
Alien amongst Mythology and Supernatural.

The story of a human from our world who found himself inside of a new world, reincarnated into this brand new expanse world of dangers filled with aliens, demons, angels, dragons and even gods how will our protagonist survive?

King_Rycon · 漫画同人
18 Chs

Chapter Five: Introductions and Rescue Mission

Main Character POV:

I stood looking curiously at them after Rhea had spoken, all of them refocused their gaze on Gaea who despite her daughter's earlier question and gaze on her didn't lift her gaze at me for a moment, however she did give a slight nod towards her daughter clarifying her opinion to Rhea, which in return made everyone refocus their gazes back on me.

I couldn't help but make an awkward smile as everyone seemed to gaze holes into my body before sighing and nodding towards them.

"Very well then, I suppose it's only fair I share my story with you all seeing as to how I seemingly trespassed into your pantheon's territory of divine realms." I spoke to them realizing that I needed a convincing story somehow.

Maybe a bit of Half-Truths will suffice.

"That's a massive understatement." Metis muttered under her breath, although everyone had heard it.

"That's true, foreigner what you did was more than trespass you had basically come crashing into our doors and alerted all of the higher beings within this realm of your presence, it is a miracle Kronos hadn't found you yet." Agreeing to Metis's statement, Rhea responded whilst rubbing her forehead.

"Well whether you believe it or not, coming here was not my choice I brought here by something or rather someone." I revealed to them which made some like Zeus and Amaltheia look surprised whilst Metis and Rhea raised an eyebrow. 

The one to speak this time, however, was Gaea who had been silent as she stared at me.

"This supposed 'person' you speak of." She began with her usual indifferent cold tone and apathetic gaze.

"Wouldn't happen to be an Outer God, would it?" She spoke slowly as her eyes narrowed at me dangerously, her voice stern and cold.

Despite her hitting the nail on the head I had other thoughts in my head.

'Sheesh, someone woke up on the bad side of the bed this morning. Did Ouranos treatment towards her children make her mad? Or is the source of her anger and bitterness her children? Who fucking knows, this woman is colder than the void where I met Aexalton.' I inwardly monologued.

However, Gaea's words had much more impact on Metis and Amaltheia who gasped, Rhea had a shocked expression as her head snapped towards her mother so fast that I heard a crack and seemed completely in shock, Zeus on the other hand seemed excited for some reason.

What a crazy battle maniac he is, yup this Zeus would definitely be HAPPY about rebellion if it ever happened during his reign just like how excited he was in Record of Ragnarök.

My thoughts were brought to a halt by Rhea who spoke.

"Mother, does this really have something to do with them?" Rhea asked her mother in shock.

Gaea finally glanced at her daughter and nodded seriously before looking back at me and narrowing her eyes.

"I have finished inspecting his domains, and this foreign energy that I haven't felt before and some of your Domains are quite Odd and even alien, not to mention you have quite a number of Conceptual Aspects tied with your being. There is no doubt, not only does this have to do with the Outer Gods but you are also one of them aren't you?" Gaea revealed to everyone in the room, inspecting my domains? Did she use status inspect? But I thought that a God could not inspect another God's status freely, is it because she is a Primordial Goddess?

Before I could even continue pondering that question, everyone immediately turned their attention back to me once more, some such as Rhea, Metis and Amaltheia looked quite incredulously at me, Zeus however, could be seen grinning widely at this revelation. Gaea was the only person in the room who hadn't changed her expression or tone.

Feeling like I should say something I opened my mouth to speak.

"Ah, busted. That's correct, I am an Outer God. Indeed, I have come from somewhere very far away outside of this multiverse, even beyond the Outer Planes of this reality." I told them sheepishly.

"OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO, I KNEW YOU WERE VERY INTERESTING THE MOMENT I LAID EYES ON YOU! COME ON LET'S FIGHT AGAIN! ITS TIME FOR ROUND TWO!" Zeus began with a massive laughter that broke the tense atmosphere and ruined the mood, and looked at me challengingly as he challenged me to another bout of battle.

Sadly, for him though. In the next moment, he was hit so hard on the head on the behalf of both Metis and Rhea who had scary smiles of sweet anger as they pummelled him into the ground effectively as his head was buried into the ground.

"Foolish child, how many times have I told you to behave? Have you not learnt anything of the things I have taught you? Don't foolishly pick fights with anyone you come across." Rhea chastised Zeus for his actions.

"Lady Rhea is right, we were lucky we weren't found and discovered by any of the other titans and here you are ready to start another battle?" Metis joined in with Rhea in berating Zeus.

I couldn't help but chuckle awkwardly at the situation, is it bad that I got excited after hearing that declaration of a challenge? I couldn't help but feel ashamed, those darn Saiyan battle instincts were actually happy about Zeus's idea despite it being far from the best move at the moment.

Gaea snapped her fingers gaining the attention of everyone.

"We are getting out of topic, leaving my troublesome grandchild aside. I believe you owe us a proper introduction and explanation regarding your appearance." Gaea spoke as Rhea moved next to her mother and Metis and Amaltheia helped Zeus up.

"Hm, sure but after I introduce myself, I expect you guys to introduce yourselves too." I spoke gaining responses from both Rhea and Gaea.

"I suppose that's only fair." Rhea responded with a small smile.

"I have no issues with that." Gaea stated with a small nod, still maintaining her usual tone and apathetic expression.

"Okay then, like I said earlier I am an Outer God, one of the Extraterrestrial Gods who came from The Great Beyond. My true name is Nocyr Aglaed." I began my story with a simple introduction and started to use my 'The Great Beyond Domain' which basically made the Outer Gods who they are and signified their identities as deities from beyond the Cosmology of the Inner Planes and made them who they were.

Freakish Alien Gods of Eldritch Nature beyond comprehension of both mortals and the supernatural, heck even some of the gods themselves.

Gaea furrowed her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes as she gazed at the Conceptual Aura, I was showcasing to everyone in the room, which made sense since it did feel freaky and alienish sometimes even for me.

Meanwhile Rhea visibly shuddered as she had a very shocked face as she inspected this Conceptual Aspect of Reality which seemed incomprehensible even for Gods.

Metis and Amaltheia were seen sweating coldly as this aura seemingly began to overtake the room as I drawled more power from the Conceptual Aspect of the Great Beyond Domain, even Zeus who recovered seemed to be startled by it.

I continued to raise my domain higher as I drew all the power I could to manifest this domain in this room and show it to them. This was the first time I was doing something like this, I normally wouldn't use one of the Primordial Conceptual Aspect Domains like this, just using it was making me use immense concentration.

I was drawing the very origin of the aspect from my Domain.

Reality began to shiver as alienish texts and weird sounds and noises began to surround the room, I looked at everyone and most of whom had shocked faces, even Gaea who normally had a Cold Apathetic Expression couldn't hide the look of astonishment, I soon realized that they used their Status Inspect on the Domain itself.




Eventually the texts covered the entire place as the place shook and the random alienish gibberish got louder and louder, I looked at this completely confused not understanding what was happening, but I noticed everyone grow increasingly pale and even Gaea had a tinge of sweat on face and for the first time I saw some emotion in her eyes, it was fear.

As the Domain was making its manifestation and existence known throughout the island, I noticed something small cracks began to appear around us, it was as if reality was cracking.





I was taken out of my thoughts by a very loud shout, from nonother than Gaea herself.

" STOP IT NOW!!!! WITHDRAW THIS ACCURSED DOMAIN THIS INSTANT! YOU'RE PUTTING ALL OF US IN IMMENSE DANGER AND THIS PLANE COULD BE COMPLETELY WIPED OUT, DRAW ANYMORE THAN THAT AND THEY WILL APPEAR!!!" Gaea shouted loudly towards me using her divine voice with absolute seriousness and weariness, which made me confused and even shocked at her reaction, but I stopped nonetheless, as I felt something was off about this.

I took a deep breath and withdrew my domain back inside me, making all the alienish divine texts go inside my body as the alienish gibberish voices began to slowly fade as the aura of the domain was slowly vanishing making everyone, and I mean EVERYONE in the room breathe a very long sigh of relief as everything seemingly turned back to normal.

I checked the current state of everyone, and Gaea seemed to be the least worried out of the bunch as she was looking around as if looking out for someone or rather something..

Rhea was seen looking extremely worried and frightened as she checked to see if her child was okay, Zeus on the other hand looked extremely serious and deep in thought despite his body currently shaking, as if he was contemplating something.

Metis and Amaltheia both looked pale as they trembled as if they have seen a Ghost.

I was broken out of my thoughts by Gaea who spoke to me seriously.

"Nocyr was it? I will be very blunt with you; be extremely careful and wary with that Domain you have; it could bring a danger the likes of which this plane has never seen, which is why you should NEVER, and I mean NEVER attempt to do something like that again, you might be similar to them but I have detected that you are quite young, meaning that unlike them you are currently weak by comparison." Gaea advised me whilst looking at me seriously, however I noted that she seemingly gazed at me with a bit of weariness.

"Whose 'Them'?" I asked curiously.

This time Rhea intervened in our conversation and asked me a question.

"Hold on, do you mean to tell me you didn't feel that? Isn't this your own Domain, how could you not see 'THEM'." She asked as she eyed me wearily not looking the least bit amused as she added emphasis on the word 'THEM' with a bit of trepidation and even a bit of venom.

I noticed that everyone, even Zeus seemed to look at me with caution now. Just what did they see that was so bad that made them so worried and afraid?

I chuckled awkwardly and rubbed my head embarrassingly.

"Just like she said earlier," I began as I pointed towards Gaea and continued." Whilst it's true that I am an Outer God, I still am extremely young and practically a newborn compared to most gods, so I am not really that experienced with using my power." I spoke to them with a blush of shame as I admitted my shortcomings.

This seemed to get reactions as everyone gave me weird looks, Zeus on the other hand seemed to barely resist the urge to snicker.

"What?" I asked, feeling somewhat offended. It wasn't my fault I wasn't good at using my powers as other people considering that I RECENTLY GOT TRANSMIGRATED HERE.

Metis and Amaltheia gave me stupefied looks as Rhea shook her head in disbelief, Gaea on the other hand rolled her eyes as she spoke.

"Very well then, I shall indulge you child. What 'Happened' is that you drew Conceptual Energy from the very origin and source of your Domain itself, which is quite dangerous considering that when Gods reach a certain threshold of power, one such individual being myself. We could sense when the concepts tied to our existence is being used by other individuals and even affect their use of it depending on the difference in power." Gaea explained to me which made me nod.

I must admit that is quite interesting however that still didn't answer my question.

"I see, but what does this have to do with what you said earlier?" I asked her once more.

"What she is implying is that after you drew in the power of the Conceptual Aspect of your Domain, which allowed us to gaze into it and inspect it on a finer detail and see its own information, we were blocked and rendered unable to by certain 'beings' who wielded the same Domain as you do." This time Rhea answered my question which finally made me gasp in realization.

"Wait! You don't mean!" I began asking as I shook, fuck! 

I recalled the moment I read the tier and remembered reading about Outer Gods, who existed on the higher tiers, heck some of them were even Hyperversal in terms of power, there some famous names like Cthulhu and Azatoth.... No fucking wonder everyone was terrified!

I can't believe I was going to fucking alert them of my location like a fucking dumbass, shit that was really fucking close.

"Yes, unfortunately we came to witness those.... things.... Those Nightmare inducing horrific fiends!" Amaltheia spoke whilst trembling, looking somewhat traumatized by the Eldritch Horrors she saw whilst Metis comforted her.

I couldn't blame her; I went through the something quite similar when I had seen Aexalton's True form for the first time.

"I see, those beings you all saw were the Outer Gods, likely to be my Seniors. Beings who also use this Domain just like I do, it's kind of an identification card for us Outer Gods. I am sorry that they terrified you all, A senior Outer God friend of mine used to do the same and prank people by using that form of his." I replied awkwardly, trying to explain it to them and make the situation a bit better whilst using Aexalton as a scapegoat.

However, my words seemingly worsened their moods as they all gave me 'Are you for real' looks.

"Prank? Seems like those Outer Gods have a really good sense of humour." Zeus added sarcastically.

That sarcasm was not lost on me, but I was going to play along with the joke.

"You don't know the half of it, my senior was really elaborate in showing that." I joked in a humorous tone with a nostalgic gaze, as I remembered all the shenanigans Aexalton put me through.

Rhea sighed and began to speak.

"You and your senior aside, those Outer Gods were absolutely terrifying most of them make us Titans seem tame by comparison, I have never felt so endangered in my whole life. Their aura and presence were something incomprehensible." She spoke with a shudder, and she remembered she, her mother, her son and her other two acquaintance's saw several Outer Gods whom subconsciously blocked their path preventing them from inspecting the Domain any further as they continuously slept and slumbered whilst not paying any attention to them, being completely undeterred and unalarmed by their presence as if they were stopping a bunch of bugs from entering their home whilst exuding a terrifying and completely foreign and alien presence, aura and appearance.

Each Outer God that came after the last was even bigger and more terrifying.

She gulped at the memory as her mother voiced her own thoughts to everyone to hear.

"Yes, they were undoubtedly at least on the same tier of beings as I and my siblings. My Father and Progenitor, Chaos had warned me and the rest of my siblings of the Outer Gods and the dangers they pose, so I was extremely weary. However, I did not expect them to be this dangerous, they exude a very unusual type of energy unfamiliar to me, how strange an unknown brand of Primordial Energy perhaps?" Gaea questioned herself whilst rubbing her chin, seemingly deep in thought.

Chaos huh, as I recall he and most of the Progenitors of the Pantheons such as Ginnungagap and Amenominakanushi were all around the same tier as Azathoth and the strongest Outer Gods, maybe if all the Pantheon's Progenitor Primordial's join together they could face all the Outer Gods?

Wasn't the Abrahamic God, Para Brahman and Amun-Ra also on that Tier alongside the 666, Ophis, Bahamut and Great Red? I could name more First-Generation Order Primordial Gods Progenitors such as Rod, Pangu, Enuma Elish, Ahura Mazda, Huitzilopochtli, Danu and so many more.

I really have a long way before catching up to these powerful being's man. So many powerful Gods and beings in this universe and its seemingly endless amounts of Pantheons.

'I really had a very long way to go.' thought, however that thought didn't not discourage me rather, I felt excited extremely happy about the prospects of fighting such beings one day.

As I am right now however, I currently lack the power to go against most of strong gods in this world, heck I could barely go against a Young Zeus who is currently weaker than his own Mother.

I almost chuckled at that but decided to push my thoughts aside and focus on the room and decided to answer Gaea's question.

"You hit the nail on the head, miss. But there is more, the Outer Gods are known for having tons of unknown Domains, so the list doesn't end there. I myself have quite a number of Foreign Conceptual Aspects tied to my existence." I spoke to them, giving my own piece of information.

"I saw that myself child, you have quite a number of complex Domains which is impressive for a supposed 'Young God', but then again, I suppose the Outer Gods are really far beyond what is considered normal, even for the standards of us Gods of the inner planes." Gaea responded back to me.

"I see, well I guess it's time for me to continue my story?" I asked unsure as I looked at them.

They gained everyone's attention as they focused their attention on me, Gaea silently gestured for me to continue.

"Well where was I? Oh yeah, I came here due to my senior. He tossed me here into this plane after we made a certain deal, you see during my travels I had gotten myself stuck in a certain place and he made a deal with me and after fulfilling the terms of the deal he helped me get out of that damn place and sent me down to the inner planes for some reason. I don't know why he chose this plane of all places, but I don't really understand what goes inside that head of his." I narrated my story to them, thankfully I had enough time to come up with a convincing tale.

However, my story drew some blank stares at me from the women in the room, Zeus however seemed more interested about the place I was supposedly stuck in if him perking up after hearing about that part was any indication.

"Judging from everything we seen and heard so far, you seem like the type of person who always gets himself in trouble." Metis couldn't help but utter with a flat tone.

I chuckled awkwardly as I rubbed the back of my head.

"You're exaggerating." I tried to defend.

Rhea sighed again as she rubbed her temples.

"You are just as troublesome as my son Zeus; your parents must get really worried a lot about you with how much ruckus you seem to cause." She stated with a shake of her head.

My eyes widened for a moment as the word 'Parents' was mentioned.

"Ah, I don't have any parents. I am an Orphan Outer God my parents, I don't know anything about them." I spoke to them once again using half-truths as I was an Orphan human in my past life, so I really didn't experience any familial or parental love, earning surprised looks from Metis, Amaltheia and Rhea who suddenly gained a look of realization.

"That certainly explains a lot..." Amaltheia spoke with a low tone, but her words were still heard by everyone.

I don't know if I should feel offended or not by that.

"If you say so." I began and looked at them inquisitively. "Isn't it your turn to introduce yourselves?" I asked them which made everyone glance at Gaea who was silent.

"Very well, we will indulge you as I detect no ill intent or malice coming from you. However, this does not mean we trust you, foreigner child god." She finally spoke and began as she narrowed her eyes still using that same tone of voice and continued.

"My name is Gaea, The Primordial Goddess of the Earth, Daughter of Chaos and the mother of the Titans, Cyclops and Hecatoncheires. You currently dwell in the Heavenly Realms of the Greek Pantheon, be aware that I will be watching you." She ended her introduction as she glanced away.

"I see, so I did really land in the confines of one of the inner plane Pantheon's territories. Huh, what rotten luck to get tossed into one of the Inner Planes of the Macrocosm." I spoke, trying my best to act my part as an Outer God without making them suspicious about some aspects of my story.

"Oh no, that is quite terrible, I am sure." Zeus sarcastically quipped before continuing humorously. "Those Outer Planes must be really wonderful if you think getting stuck here is bad luck." Zeus ended with a sound of laughter.

"Zeus, was it? Well, If I am being honest. It was actually the opposite everyone there is just so old and boring. Most of the Outer Gods do nothing but sleep all day, I had to come up with ways to entertain myself, so I kept pranking them which often got them pranking me back tenfold." I spoke as I visibly shuddered at the memory, Aexalton was very ingenious with his pranks during the years we spent together. He even took me to meet the Outer Gods of his Pantheon one time, but they were all disinterested and kept sleeping all the time.

This somehow got Zeus's attention as he was extremely curious about the Outer Gods.

"That sound quite interesting, you should take me there sometimes I would love to have a good Ol brawl with these Outer Gods, that power I felt from them was absolutely nuts!" Zeus spoke as he cackled at the thought.

"You will do no such thing child; you will stay as far from the Outer Planes as you possibly can, they are simply too dangerous especially for a God who is still wet behind his ears." Rhea berated Zeus once more for his recklessness and behaviour.

"Come on mother, why do you always have to be such a spoilsport it's too boring around here, I rather go and fight Father and his lackeys or the Outer Gods. Just thinking of all the carnage, violence, adrenaline and thrill is enough to get my blood pumping" Zeus complained and spoke excitedly at the end which got him a smack in the head.

"Anyways, putting aside my foolish son. My Name is Rhea, The Titaness of Fertility, Family, Generation and Motherhood. I am the wife of the Titan King Kronos and one of the children of Gaea." Rhea quickly introduced herself.

Metis and Amaltheia stepped forward and introduced themselves too.

I nodded towards them as they ended their introduction, after the introductions were over, they started to talk about their current situation.

~ A long while later~

"That's when I finally decided to bring Zeus here to Crete, as I tricked my husband Kronos into swallowing a stone replica of my son with the help of my mother, I was able to easily trick him and safely save Zeus and raise him with the assistance of Amaltheia, Metis as me and mother planned a rebellion by raising Zeus and releasing his siblings from Kronos's stomach and train them all in hopes of defeating my husband and the titans as they had grown too arrogant after defeating Ouranos and usurping the throne from him." Rhea finally ended her very long narration of the events with some help from Gaea and Metis on some parts of the story.

I just sat there and listened to the story, which was quite interesting to hear from the Greek immortals themselves. It was a brief explanation but one that certainly shed light on the situation.

"I see, when are you planning on saving the rest of your children?" I asked her.

Rhea sighed deeply before speaking.

"You appeared in a quite the period, my husband is holding a banquet tomorrow and inviting all of the Immortals, which includes Titans, Cyclops, Minor Divinities, Spirits, Nymphs and monsters, it's a tradition where they all give Kronos various gifts, it happens once every year." Rhea began.

Her words were continued by Metis.

"Lady Rhea and Lady Gaea instructed me and Zeus to go to Mount Othrys tomorrow, our plan is to gift Kronos as special enchanted potion created by Gaea that would make him vomit all of the Lady Rhea's children and effectively knock Kronos out for a few minutes." Metis continued with an explanation.

"I see, and what will you guys do about the titans? Who's to say they won't intervene and block your path?" I asked, digging for details.

"I wouldn't worry about that; Most of the Titans aren't interested in these kinds of events so barely any of them would be attending. Plus, Lady Rhea will distract the Titans as we initiate the plan. We even purposefully chose to gift Kronos the potion during the end of the banquet in order to ensure that there would be little to no witnesses." Metis explained.

I nodded my head at that, the plan did seem solid and quite sound.

"Indeed, we do have everything planned. Although Kronos would undoubtedly be very mad and demand his army to search all of the planes of Othrys in search for his rebellious children. We would still have time to prepare for war as worked hard to ensure that this place is never found." Amaltheia added to the conversation.

"Now that you are informed, it's your turn to answer a question of mine." Rhea suddenly spoke as she pointed at me. "Where do you stand in this war? You had been involved in this the moment you came into this realm; you must pick a side." She asked as she stared at me calculatedly.

I sighed inwardly as I felt my body getting excited at the prospect of participating in a damn war between Gods and Titans.

"I will help you overthrow Kronos." I spoke, making Zeus grin alongside Amatheia.

Metis and Rhea on the other hand seemed rather surprised but pleased.

"If that's the case you must prove it." The only primordial in the room spoke turning everyone's attention towards her.

"Prove it? By doing what?" I asked her.

"Prove it by aiding Zeus and Metis in rescuing my grandchildren." Gaea continued flatly, taking me off guard.

I never expected to have the chance to meet Kronos and walk into one of the heavenly Greek Palace's this soon.

"I guess I have no problems with that." I replied, seeing no flaws in that logic. 

"Good." Gaea stated, surprising me as she had a small smile for the first time since I met her.

However, it disappeared as soon as it appeared.

Rhea came along with Metis and Zeus told me to prepare for tomorrow among other things 

We kept talking for a bit until we all separated, Rhea, Metis left together as Amatheia went on her own, Gaea sunk to the ground and disappeared, Zeus took me somewhere to rest and prepare for tomorrow.

~ The next day. ~

We were all prepared outside the cave, in front of us was Gaea and Amatheia. Rhea had already gone there before us to do her part, now it was our turn, the banquet already begun a while ago but now was the time for us to make an appearance.

Before Rhea left, she reminded us to shapeshift into Titan-like beings in order to fool Kronos, Gods were considered to be abominations by the titans, considering that they had higher potential and higher innate divine power compared to Titans and were often imprisoned upon sight.

As we waited, Metis appeared with a heavenly chariot, which will take us to Mount Othrys.

Me and Zeus nodded to each other as we put on our disguised forms and jumped on the chariots.

"Remember you two, do not make any unnecessary movements when we get there." Metis warned us both as we took off, with a farewell from Amaltheia.

"Here Zeus." Metis told Zeus as she gave him the Bottle that had the enchanted potion.

The way there was mostly silent except with a couple of reminders here and there from Metis, which was somewhat boring considering what we were about to do.

As we reached our destination Metis quickly reminded us about all the details regarding the plan in a short summary.

I looked at the massive palace which was located in the middle of the mythical infinite sized mountain, the palace was so freaking big it could easily fit massive cities like New York inside it, it was also the most beautiful piece of architecture I ever laid my eyes on.

Me, Zeus and Metis got off the chariot as we walked towards the palace which was surrounded by layers of massive walls, within each wall a different district and city far eclipsing any modern human settlement, the buildings themselves were of divine origin an atomic bomb wouldn't even put a smudge on a single brick on this thing.

As I mused in my thoughts, we eventually arrived at the massive gate walls of the Palace and went inside.

We came across a rather lively hall, with everyone inside passed out and most of the people knocked out or likely to have left, surprisingly enough there was a small line, and a certain figure was seen sitting on a massive throne.

I shuddered as I saw the image of Kronos, who wore celestial divine armour that covered his entire body, from his back long crimson hair flowing out as he also wore an iron helmet that covered most of his face which hid crimson glowing eyes, crimson wings made of ethereal energy, and he had an extremely terrifying aura that seemingly froze time and reality itself around him.

[Image's of Kronos's Appearance.]

Why do I fucking hear final boss music ever since this guy appeared? the music which only I seemed to hear suddenly stopped.

I couldn't help but stare at the Titan King in shock, this dude was freaking overpowered. I could already tell that he was probably stronger than everyone I met in this plane so far except Gaea herself he carried a massive scythe that was practically pulsing with temporal power. I could feel it through my Minor Time Domain, but I didn't want to even touch my Time Domain in fear of him noticing something suspicious.

We got in the small line. Me, Zeus and Metis patiently waited for our turn as the banquet was nearing its end. We were apparently the last amongst the visitors whom Kronos teleported out the moment they gave him the gifts.

Eventually our turn came.

"Speak your names, peasants and name your gift." The Titan King spoke, his tone as chill as time itself as he spoke using his 'Words of Power' Authority similar to what Gaea did earlier when me and Zeus fought, which basically meant the divine tongue. If a God spoke the divine tongue in the mortal realm using this, reality itself changes to whatever those words come out as. 

However, in the divine realm, a God can freely use it without consequences.

Zeus, Me and Metis knelt and introduced ourselves using fake aliases as we presented a bottle.

"Dear Lord Kronos, Oh Mighty Titan King we have cometh bearing the best wine you shall ever taste!" Zeus spoke dramatically to his unknowing father.

Kronos merely snorted.

"Best wine? Please, as if I hadn't heard that enough for an entire lifetime." Kronos spoke sarcastically as he lifted a finger and moved it, taking the bottle from Zeus's hands and opening it and taking a sniff.

"Oh? Not bad, this is some good stuff. Maybe drinking this will actually prove worthwhile." The Titan King noted as he began to drink the enchanted concoction and gulped the whole bottle down, when he was done, he looked extremely pleased as he let out a satisfied sigh.

"Well done peasants, I didn't expect lower class vermin to produce something that was actually really goo-" Before he could complete that very arrogant statement he completely froze as he began to choke as his stomach swelled before he started to puke out in front of us.

I knew this was going to happen, but I didn't expect it to be so disgusting. 

I scrunched my face at the awful smell as his puke reached everywhere, eventually several beings emerged from his mouth falling out.

Me and Zeus undid our Titan disguise and Metis's appearance went back to her usual self and smirked at each other as we had succeeded.

I took notice of seven individuals who were wearing nothing but rags and was immediately struck by absolute shock.

There were six people that come out and most of them were really familiar in appearance and despite the rags and disgusting liquids on their bodies they were all otherworldly in terms of beauty and appearance.

I gazed at the men, there was three which including Zeus made a total of four brothers....

'No fucking way.' I thought as I took in their appearance, looking at Hades, Poseidon and the God who I knew the identity of thanks to the story I heard earlier but I didn't expect that...


[Image's of Hades's Appearance.]

[Image's of Poseidon's Appearance.]

[Image's of Adamas's Appearance.]

I could hear Kronos who was puking finally give in and pass out as he collapsed on the floor in front of his throne, all of the six gods who appeared had different reactions.

Adamas looked confused but also disgusted, Poseidon was seen glaring at the ground next to Kronos as if Kronos was unworthy of receiving his gaze directly, Hades on the other hand was inspecting the surroundings and making sure that all his siblings were safe. I looked and admired their appearance especially Poseidon and Hades who looked as handsome as in the Manga and Anime, truly top specimen of masculinity.

I changed my attention towards the woman and was immediately left completely at awe, although I tried to keep a straight face, I was inwardly shocked.

They were even more beautiful than Rhea and Gaea! Both of whom had Otherworldly supernatural beauty and perfectly carved features with no flaws.

I first looked at Hestia who had crimson red hair and scarlet-coloured eyes, perfect facial features and gifted curves that highlighted her features even though she wore a rag and was covered in stomach acid as she seemed to also be looking whether or not her siblings are safe, she looked concerned and had gentle features on her face as she looked around confusingly.

I was able to figure out her identity due to her aura emanating Domains that was related to her.

[Image's of Hestia's Appearance.]

Demeter's appearance was shockingly more beautiful than Hestia's, although there was one detail I noticed right away. She had the appearance of Caster Divine Spirit Demeter from Fate/ Nasuverse, which completely took me off guard. She had pale blonde hair that reached all way to her hips and tied in a massive braid and amethyst-coloured eyes, and an extremely voluptuous body. 

Demeter similarly was seen glaring at the body of Kronos similar to Poseidon, however unlike Poseidon she didn't seem to really care whether he was worth looking at or not.

[Image's of Demeter's Appearance.]

I turned my attention to the last female member who looked absolutely disgusted by all the fluids on her body as she was waving her arms to get rid of the fluid. Our gazes met and my breath got stuck on my throat, she was just as beautiful as Demeter and had a body just as impressive and had sharp red eyes, pale skin and long silverish white hair that reached all the way down her back.

She had a prideful aura befitting a Queen and a seemingly arrogant demeanour to match, when she realized someone was looking at her, she momentarily stopped moving and stared back at me as I stared back at her. She seemed to have an intense gaze which highlighted the sharp features of her eyes.

This woman was undoubtedly Hera, I couldn't figure out which franchise Hera or Hestia were from unlike Demeter and their brothers who had appearance of certain versions of themselves in different series.

[Image's of Hera's Appearance.]

I kept looking at her as she gazed back at me, eventually she broke off the gaze and went back to trying to clean herself.

I looked at Metis who nudged Zeus who after realizing we were running short on time, coughed gaining the attention of all their siblings.

"My dear brother and sisters, allow me to introduce myself I am Zeus your youngest brother, and these two behind me are..."Zeus was cut off by Metis who introduced herself.

Zeus's introduction definitely piqued the interest of Hades and Hestia after learning that he was their brother, Poseidon didn't seem to give a shit as he continued to glare at the ground where Kronos was next to. Adamas and Demeter only looked slightly intrigued, and Hera looked unimpressed.

"My name is Metis, the Titaness of Wisdom and Zeus's lover." Metis spoke, shocking me greatly as I had no idea, they had that sort of relationship but remembering the Myths I felt stupid for not realizing that they probably did have something going on.

Her words completely went over the heads of everyone as Hades, Hestia, Adamas, Demeter and even Hera looked confused. Poseidon was, well.... Poseidon.

I noticed everyone including Zeus and Metis and excluding Poseidon, look at me waiting for my introduction.

"Me? My name is Nocyr Aglaed, I just recently came across this guy *Pointing at Zeus* and seeing as to how he is bound to get in unnecessary trouble I come along with him to help him free his siblings." I spoke deciding to be a bit cheeky.

"OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO, Me cause trouble? Look who's talking, mister 'Got scammed by an Outer God' Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?" Zeus retorted back.

"Scammed? Is that what you took it as? Please, I wouldn't go that far, heck I was probably even brought here for some unknown reason, everything has a reason after all." I nonchalantly spoke as I defended myself against that low blow by Zeus.

However, what he said brought an idea into my head. I didn't actually get scammed and put into some sort of scheme, did I?

"Ohohohohohoho, whatever helps soothe your divine soul my friend. I think your just too prideful to admit you got cheated by that senior of yours." Zeus spoke with a hearty laugh.

"Ha, you're the last person to speak about someone being too prideful to admit being cheated, did you forget what happened last night already?" I retorted with a sly smile as I recalled the several games, which I introduced to him which led to several interesting events.

A story for another time.

Zeus groaned.

"Of course, you're going to bring THAT up, freshen those old wounds why don't you?" Zeus spoke as he shuddered at the memory.

"As much as I like to hear the two of you argue and prattle amongst yourselves, we are running out of time." Metis broke into our conversation, making me and Zeus looked at each other and then at everyone else.

Zeus's siblings seemed to be amused on the most part as they watched us as we argued, mostly being Hades, Hestia, Adamas and Demeter on the most part.

Hera kept an expressionless gaze unlike most of her siblings and seemed to focus her attention more on me as Poseidon stopped glaring at the ground and closed his eyes in disinterest as he crossed his arms and silently listened.

We both coughed in embarrassment breaking the awkward silence that came, as Zeus decided to speak.

"Everyone let's leave right away before Father wakes up. We will explain everything on our way back to our base." Zeus told his siblings.

Hades and Hestia nodded alongside Adamas, Hera, Demeter. There was also Poseidon who didn't respond but followed along as he gazed at the ground.

We all shapeshifted into animals and went towards the chariot.


The End

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