatures exist outside the influence of the 'Counter Force' and 'The Root' which the two are originated from and which means they are strictly connected to the Inner Planes." I began with this introduction, which was just the beginning.

"Outside the Inner Planes lays what is known as the Outer Planes which also serve as a protective boundary between what exist between you and the 'Great Beyond', which are the Forgotten Realms completely alien to yours exist, each one with its own laws, physics and rules. The 'Great Beyond' is home to one specific group of gods, it's a very ancient Pantheon which is older than the Inner Planes themselves and houses an Infinite number of gods. Otherwise known as the Gods of the 'Dark Tapestry'." I was about to continue but as I spoke of the Dark Tapestry, seemingly the atmosphere grew gloomy and darker and denser.

'Fuck, I forgot that the Gods in this universe have cosmic awareness.' I cursed.

Everyone was seemingly alarmed as the tensity in the air was so heavy, everyone could feel the danger behind the name I mentioned had just mentioned. Watching how the whole plane seemingly froze in complete surprise and shock.

'Aexalton, please don't let them find us.' I silently asked, I felt a voice speak in my head.

'Don't worry, they won't be interested in something as meagre as the Inner Planes. Just watch.' He answered.

As soon as he said that the pressure seemingly vanished as the world returned back to its original state.

"Fuck, that was close. Thankfully they aren't interested in Inner Planes." I spoke out loud in relief.

"What the fuck was that? I could feel my instincts screaming at me." Adamas spoke sounding completely alarmed, Rhea didn't even bother to slap his head for cursing as she was in such a state herself.

Everyone [Except Gaea] looked at me for answers, even Poseidon.

"That was the Outer Gods of the group I had mentioned, beware of them. These guys are infinitely more dangerous than Kronos would ever be." I spoke, earning the surprised looks from the Future Olympians who were in Kronos's stomach.

"That is an understatement, comparing Kronos to the Outer Gods of the Outer Planes is like comparing an atom to a star." Gaea stated, which was correct considering that if Kronos was barely a Low Ranked Aspect Tier being, which means he would barely be able to stand in the presence of even a Low Ranked Outer God who might be at higher ranks of the Aspect Tier.

Meanwhile the Gods of the Dark Tapestry are confirmed by the system to be 'Middle Ranked Outer Gods' which are in the to the Conceptual Tier.

"Thats true, my senior is one of them. Anyways, continuing where I left off. 'The Great Beyond' is a Conceptual Aspect Domain that all of the Outer Gods wield, even those in the Outer Planes. Naturally I myself, being an Outer God possess this Domain. However, I don't belong to the Group of Outer Gods I had mentioned. As I originate from a place beyond the Outer Planes. Deep into the Unknown of the Great Beyond, which is also known as the Greater Great Beyond thus why I am also known as 'The God of the Great Beyond'." I told them, using Divine words of the 'Words of Power' Authority to describe the last emphasised part.

"Wait, so is that's why you felt so foreign? it's because you are one of these 'Outer Gods'? But that doesn't just make you a Foreigner God, but one that is completely alien." Demeter questioned and exclaimed.

"Yeah, I come from a very unique species of Outer Gods from beyond the Outer Planes and Deeper within the Greater Great Beyond. Unfortunately, there is not many of us out there. It also bothers me and doesn't help that I am currently kind of the youngest and weakest of them." I spoke mysteriously, I was innately wondering if I would come across Goku or Vegeta one day.

Heck, what if I meet one of the OP versions? Like Xeno Goku or heck even AF Goku.

"Does your species have a name?" Hestia wondered curiously.

I nod and chuckled.

"Yes, we do. We are known as the Saiyan Gods, of the Saiyan People and part of Ancient Saiyan Mythology we are split into several classifications of our own. The thing about my people is that any Saiyan can become a God as long as he works for it. It's how our biology works it promotes the idea of infinite evolution, its within our very nature. As a result of that the Mortal Saiyan's are quite strong on average. Even a Lower-Class Saiyan Mortal can easily destroy an entire planet." I answered, this piece of information which piqued the attention of the Gods around me.

"I see, so that's why you're so keen on infinite growth. Still, to think that there exists a race of mortals that can become Gods is quite interesting." Gaea spoke after hearing my explanation.

"Yes, there is three different ways for Saiyan's to become a God. The first is to obviously be born as one, the second is to obtain divine power from another God. The third and final way is through a ritual, which is successful if a spirit belonging to a Saiyan God allows for the ascension into Godhood to be successful." I spoke as I momentarily activated my Saiyan Domain and released the aura, showing them the domain.

They all seemingly used their status inspect on it immediately receiving information about the domain, which I was able to sense.

"Hm, what an intriguing Domain you have. Are you one of the natural borne 'Saiyan' Gods?" Poseidon suddenly asked with a serious tone, looking expectant at my answer.

I quickly nodded; they didn't need to know the truth. I thought as I went back to my explanation.

"The Saiyan's are a species with only a single Mythology and Pantheon. As the Gods of our pantheon are extremely strong with a Minor God being easily comparable to primordial's of other Pantheons on average due to our innate ability to grow limitlessly." I added as I realized this fact after inspecting my Domain on a personal level.

Poseidon seemed satisfied with my answer regarding whether or not I was originally born as a God, making me inwardly chuckle.

"I suppose I should share this with those of you who weren't here when I first came, I recently got into this Plane through a certain senior of mine who also happens to be an Outer God foreign to the inner planes. I don't know why he sent me here of all places, but I suspect that there is a deeper reason as to why he sent me here which I don't know of." I quickly added.

"I see, that is rather suspicious. To send you here without informing you of this place beforehand that is." Hades stated as he stroked his chin.

"Yeah, that's what I currently wish to figure out. The motives and reasoning as to why he sent me here, an Outer God of his status and level should not care about the Inner Planes." I spoke trying to sound analytic, to be honest I don't really care that much when it comes to why he sent me to the Greek Pantheon of all places.

But I needed an excuse, so sorry about using this as a scapegoat to not sound suspicious and direct the suspicion all to you, Aexalton.

With Aexalton~

"Seriously?" said Aexalton, with the flattest tone and most deadpanned expression for being used as a scapegoat.

Back with the main story~


"No matter, I will figure it out eventually. Going back to where I was, I ended up eventually running up into Zeus, became an ally and the rest is history." I concluded my story to everyone.

"Oh, come on you spoilsport! you can't end the story there! You forgot to mention our glorious battle!" Zeus complained loudly., obviously not happy about how I decided to skip over it.

"Do you really want to bring up? We were stopped right in the middle of the battle, anyway, weren't we?" I asked the Lightning God flatly.

"Of course! It was one of the greatest fights I ever had, especially considering how I was forbidden from fighting anyone. It also did not help that I was mostly stuck in this boring island with a bunch of old stinky ladies." Zeus continued trying to explain himself, however that last bit earned the ire of his mother and lover as they smacked his head REALLY HARD, sending his head down to the hard and cold ground burying his head deep within.

Everyone else couldn't help but look at this scene blankly, except Hestia who got worried about her brother's wellbeing.

I couldn't help but let out a loud round of laughter, being joined by also Adamas who began to mock and make fun of Zeus.

However, his laughter and mockery ended when his mother started to pull his ear and berate him at laughing and mocking at his brother which made me laugh louder.

Hera who was next me to only shook her head at my antics.

~ Small Time Skip~

Several hours after I had spoken with the others, shared some information and shed some light regarding my identity as well as talk about the cosmology of the world I currently live in.

"I see so you guys decided to take some time off and train?" I asked the two in front of me.

"Yes, me and Hades have decided to go towards the mountainous regions of the island and train there. Zeus had already gone off somewhere all alone and said he would be back in a while, Poseidon also disappeared after saying he would check out the ocean. It's obvious that they are going off to train! I can't let them get too ahead of us, which is why we are going on our own training trip." Adamas replied with a smirk, pointing towards himself and Hades who was next to him.

Those who were with me were Gaea, Rhea, Metis, Amaltheia, Hestia, Demeter and Hera.

"Zeus, that boy I don't know what to do with him I know he is bound to get himself in trouble. Metis, Amaltheia you are both to go off and find Zeus and ensure that boy doesn't do anything!" Rhea said as she rubbed the bridge of her nose and ordered the two.

"Yes Lady Hera!" Both of them replied and went off to look for Zeus.

We all watched as they left, the atmosphere becoming somewhat awkward.

"What about Poseidon?" Hestia asked her mother.

"Compared to Zeus, Poseidon is much wiser and is less likely to get himself into any sort of trouble he couldn't handle. So, I don't think he would need any supervision. Besides considering his personality, I don't think he would appreciate being watched." Demeter answered her sister on her mother's behalf.

"Yes, what Demeter says is true. Poseidon certainly seems much more responsible than Zeus." Rhea replied, having already decided to put her faith on Poseidon.

Rhea looked at her two elder sons.

"I will allow you both to go off and train, however I want you all to come back in a year at most. Until then, we would made all our preparations and have gathered all of our forces and proceed with the final stage of our plan." Rhea spoke to her two eldest and second eldest sons.

"Final stage of the plan?" Hades asked curiously.

"The Underworld, we are going to rescue your uncles the Hecatoncheires and Cyclops. They are the secret weapon you require in order for the rebellion to succeed." Gaea answered her grandson.

"Really? Are they that strong?" Adamas wondered.

"Strong? The Cyclops are not that strong, however when it comes to the Hecatoncheires let's just say there is a reason that our father, Ouranos Imprisoned them. Despite their appearance, they were also very strong. They have the rawest physical strength amongst our siblings. The Cyclops on the other hand, can craft powerful weapons that could serve as extra insurance to winning this war." Rhea spoke, answering her son who at that answer grew excited.

"I see, it would seem that you had been planning this for quite a while then. To have so many plans and preparations placed on this war is quite an impressive feat as it would require quite a lot of foresight and leadership, not to mention the amount of time it took for all the planning." Hades analytically spoke.

"You have no idea; however, you are right on that son. As ever since Kronos swallowed my first child Hestia, I had grown to resent him. I had been brewing the seeds of rebellion and planning for this war." Rhea spoke to not only hades but all her children who seemed surprised but grew happy after hearing how much she cared about them.

"Thank you, mother." Hestia expressed her gratitude, hugging her mother.

"You must have gone through a lot." Spoke Demeter who hugged her from behind.

Hades, Adamas and even Hera who was usually seen with a cold expression on the other hand were seen with smiles of varied degrees.

Gaea also had a small smile for her daughter.

"You don't need to thank me; I only did what a mother should do for her children." Rhea spoke, patting the heads of her two daughters.

Eventually the hug broke off and Hades and Adamas bid their mother farewell, which Rhea only allowed after hugging both of them and telling them to be careful and steer away from the Titans.

it was now only me, Gaea, Rhea, Hestia, Demeter and Hera.

Hera looked at me and asked.

"I am surprised you didn't go with them." She asked me with a raised eyebrow, breaking the silence as our conversation drew attention.

"The same could be said about you, why didn't you go with them?" I asked back.

"Well, I have my reasons." Hera spoke as she glanced away.

"Well, there you have it." I answered with a chuckle as I looked at Demeter and Hestia.

"You too, why didn't you go off yet? Just as your brothers did." I asked them.

"Well, I haven't decided on anything yet." Demeter spoke shrugging her shoulders.

Hestia shook her head and spoke.

"I am going to stay with my mother, I have decided to train and help mother." She quickly answered, looking at her mother.

"Are you sure about this daughter?" Rhea asked her eldest child and daughter.

"Yes, I don't like fighting anyways. Besides, if I am here, I am sure I can pick up a thing or two from you and Grandmother." She added, smiling at her mother who smiled back.

"Very well then, I will help you train." Gaea spoke, surprising both Rhea and Hestia.

"Really Mother? But I thought you said you were only going to help us hide and stay neutral during the conflict." Rhea looked at her mother in surprise.

"Well, it's only one person. Also, seeing how my Granddaughter behaves leads me to think that she wouldn't train seriously unless she is being trained by someone who supervises her training." Gaea added looking at Hestia who seemed sheepish.

"Busted." Hestia added with a pout.

Rhea chuckled at her daughter's antics and looked at me.

"So, when are you leaving?" she asked.

I looked at her thinking about that question, which is undoubtedly something worth thinking about. I needed to train to, but where should I go? 


The End.

Author Note: Just as I pointed out in the previous chapter, the poll is still open so don't forget to quickly vote with your reasonings, as for this chapter. It may seem like a bit of an information dump, I know. However, I can guarantee that it will get better from here. The war of the Gods and the Titans, the Titanomachy is upon us and drawing closer and closer with each chapter so you can definitely anticipate the sheer excitement regarding that.

I will also try to do as much World Building and Character development as much as I can, otherwise the story would be too bland and boring with no real sense of direction. That's not how I want this story to be, as I want to make it seem like there is some true connection between the story and reader and make the characters have more depth to them.

Feel free to speak any of your ideas and suggestions! I love reading those.