
Alice down in demonland: Hells TeenIinstitution for the Damned

Shadows. Everyone had 'em, as a matter of fact, those who didn't have Shadows were strange. Alice has them. Red eyed, angry, murderous creatures that had controlled his life for the most part. Now throw a kid with anger issues, a bucket load of sass, possible addiction problems, a murder record, a rainy past, and a thirst for control into the world's most dangerous juvenile center for 'special' criminals like Alice, you either receive a recipe for success or destruction. ••• "You Alice Idohosa shall serve punishment for releasing camp red prisoner and screwing up your first mission by working or rather serving School authority by using the Soul-string bond to tame Draco, seventh legitimate son of Lucifer." My eyes widened and I sought to speak but Sheila was fast to continue. She turned to a smirking Ryland. "And the rest of you, don't get cocky thinking there's no punishment for you." Ryland's smirk died, and their platinum eyebrows screwed up into a frown, matching the expression on their sinfully beautiful face. "So we screwed up, one-must-wonder here was the one that let Satan's spawn out, and it was equally his fault, the mission was screwed." Ryland responded, gesturing at me with their thumb. I rolled my eyes, Draco who was too close for comfort growled. Ryland threw a deceivingly beautiful smirk that displayed their vicious canines towards Draco, and jolted an eyebrow teasingly. "But you all share the Soul-string bond that leads back to Alice Idohosa, and you may all not be educated in how Soul bonds work but when your soulmate hurts you hurt, when your soulmate cries you cry, when your soulmate is punished you are all punished."

Go_Bln · 奇幻
7 Chs

Chapter six: Horndog (part I)

Hell, Hells Teen institution for the damned, August eleventh, Wednesday fifteen eleven pm.

It rained again on Wednesday fifteenth, after I died on Saturday eleventh and went to hell that is.


Wrapping my hands tightly around my chest, I cried profusely on the ground and shaked as the antsy feeling spasmed within my body. My lips trembled and my mind screamed at me to let go. I just needed a fix to calm me down, to push the shadows that screamed and shrieked at me to let them out so that they might feed.

Tears fell from my eyes, and I kept shaking my head hoping the voices would disperse if I did. I sniffed and slowly raised my eyes up to Tade's television. I could see my eyes, an unnatural eerie purple, and my hands, consumed with unharmful purple and blue flames. I didn't know what to do to hold them back. Even worse I could see my shadows reeling out of my body at their own will and there was little I could do to stop them.

"Fuck you!" I yelled at the demon staring back at me from the television, and grabbed the TV remote by my side and threw the thing at my television, smashing it's glass.

My shadows were growing stronger and I could see their cracked reflection along with mine on the smashed television. They smirked and chuckled evilly, knowing just a little more time and they would be at full strength to hunt for victims.

Malice and hate filled my expression. "Fuck you! You hear! You will retract!" I yelled at the shadows, and that seemed to enable them as they chuckled harder, sucking from the lack of control at the moment.

Suddenly there was a fumbling of metal noise from behind the door. I could hear the low breathing of Tade. My breathing hastened and fear shot through me. Fuck! I was fucked! Tade couldn't see me like—

"Alice?" The entire reality smashed like a mirror and all of a sudden, almost instantaneously I was shooting at policemen, then I was on the ground, then there was loud agonizing screaming from different voice, there was smoke from cars, there was a white man in black, my shadows were laughing at my weakness, the magic man tapped his umbrella on my chest, I was tumbling down a hole then–

"You did this Alice," said the thunderous voice of one of my shadows as it grabbed a little child, held on to both sides of her and began to expand her.

I went into shock. I couldn't breath, I couldn't move, all I could do was watch.

The shadow laughed evilly as he began tearing the girl into two, expanding her and ultimately tearing her apart while she screamed.

"No!" I yelled through a soft sob as my eyes suddenly flashed open. Then everything flipped, I shuffled back seeing a familiar face leaning down at me with a slightly friggin' knife in his grip.

My roommate Nikki was holding a knife while in his silk blue pajamas, and hair pulled up into a donut. I quickly wiped the tears under my eyes with my thumb and stared incredulously at the creepy brat.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I grated, looking at him with a mix of incredulity and wariness.

The brat pulled the knife away and leaned away as well, only for the chair close to the table to suddenly dash towards him and him seating on it near me. I was first shaken by the spontaneous use of 'magic' I thought it was, but shook my head to focus on the issue at hand– why was he staring at me, near me with a knife in his hand.

"You were crying in your sleep," Nikki said. "I found it irritating and hot, but I thought I should check if you were dying in your sleep since you started making weird noises." Nikki added.

I opened my mouth only to find no words coming out of my mouth, I then tried again, looking down at the knife in his hand. "Why do you have a knife?" I asked.

Nikki snorted. "None of your business." He flipped the knife in his hand, and my eyes couldn't help but follow the motion.

"But I can ask why you're staring at me with that thing in your hand right?" Nikki leaned back.

"You're more annoying than my last roommate, and that one was a narcissist." I frowned at Nikki's statement.

"Well don't get attached to my shining personality, 'cause I won't be here long, I just have to talk to Sheila." I had to get out of this place or hell or whatever it was. I didn't belong here, I shouldn't be here with the rest of these freaks, I was a one man freak.

Nikki burst into laughter. His shoulders shook, and his head leaned down as he continued laughing. He looked back up with teary eyes as he shook his head and tried to muffle his laughter.

"I'm–I'm sorry roomie but it's always funny as fuck hearing newbies think they're leaving this House of horror anytime soon!" He flipped his knife again as he spoke.

"Look roomie when you saw, Sheila, did she call you a student?" Nikki asked, and I frowned, what the fuck kind of question was that?

I shrugged my shoulders with a confused scowl. "I don't know weirdo," I answered.

Nikki rolled his eyes. "Ten points for genius of the year– look whether Sheila called you a student or not, she's a lying shit, you're a prisoner here. You must've done some crazy outlawed asshit to get you here, and you give me suicidal alleyway drug dealer vibes."

Wait. "Did you just make a racist remark?" I inquired.

Nikki sighed with an incredulous look on his face as he got up. "This place is gonna chew you up and spit you out bruised and battered." Said Nikki before heading to his bed with his chair returning back to the table on it's own.

I sat in silence for a while. How mother fucking extra. I'm getting the fuck out if this God forsaken place since it's seems crazy goes along with freak here. I'm nobody's prisoner.

I got up from the bed headed for the door when I heard, "you don't want to be out at this time at night roomie." Nikki turned his phone on, not sparing me another word or glance.