
True or False

"So, what makes you believe the rumors?" Bellissma repeated her question.

Sametta straightened her eyeglasses and shook her head.

"He had three partners in total. True or false? True. Three of his partners died. True or false? True. Is he still alive? Yes or no? Yes. Has he sustained serious injuries? For example, is he missing an arm or a leg? No. Does it seem strange? Well, you tell me..." Sametta summarized, flipping to the next page of her textbook. "So if I were you, I would leave the academy before he works his charms on you in person. And that's what I intend to do too, same as the only sane part of our graduates."

"Ugh. Are you serious? He has the highest dungeon clearance rate among the adventurers his age! Hey, maybe... Maybe you just want him for yourself?" Bellissma tilted her head to one side, studying Sametta as her scrutiny intensified. "I'm just joking! I won't let anyone get my gorgeous Remien, anyway!"

Bellissma laughed and continued admiring her reflection in the mirror. She pushed the strands of stray hair back in place, straightening the folds of her dress.

"Alika, and what do you think?"

Alika shrugged.

"Honestly, I don't know. Better safe than sorry. There are enough troubles in life as it is," Alika said. Her facial expression darkened once the last few words left her lips. The events she was remembering weren't pleasant in the least. "If possible, it would be better to avoid more."

The suitcase was so stuffed that it looked like it would burst any second. Alika was now fighting her battle with the zipper, which refused to close no matter what the mage did. She pressed the top of the suitcase down with her foot, but that didn't help either. That was it. She had no choice but to climb on top of it herself. The mage was determined to make it submit under the weight of her whole body.

"Look at him! He's so hot! How can such a cute guy be a monster, a dark magician, or whatever else people say he is?!" Belissma put a tiny key in the jewelry box and opened it. She took out a small picture, which she pressed against her chest. A dreamy sigh escaped her lips as she stood still for a few moments. Only after that, the brunette was ready to hold it up for the others to see.

"Just look! He has such an intriguing face! What a firm jaw and prominent chin! And those cool-blue eyes, shining underneath his dark brows. That lustrous raven black hair is so neat and well-cut!"

Sametta rolled her eyes.

"Bellissma, are you mindlessly quoting one of your romance novels? I have never heard you use such words before."

Sametta slammed the book shut, placed it on the windowsill, and rose to her feet. She walked to Bellissma to put her hands on her friend's shoulders. Sametta stared into Bellissma's eyes, her eyebrows drawn together.

"I will never look at that picture, not if I can help it. You've never even met the man! And you're so head over heels already! Come on, don't do something stupid. He's nothing but bad news!" Sametta shook the girl by the shoulders and gave her a tight hug. "Please, come to your senses before it's too late! I'll start packing straight away. I suggest you all do the same."

The sun had set. The dorm room was dark and quiet, and Sametta had already packed up and left for good. Bellissma was fast asleep, having gone to bed way before midnight, ready to rise nice and early. Once she made up her mind, she remained firm in her decision. Bellissma wanted to be the first one to meet Remien the next day.

Alika tossed and turned in her bed but couldn't fall asleep whatever she did. The mage kept on thinking about "the rumors". Like many others, she too hoped to leave the dormitory by July the first for good. There was one difference, though. Every girl that wanted to flee had already done so, and she was still there.

Alika had been busy packing, just like many others last evening. She wanted to leave along with them, but there was a problem. And that problem held a high enough position in the academy to cause serious trouble. It was none other than the Department Head of Light Magic, Megaera. That was the nickname students used behind her back when no other teacher could hear them. Her personality was difficult to handle, and the remnants of hair on her head were scarce. Hence the nickname. To make matters worse, Megaera had a personal dislike for Alika.

The two were absolute opposites in almost every way! To Alika, it seemed like Megaera hated her very guts. The department head still hadn't awarded the mage with her diploma. Again and again, she made the student come to her office. First, it was under the pretext of forgetting to hand in a textbook, even though Alika did. Next was a robe. That she did, too. At last, the mage was told she was missing some mysterious paper that nobody even heard of ever existing.

Alika sighed, burying her face in her pillow and pulling up the covers in frustration. Dear Phoenix, why was this happening? Maybe it was the jealousy talking? First, it might have been the looks. Megaera's hair, or what was left of it, was thin and dry. Her face was wrinkled with a constant scowl as if she was always dissatisfied with everything around her. Maybe that was the case, and the Department Head hated the entire world.

Megaera was said to have experimented with beauty spells a tad too much in the past. That practice left her body immune to any more changes. However, Alika was young and pretty by nature. The student had never altered her own body at all.

"Megaera? Jealous of me?" Alika thought and almost laughed. It felt so absurd. How could such a powerful, successful woman be so petty as to be jealous of a weakling like herself?

The second possibility was the view differences. Megaera was firm in teaching her students that mere humans were powerless against the greater forces of nature. According to her, fate was set in stone. And a person could do nothing, even if they were foolish enough to try changing their fortune.

Megaera made everyone know that her point of view was the one and only worth having. Alika was too open-minded to tolerate that. The young mage believed the opposite and acted likewise. Alika thought everyone held the key to their destiny and wasn't afraid to speak her mind. That made Megaera hate her even more.

Alika didn't like the Department Head either but was forced to endure everything the teacher threw her way year after year. As a student, she couldn't do much about it, and this kind of cold war dragged on and on.

Alika groaned and tossed her covers to the side. She walked over to the window, opening it as wide as she could make it do so. The night breeze felt cool and fresh, sweeping along her skin. After staring into the dark, empty courtyard for a few minutes, the mage returned to bed.

Maybe she should have left without getting that damn document? She had the choice to spend a day elsewhere. Alika could come back for it later. But the mage knew she was too stubborn and not frightened enough to do that. Her sharp, pragmatic, analytical mind didn't consider this "monster" to pose a serious enough threat for her to flee like crazy.

Rumors could very well be just that, rumors and nothing more. Who cared what the chatterboxes from room 403 said? Blinding, mind-controlling handsomeness that made everyone's eyes fog over? Whatever... Alika was always the one to try using her head first. The girl questioned the very existence of abstract notions such as that. However, Alika wanted no more problems. She already had enough. The mage hoped to leave first thing in the morning as soon as Megaera handed over her precious diploma.

What did Remien do after his last dungeon adventure?

Find out in the next chapter.

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