
Chapter 3: Domains and Gods

Third Person POV:

After the birth of the Multiverse in an era long before the big bang even existed, the only beings that existed at that time before the dawn of creation and existence were the gods themselves. During this era, mortals didn't exist.

Not even Primordials or even Gods existed during that time. In this long-forgotten era where nothing existed, there existed several beings who existed. Beings long forgotten by the very concepts of time and space itself. Those beings have seen the rise and collapse of countless cycles of Multiverses and seen it all. Those beings are known as the Outer Dimensional Planes Gods.

Main Character POV:

I suddenly jolted up as my eyes snapped open as soon as I felt an unusual, mysterious and a very radical change in my being. My mind couldn't stop processing it, before I felt my body brimming with power, but it always felt like something was missing it was as if though I was incomplete.

Now I feel more depth, it's as if many doors have been unblocked. I feel a very deep connection building up inside as my powers have grown immensely. It was as if I was a completely new person. The power I had now didn't compare to the power I had before, I had become immeasurably stronger as my veins pulsed with new untold and unspoken power.

I felt connected to something, but what exactly I didn't yet discern, I feel certain aspects of reality aiding me and giving me power as my body and soul couldn't stop trembling from the sheer shock of this transformation I just experienced.

I began to get used to this new feeling; after taking a deep breath I started to gaze around and noticed a screen in front of me showing me notifications of what had transpired during the time I was out.






Looking for solutions....

Solution found, body is compatible with transformation and is capable of continuous evolution due to the innate Saiyan Nature and Extraterrestrial Divine Core....









Due to your compatibility with Evolution, you have gained a certain domain!

Due to your Innate Nature and Extraterrestrial Divine Core and Potential of being an Outer God you have gained possibility for few new domains!


Inputting Domains....


Adapting your body to new Domains....



Transformation Successful! Due to the sudden transformation, your body has received a change in classification and power!

Classification has been chosen.


You are now 'Officially' classified as an OUTER GOD!

The former 'Possible' classifications: 'Alien God' and 'Extraterrestrial Immortal' have now been removed and terminated from your status.


Continuing your evolution...



Your power level has risen!


You have gained many domains which have increased your status significantly! You have now become a 'Middle Class God'!

You are now a 'Supreme Tier: God Class' entity!




Evolution Complete.

Congratulations! You have officially acquired several new Major, Moderate and Minor Conceptual Aspect Domains.

Due to possessing ' ACTUAL' domains you have now become an 'Official' or 'True God'.


Many divine beings across the Cosmos have noticed the emergence of a new divine entity.

Several divine beings noticed the connection between you and their Conceptual Aspects and Domains and your position as a fellow deity of a similar Domain.

Several divine beings have acknowledged your existence.

The Most Ancient Gods have become known of your existence.


Shit..... I hope the 'The Most Ancient Gods' are not who I think they are....

I put that thought aside as I gazed at the screen I began to think about the term 'Conceptual Aspect Domain', and right after I got my answer as my Apotheosis Intelligence got to work. It seems my nature as a divine being is filling in the blanks.

Dozens of information enter through my head making me feel a bit dizzy and nauseous for a little bit.

I guess I have to come terms with the fact that I am a GOD now...

Now where was I? Oh yeah Concepts, Aspects and Domains.... Let me continue my train of thought....

Now let me ask, what is a Domain?

Domains are Conceptual Aspects of reality and existence. These concepts and aspects of domain come in various levels and each of these levels are with various degrees of specialization and categories.

When it comes to specialization and categories there is often no limit on how great or how miniscule a domain can be, for example even if the domain is common among the gods, it can still become a Major Conceptual Aspect and you feel more connected with it than any other Domain & Divinity connection.

The categories for Conceptual Aspect Domains can vary anywhere from key basic elements found in nature such as Lightning, Fire, Wind, Water and Earth. Then there is the Domains tied with Civilization and are essential to civilization such as Hunting, Music, Dancing, Agriculture, Marriage and Family. Then there is Abstract Type, with Domains such as Time, Space and Reality.

Domains are what allows Gods to hold absolute control over central aspects of reality. Making them embody that very concept and become one with it, only after becoming with said concepts can a god truly attain and become capable of using their True Form Ascension/ Descension [True Manifestation/ Restriction] and use their Divine Domain Manipulation to their fullest extent, True Forms allow Gods to become Concepts in a physical form rather than a Metaphysical sense, which makes them extremely overpowered.

This is why those two are amongst the most useful and powerful Authorities that the gods wield and use.

The only thing that can stop a God using his domains is a God of the same domain with superior power or Concept Destruction related abilities and Divine Armaments who have certain attributes and power.

While Major Conceptual Domains tend to be wider in scope thus granting the God a wider range of Authority and versatility of the Domain and Concept, Minor Domains that are much more specialized and specific exert greater control over the specified Conceptual Aspect since the concerning Domain is much more limited to a more specialized aspect of reality.

For example, a God of Plants (a Moderate domain) would have more control over Plants than a God of Life (a Major domain) who would usually have authority over plants, creatures, souls, realms and even celestial bodies, but a God of Flowers (a Moderate domain) would have greater control over Flowers than the God of Plants who would have authorities over all kinds of plant life, and a God of Red Roses (a Minor Domain) would have greater control over those roses and flowers than any other mentioned god unless the said god has a higher authority and rank over the Domain.

Another example is that all gods have the ability to manipulate space and time and heal beings and to some extent alter reality as they please, but Gods of Reality, Space, Time and Healing have FAR GREATER and FAR STRONGER control, authority and versatility over these types of powers the Gods that don't have these types of Conceptual Aspect Domains.

The second and last exception is that this could be negated if the difference in power between the compared Gods is simply too great, thus nullifying the control that god has over that part of the Domain due to the massive difference in Divinity.

With enough divine power gods can even combine two Authorities to create a Temporary Fusion between the Conceptual Aspect Authority or even create a new Domain which usually takes time.

A God can gain a Domain over time despite the fact that most Gods are usually born with most of their Conceptual Aspect Domains, the speed in which the God can obtain the Authority over the Domain depends on the current statistics of the god such as his current domains, power, skill in using his powers and how well the Domain matches the god and his current domains.

For example, if the Domain is completely opposing of what you are or if it's a Domain that you usually don't have much to do with it can take a while and even then, it will start out as a weak Minor Domain granting you a Lesser Divine Authority over that Conceptual Aspect of reality.

Conceptual Aspects and Domains are not limited to Gods, certain mythological creatures such as Titans in Greek Mythology, Giants in Norse Mythology, Dragons of Higher Breed than ordinary Drakes, Wyrms and Wyverns alongside Biblical Angels, Biblical Devils and Demons have these types of abilities and powers.

Albeit some such as the Dragons, Biblical Angels and Biblical Devils and Demons are usually entitled to only one to a maximum of three aspects unlike Titans, Giants and Gods with the exceptions being Dragons who could gain more Conceptual Aspect Domains the more powerful they are and can even ascend to Godhood becoming Dragon Gods, which are beings who far surpass ordinary Gods.

What makes the God truly stand out is that they can have as much Domains as they want with enough.

Some like Hermes from Greek Mythology have more than thirty Conceptual Aspect Domains.


If you think that is a lot, then wait till you learn that the Abrahamic God has the Conceptual Aspect Domain over EVERYTHING.




Yes, you heard it right, EVERYTHING. I am not kidding since he literally has a Domain named God of Everything and with his amount of Divine Power, he can probably nullify the power of any god who is not on his level.

No wonder they call him the 'True One God Amongst Gods' in DXD, one of his other Major Domains is God of Angels, Creation, Divine Power and Holy Power.

How do I know this you ask? Let's just say "Apotheosis Intelligence" is far greater than you think. It's really terrifying to think that all Gods have this skill. No wonder why they are so Prideful and High and Mighty, who wouldn't be after you could literally understand and comprehend things on such a level?

Man, I am feeling both excitement and terrified. Seeing all this is getting my new Saiyan body etching for battle, I finally understand why Goku let Frieza go Full Power and Vegeta made Cell go Perfect. With these Saiyan Instincts demanding for me to go fight against the strongest Gods out there at their highest extent of power, it's really hard not to.

An interesting fact to note is that Gods can bless and curse mortals, the blessings and curses vary and depends on type of blessing/curse. For example, blessing a mortal with the power of Foresight and Precognition takes a lot more power than it would for a God of Foresight and Precognition if Foresight is not part of my domains, but blessings in general don't really take much power since its child play for gods. 

The strength is blessing, however? It matters a lot, especially if you don't have that specific domain.

For example, a God of the Natural Disasters can easily bless a mortal to manipulate natural disasters. The blessing can grant an Authority over Natural Disasters so powerful that the mortal would be able to replicate the whole 40 days and nights flood from the Abrahamic Legends and Books and engulf the entire planet in a mass extinction event. Even if it's an ordinary mortal human who never had supernatural powers in his entire life.

I will say it again, Gods are absolutely terrifying. I will give you even more reason to believe so, Divine Authorities are even more terrifying due to them forming out of domains. I am not talking about the Classification Authorities you usually get for being a God, but the Personal Authorities.

Personal Authorities are basically Trump Cards that Gods use, for example Saint Seiya's Hades has 'Greatest Eclipse' and 'Last Canvas' which are completely lethal authorities that can defy logic, fate and laws of the world.

Despite the fact that I am a Saiyan God full of Inexhaustible Might, I am barely a Middle Class God now; I am in no position to fight Third Generation and Last Order Primordials much less the Abrahamic God who is a freaking First Generation and First Order Primordial. 

He really is absolutely Broken, Speaking of Broken Major Domains as you might have noticed, there are three types of classifications for Conceptual Aspect Domains.

Those being: Major Domains, Moderate Domains and Minor Domains

I can't help but wonder about how many Domains I have gotten.

I opened my parameters first.




Strength: SSS

Endurance: SSS 

Agility: SSS ++

Energy: SSS++

Luck: EX +


Power Level: 5 octillion

Tier: Supreme Tier: God Class


This is quite interesting, though I can't help but wonder why the heck is my Luck is so damn high?

Never mind, I don't even care anymore.

Let's check the Properties.



True Name: Nocyr Aglaed

Aliases: None

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Saiyan, Archetype: Divine

Classification: Outer God

Tier: Supreme Tier: God Class

Origin: Outer Dimension, Prime Multiverse

Source: Planet Vegeta, Planet Sadala

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Hidden Attribute: Heaven, Beast

Class: N/A [ Undecided]

Power Level: 5 octillion


Oh, it seems they removed the Alien God and Extraterrestrial Immortal classifications like they said they would.

I am also extremely happy that I ranked up by one Tier just like it said I did, I was now a Middle Class God thanks to obtaining ACTUAL DOMAINS which I am going to check in a few moments.

This is oddly satisfying.

Now for the real juicy part.

Racial Statistics & Authorities:


Core Essence: Extraterrestrial Divine Core


Conceptual Aspect Domain: ??? [ NEW!]


Okay stop here!

I will check the rest later, there is bound to be some new Authorities after all after obtaining new domains.

I clicked on the question marks and suddenly the screen changed, and I finally saw my new domains.

I was extremely excited as I read over the screen.

Racial Statistics & Authorities:


Core Essence: Extraterrestrial Divine Core ----> Divine Core of Outer God


Conceptual Aspect Domain: 

You have a total of 18 domains-

Major Domains: [Six]

1. Inner & Outer Space

2. Energy

3. Nothingness

4. Null

5. The Great Beyond

6. Saiyan's

Moderate Domains: [Six]

1. Destruction

2. Creation

3. Special Ki Energy

4. Celestial Bodies

5.  Boundaries

6. Beasts

Minor Domains: [Six]

1. Combat

2. Time 

3. Reality

4. Rage and Madness

5.  Instincts

6. Luck


As I saw my domains, I suddenly feel my body relaxing as I had sudden understanding about myself, I felt my being grow more profound as I had finally comprehended my existence it was if though the veil had been lifted.

I felt each one of those Conceptual Aspects lend me their essence, I felt as if though I was becoming one with those Concepts, it was as if though my Concept-Reliant Immortality had finally solidified its stature as it had been finally completed.

I felt many sources of power lending me their power from the Cosmos and all of Existence itself, it was as if they were watching over me and wrapping me around a blanket of power heeding and becking my call.

It was a very addictive sensation; I closed my eyes and took a deep breath I can feel it now. There was a total of 18 concepts fuelling my body now, it was like several threads had established a connection with my Extraterrestrial Divine Core and formed a connection with Metaphysical Concepts and merged these concepts with my being.

I looked deep into that Core and entered some sort of Soul Plane, an area deep within my Divine Subconsciousness. I looked around and saw my Conceptual Aspect Domains some were larger than others, the Major Domains were the biggest, it looked fascinating.

I couldn't exactly determine the shape due to its size and the massive stunning amount of Conceptual Energy, but each one looked like a massive Celestial structure, was it A Galaxy? A Universe? I didn't know how to describe it, but it was absolutely stunning to see.

The longer I looked the more I could comprehend them which did somewhat confuse me but then I realized that it was probably due to my connection with these concepts, I was a God now after all.

The Moderate Domains on the other hand looked smaller, they each resembled a Massive Galaxy of Conceptual Power, it was as if it was Conceptual Aspects had taken form inside of my being and fuelling it with power.

The Minor Domains were the smallest of the bunch, they each took the shape of Constellations, which still looked very impressive. It's also funny how I have a Minor Domain of Luck, no wonder I have been so Lucky recently.

I suddenly froze in shock as I noticed some of the Conceptual Aspects looking at me as if though they were subconscious.

'What the hell?' I spoke surprised and shocked.

I gazed at my Major Domains and saw some of them looking at me whilst others merely looked away after I looked at them.

I noticed two Major Conceptual aspects looking at me very intently. I couldn't help but feel somewhat overwhelmed.

'Man, this is all too damn confusing even with Apotheosis Intelligence, I don't understand what is going on anymore' I sighed and thought that I should probably take my leave, although I made a note to come back later.

I took another deep breath as I exited my subconscious, I gazed around and looked back at the screen admiring my eighteen domains.

'It's funny how they each had 6 Domains.' I thought with a small chuckle before freezing a bit.

Hold on...

6, 6 and 6? Hey now, isn't that a fucking curse number or something? That's way too damn even for my taste!

Well, there is nothing I can do about it, Let's just hope it's not some kind of curse or premonition for the future.

I see quite a lot of decent domains here, some more than others....

I wonder if I can somehow inspect these domains and see their information somehow?

I just want to check the first six major Domains, that will be enough for me.

As that thought crossed my mind, a screen popped out showing me the Domains I wanted to view.


Conceptual Aspect Domain of Inner and Outer Space:

Type: Major Domain

Info: Due to your innate nature as a creature from the stars beyond, the system has given you the domain of Inner and Outer Space, due to this you have gained connection with the very aspect of space itself and as long as it continues to exist you shall exist forever.


Speak of the devil.

Oh, so this is how it will show me my domains? This really looks fascinating. Space is honestly a very broad concepts and can be certainly very useful, I am very happy with this.


Conceptual Aspect Domain of Energy:

Type: Major Domain

Info: This Domain is very rarely seen even amongst Gods despite common belief, as the very concept of energy itself is rather vague to most and to obtain the Conceptual Aspect of Energy itself is similar to reaching the Root as such this Concept is very difficult to obtain.

This Domain was obtained mostly due to your Saiyan Physiology as Saiyan's are very adept and using and mastering new energy, after scanning through your essence the System has determined that Saiyan's in general and Freaks of Energy as there is no type of energy that they could not wield.

Whether it be Evil, Pure, Demonic, Draconic, Primal or even Divine and Angelic energy through the use of Ki, as such you have gained the Domain of Energy. You shall remain to exist as long as the very concept of Energy itself exists.

This is a Primordial Conceptual Aspect, destruction of the very Concept of Energy could lead to the imbalance and disorder and could chaos absolute chaos, as the Concept of Energy is necessary for the balance of all things in existence.


Holy fuck, this is one hell of a Conceptual Aspect Domain, this is way better than I thought it would be. The very implications of this are insane!

Just think about it, imagine a God whose very existence is reliant on Concepts themselves and since most Gods rely on Concept type Immortality this is pretty nuts! It makes sense though now that I think about it, Energy in itself is a very broad term and considering all that it encompasses.

Doesn't energy basically exist everywhere? Every sort of Supernatural power depends on some sort of Energy, heck even the universe itself and even Scientific energies like Kinetic Energy and Concepts such as Stamina. So that means that Energy itself is vital and without it the Universe would not exist.

This is really turning out to be one hell of a haul and this is only the second one....


Conceptual Aspect of Nothingness:

Type: Major Domain

Info: As a being who had one experienced being thrown in the Great Vast of the Cosmos in an Infinite Sized Higher Dimensional Existence Plane of Complete and Utter Nothingness your body had accumulated quite a bit of affinity for it, you have been and seen the Void and now it shall beckon and heed your call.

This is a Domain only very few possess, you are connected to the very concept of Nothingness itself; it shall heed the call and lend you its power, the void and darkness is in your hands. The absence of everything is Nothingness, the absence of Light is Darkness. This is one of the nigh indestructible concepts as it is impossible to erase nothingness, when there is nothing to erase.

This is a Primordial Conceptual Aspect, to erase nothing is to be one who above the very concepts of existence.


"WHAT THE FUCK!!" I couldn't help but yell as I read through my third Major Domain. Another fucking crazy domain, this seems ridiculously overpowered.

Two fucking Primordial Aspects in a row?

Energy Domain is one thing, but this is another. No wonder when I looked at the Nothingness Domain, it looked back at me. 

It was as if I was as if I was staring at the void itself, it was like the term 'When you stare at the void, the void looks back at you' coming into fruition, but strangely it was quite cooperative to me. It was fuelling me with Authority and unspoken power that I had little knowledge of.

It was completely different from the Energy Domain, which seemed to be much less mysterious and much more open and less secretive.

Nothingness in itself is a very vague concept that not even Gods could understand. According to what I know. I will receive both Classification Authorities and Personal Authorities from each of these Domains, so I will know for sure later.

I sighed as I continued onto the next domain.


Conceptual Aspect Domain of Null:

Type: Major Domain

Info: The Null, unlike Nothingness which refers to Absence of Matter in its purest form, in which Matter had never been introduced in the first place and Eternal Emptiness where Existence is Impossible and is Not Allowed. Null refers to the Transformation of Everything into Nothingness, the Cycle in which Matter through the introduction of the Null Attributed substance known as Anti-Matter is completely transformed into Nothingness. In more simpler terms, to speak of Null is to speak of the term 'Negation' and 'Nullification', which is separated forms of Null.

Null is the very Personification of Anti-Matter, Negation and Nullification given form. Null is different from Destruction, rather than destroy Null is more focused towards the aspect of 'Resetting', that is the essence of the Null to reset everything back into the original state, to return was to what it was from before, Null Grants the Ability to Resetting and Rewinding all the order of things into Zero.

The Highest level of Null is the ability of 'Rejection', that is to Reject what currently is and what was due to dissatisfaction of the Null. Which completely removes certain conclusions and rewrites them instead of completely resetting them, through this process a new conclusion is reached when Rejection is replaced with 'Acceptance'

Null First Level: Anti-Matter, Negation and Nullification.

Null Second Level: Resetting Order all of Things.

Null Third Level: Rejection of Conclusions / Acceptance of Conclusions.


"Okay this is getting a bit absurd." It keeps getting worse with each one, and here I thought I wouldn't be surprised after seeing the previous ones. But the mere implications that this Domain gives is quite ridiculous.

You mean to tell me that anyone with this Domain can simply say 'No' and everything will just reset? How will this exactly work? Are there any limitations?

I tried to figure it out with my Apotheosis Intelligence which gave me the answer.

I see, it seems I was overcomplicating things out for no reason. Whilst it's true that this is extremely powerful, according to the information I had obtained. Domains function the same way everything else does, if someone is massively superior to you, say for example someone who is in a Higher Tier. The power takes either too much power or has little to no chance of success.

Besides I was not the only person with extremely powerful Domains, there are some really terrifying Gods and Beings out there.

Considering that I currently live in a realm which is a mixture of several shows and animes, the Gods are bound to be absolutely terrifying

This is certainly a nice Domain to have though.


Conceptual Aspect Domain of the Great Beyond:

Type: Major Domain

Info: The Great Beyond is a term that encompasses all the planes of existence that make up the known reality and exist outside of it, these are known as the Outer Planes which are far more complex than the infinite multiverses, universes and dimensions that exists within it.

These realities beyond our reality are the domains of the Outer Gods and play home to non-godly powers fit for worship, Planar Outer Dragons, and entirely alien races. These beings are often described as Eldritch horrors which live within the farthest reaches of the Outer Planes.

 The Greater Great Beyond encompasses all the Three Major Planes, there are three Major Planes: Inner Planes and the Outer Planes. Separating and connecting the two spheres is the Astral Plane. The spaces inside each of these planes contain an infinite hierarchy of Lower and Higher Dimensional Existence Planes within them, each layer far surpassing the once it encompasses infinitely.

Despite the names implying a planar layout, the planes exist on dimensions incomprehensible to mortals, thus these terms are used to represent the planes in two or three Major Planes which sounds far less complicated than what it truly is.

You were able to obtain this Domain through the existence of your Species which exist in a MUCH farther plane than the farthest Outer Plane of the Outer Gods and even outside the entire plane of existence. As such you were deemed naturally fit for the Domain of the 'Great Beyond' to point of it becoming a major Domain, thus becoming a great 'God of the Great Beyond'.


This Domain explains a lot actually. This was one of the two Major Domains that was staring at me very intently.

Something tells me that this Domain is much more than what it seems, on the other hand. I am very happy with this. I am really fucking glad I picked the Saiyan Race, especially a Saiyan God, the Saiyan God was a good choice. Thanks to that I was basically able to become an Outer God.

Speaking of Saiyan, there is also the Saiyan Domain.


Conceptual Aspect Domain of Saiyan:

Type: Major Domain

Info:  The Saiyan's, Extraterrestrial Beings from a Multiverse outside of this plane, far above the stars, galaxies, universes and even Outer Planes. Due to this, one of your initial potential classifications was the classification 'Outer God'. Considering your nature as a Divine being of Saiyan Origin, this Domain was a given. As a God of Saiyan's you are given certain privileges that differentiates you amongst those of your race.


Finally! something normal for once. I didn't expect to get a Domain like this, but it's actually very nice to have.

My inner Dragon Ball fan can't help but Geek out though. which for me personally, make sense. Being a Saiyan was like a dream, something I initially thought was completely impossible.

But here I am, not just a Saiyan but also a Deity.... In another plane of existence.

What a funny story this would be to tell your kids. If I ever have some that is.

This also completes the long list of Domains I wanted to see, my Six Major Domains....

Just seeing these six Domains gives me an idea of what to expect for the Moderate and Minor Domains, especially since they are Lower Ranked compared to my Major Domains which means my connection with them is much less profound.

I don't feel like reading more of those.

[ Author Note: Not really, I could have shown all the 18 Domain descriptions, but I didn't want to bore you guys anymore with all this information dump.]

I definitely learned a lot about Godship today, I feel one step closer towards becoming an Authentic Deity.

Okay, I suppose I should check the Classification Authorities I have gotten thanks to these new Domains of mine.



Classification Authority: Type: Divine

True Form Ascension/ Descension [True Manifestation/ Restriction]

Divine Domain Manipulation


Divine Domain Abilities and Authority:


Inner and Outer Space Domain:

Inner and Outer Space Awareness [ New!]

 Absolute Space Warp [New!]

Meta Space Manipulation [New!]

Energy Domain:

Global Energy Awareness [New!]

Complete Energy Control [New!]

Instant Energy Comprehension [New!]

Absolute Energy Manipulation [New!]

Nothingness Domain:

Void Manipulation [New!]

Darkness Manipulation [New!]

Null Domain:

Matter Nullification [New!]

Anti-Matter Manipulation [New!]

The Great Beyond Domain:

Aura of the Great Beyond [New!]

Outer Planes Navigation [New!]

Outer Planes Travel [New!]

The Great Beyond Language Comprehension [New!]

Outer God Tongue [New!]

Saiyan Domain:

Global Saiyan Prescence Awareness [New!]

Saiyan Physiology Comprehension [New!]

Saiyan Control [New!]

Saiyan Creation [New!]

Absolute Affinity with Saiyan's [New!]

Destruction Domain:

Existential Erasure Power [New!]

Energy of Destruction [New!]

Innate Destructive Instinct [New!]

Creation Domain:

Existential Creation Power [New!]

Energy of Creation [New!]

Instant Creation Comprehension [New!]

Special Ki Energy Domain:

Life Force Manipulation [New!]

Spirit Manipulation [New!]

Boundaries Domain:

Boundaries Manipulation [New!]

Boundary Inducement [New!]

Celestial Bodies Domain:

Meta Cosmic Awareness [New!]

Celestial Structure Comprehension [New!]

Celestial Body Manipulation [New!]

Cosmic Energy Manipulation [New!]

Sollar Energy Manipulation [New!]

Heat Manipulation [New!]

Radiation Manipulation [New!]

Light Manipulation [New!]

Gravity Manipulation [New!]

Mass Manipulation [New!]

Size Manipulation [New!]

Beast Domain:

Beast Control [New!]

Beast Tame [ New!]

Beast Physiology Comprehension [New!]

Beast Creation [New!]

Combat Domain:

Instant Combat Style Comprehension [New!]

Global Combat-Prescence Awareness [New!]

Time Domain:

Time Theory Comprehension [New!]

Time Manipulation [New!]

Reality Domain:

Reality Manipulation [New!]

Rage Domain:

Rage Inducement [New!]

Rage Manipulation [New!]

Madness Domain:

Madness Inducement [New!]

Madness Manipulation [New!]

Instincts Domain:

Instincts Comprehension [New!]

Instincts Control [New!]

Instincts Inducement [New!]

Luck Domain:

Luck Manipulation [New!]


Words of Power


Cosmic Awareness

Cosmic Elemental Manipulation

Cosmic Dynamism

Concept Embodiment

Concept Empowerment

Religious Mysticism

Belief Empowerment

Faith Empowerment

Worship Empowerment

Meta Matter Manipulation

Meta Miracle Manipulation

Meta Disaster Manipulation

Force Manipulation

Particle Manipulation

Space-Time Manipulation

Cosmic Warping

Prescence Concealment


Status Inspection


Well, would you look at that? More fucking abilities.

Let's just hope I don't lose track of what Authorities and Powers I have; cause let's be honest it is bound to happen at some point.

Regardless, seeing this is quite interesting. Surprisingly enough the Domain that gave the most abilities is my Celestial Bodies Domain, which I hadn't really checked the description of.

What gained my attention the most is my Boundaries Domain; I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it.

I decided to check the Authority out, which is funnily enough my first time checking out an Authority.


Conceptual Aspect Domain of Boundaries:

Classification Authority [Boundaries Domain]: Boundaries Manipulation

Info: One of the Primordial Forces of Existence, 'Gods of Boundaries' wield the power to create, manipulate, and shape boundaries. Depending on the particular level of ability they possess, this may include boundaries that are physical, material, spiritual, existential, pataphysical, logical, conceptual, metaphysical, and beyond. With the essence of everything defined by boundaries, the scope of possibilities is boundless.

Even the very concept of limitations, represented by the boundary between the Possible and the Impossible, falls within the user's grasp for manipulation. In essence, for the highest level of this ability, there exists no feat beyond their reach; they possess the capacity to redefine their own boundaries, thereby rendering the impossible achievable.

You were able to obtain this Domain through the Physiology of the Saiyan's, as they wield the power to limitlessly grow in power endlessly through mere training alone. Their immense and abnormal adaptability and their insane ability to modify their power through the use of Transformation and Emotional Concepts such as Rage.

Another reason as to why you were able to obtain this Domain is due to a couple of Authorities under your Possession that mix well with the Domain of Boundaries such as 'Zenkai Boost', 'Limitless Body' and 'Reactive Battle Power Growth'.


Okay this is undoubtedly my fucking strongest Manipulation Type Authority, holy fuck.

Seems like being a Saiyan really fucking paid off if I was able to get a literal Domain about the very Conceptual Aspect of Boundaries itself, like seriously man....

To think I can literally impose limitations on beings and remove them is fucking insane to think about, heck this ability even allows me to affect concepts themselves.

There is certainly a long list of abilities there, The Great Beyond Domain also gave me some interesting abilities too. However, I can't help but feel like Null and Nothingness seem rather a bit lacklustre compared to some other abilities. 

Could it be? 

I mean this is only the Classification Authorities, not the Personal Ones. The System told me that I had received Authorities due to my Domains on both spectrums, Personal Domains tend to be a bit more unique and seem more like Skill type Authorities rather than Broad Manipulation type Authorities.

On rare occasions they can even merge two or more Domains to create new Authorities.

I should check it out.



Personal Authority: Type: Alien God

New Personal Authorities:


Saiyan Domain + Beast Domain + Rage Domain + Madness Domain + The Great Beyond Domain: The True Eldritch Beastly Form of Horror, Rage and Madness. [New!]

- This form is far stronger than the True Manifestation of Ascension, which the Gods and Outer Gods use to Manifest and Embody their Conceptual Aspect Domains to their fullest and use their potential as Gods to their fullest, this form transforms the user into a horrific being of eldritch origins in the form of a Primal Ancient Great Ape Eldritch God, which makes the user loses all sense of reason and sensibility and goes on a rampage.

- The secret towards mastering this power is unknown.

Inner and Outer Space Domain + Boundary Domain + Reality Domain: Reality Marble [New!]

- Through the use of this ability the user can manifest, project and create their own inner reality world and trap their own enemies inside.

Boundary Domain: Eyes of the All-Seeing Unbound [New!]

- With this the user can discern boundaries and comprehend them instantaneously.

Nothingness Domain + Null Domain + Creation Domain + Time Domain + Reality Domain: Harshness of Untimely Change [New!]

- This ability not only allows the user change certain events from happening, but also completely change certain aspects of history, being the very fabrics of reality to meet the narrative of the user to their own fitting. Sometimes creating even, a completely new timeline due the extreme changes.

Nothingness + Destruction Domain: Absolute Absence of Existence [New!]

- With enough power and skill, the user can use this ability to force 'Absence' into all things, thus completely removing them from existence itself and turning them into 'Nothingness' and erasing them from all of existence, this ability is so powerful that it even alters the memories of the world, making everyone forget what was erased.

Null Domain + Luck Domain: Denial of the World's Lies [New!]

- The user can deny certain 'conclusions' and 'actions' from happening through the ability of 'Rejection' and can rewrite them through the use of 'Acceptance' to fit the user's narrative allowing the user to deny his own death for certain instances, the user can also use 'Reset' to return certain things back to 'Most Ancient State' otherwise known as Zero, which allows the user to even go as far as completely reset attacks from foes during certain instances.

Inner and Outer Space + Gravity Domain + Reality Domain + Celestial Bodies Domain: Celestial God's Devastation [New!]

- Through the use of this Authority the user can draw in and use the Concentrated Gravitational Force within all of existence and imbue it with all his energy and unleash it in a singular attack capable of shattering through reality and Dimensional Walls, this power is very effective on celestial bodies and strong against beings who rely on powers from them. 

- The more power the user has, the more Gravitational Force could be used.

Destruction Domain: Coating of Destruction [New!]

- The user can surround his body in Conceptual Energy of Destruction as a form of protection, rendering any attacks that does not match or exceed the user's power completely futile.

Creation Domain: Creator's Judgement [New!]

- The user through this Authority can use the protective, pure, non-destructive and peaceful energy of creation and alter it momentarily, this attack can injure anything tied with creation. Whatever has, was or is created shall be punished.

This Authority can render all types of defences useless and even deny durability and regeneration. With enough power it can even injure a person's very essence and affect certain Conceptual Aspects whose essential existence was created as a result by mortals and gods alike, this Authority is the trump card of the Creation Gods.

Destruction Domain + Energy Domain + Null Domain: Energy Nullification [New!]

- The user can erase any sort of energy-powered projectile through the power of Nullification.

Luck Domain: Bestowal of Fate [New!]

- The user can curse an entire family bloodline to a life full of misfortune or fortune.



The Great Beyond Domain: Anti - Outer God

Energy Domain: Supreme All - Affinity

Saiyan Domain: Saiyan God Slayer Magic

Boundary Domain: Limitless Body

Boundary Domain: Zenkai Boost

Boundary Domain: Reactive Battle Power Growth

Saiyan Domain + Combat Domain: Indominable Battle Spirit

Saiyan Domain: Saiyan Transformation

Saiyan Domain + Beast Domain + Combat Domain: Fist of the Great Ape God

Saiyan Domain + Beast Domain: Blutz Wave Empowerment

Saiyan Domain + Energy Domain: Blutz Energy Manipulation

Special KI Energy Domain + Energy Domain: Absolute Ki Manipulation

Special Ki Energy Domain + Energy Domain: Absolute God Ki Manipulation

Saiyan Domain + Combat Domain + Instincts Domain: Supreme Battle Instincts

Beast Domain + Instincts Domain: Primal God Instincts

Special Ki Energy Domain: God Ki Binding

Special Ki Energy Domain: God Ki Sealing

Special Ki Energy Domain: God Ki Esper

Combat Domain + Instincts Domain: Instant Martial Arts Comprehension

Special Ki Energy Domain + Combat Domain: Instant Ki Technique Comprehension

Null Domain + Nothingness Domain: Immortality Negation

Null Domain + Nothingness Domain: Ability Negation

Null Domain + Nothingness Domain: Authority Counter

Energy Domain + Null Domain: Divine Weapon Resistance

Energy Domain: Divine Energy Resistance

Saiyan Domain: Saiyan Resistance

Saiyan Domain: Saiyan God Resistance

Luck Domain: Charm Resistance

Energy Domain: Magic Resistance

Rage Domain + Madness Domain: Infernal Energy Resistance

Madness Domain: Mind Manipulation Resistance

Null Domain: Negation Resistance

Rage Domain: Rage Power Boost


"WHAT?!!!" I yelled so loud that the ground and Mountainside Cave System shook a bit.





The next couple of minutes I kept taking deep breaths to calm myself down. Which became a lot easier after I remembered that even though I have all these abilities, the chance of them working on a being of similar level much less a Higher Level being is not very high, if not slim or zero.

Yeah, this world was working on the basis of Power > Hax. So, all the Hax's in the world wouldn't help me if my power is lacking, what's interesting how the layout and structure of this page had changed after I had gotten my Domains.

It seems that every Personal Authority has a Domain tied with it, how very interesting to see.

'Conceptual Aspect Domains are very interesting things to think about.' I chuckle as I thought of that.

Besides, there are many beings with these kinds of domains.

I shuddered as I thought of the Domains of Higher-Class Gods and Supreme Gods, there is even someone like Ophis who is the Dragon Goddess of infinity, I wonder what the conceptual aspect domain of Infinity is like?

I kept wondering about different Gods and their domains and possible Authorities, as I gazed at the sky.

I stood up and stretched my limbs.

"I had been here for too long; I should probably get moving. According to what I have been led to believe, I am currently in 4.5 billion BCE. Basically, the earth has barely been around for a couple million years or so." I said calculatedly.

"I don't know the current state of the world, heck I don't even know where the fuck I am. Am I in earth? A different planet? Heck I could be in a different dimension or something." I spoke the countless possibilities of my current situation as I gazed at my surroundings.

I was in a mountainous wasteland inside a large cave system by the mountainside, there was no sign of life around whatsoever, not even desert, mountainous or wasteland plants.

'Oh yeah, this is 4.5 billion BCE.' I spoke sarcastically as I continued to look around.


The End

Author Note: Let me know if you guys see any spelling errors or mistakes, I will try to fix them. Also make sure to leave your comments and suggestions below. I love hearing your thoughts, I am also still thinking about who to pair him with. 

Extra Note: I would like to hear your ideas for what Authorities to give him and what Domains it should be based on. Unless you think he will be way too stacked and has enough Authorities for now.