
New Member

The young, dark-haired man smiled politely, removing his hat and giving a small bow before greeting her. "Good afternoon. I am Klein Moretti."


Irina forced a laugh, awkwardly replying, "G-Good afternoon, Mr. Moretti... Uhm... Nice weather."

Nice weather? She berated herself internally. We're inside a building! Where the hell do you see the weather, you genius?!

But Klein's smile remained steady as he responded, "Indeed. I was just outside a moment ago, and the temperature is perfect for a stroll."

Oh no, he's quiet... Why is he quiet?! Irina panicked briefly. Shit! I haven't introduced myself!

She quickly composed herself. "That must be nice. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Irina, no last name. Sequence 8 History Teacher."

Klein raised an eyebrow, a glimmer of curiosity flashing in his eyes. "Sequence 8 History Teacher? I haven't heard of that."

He sounds... normal. She relaxed a bit, his calm demeanor putting her at ease. "I believe you spoke with Rozanne, correct?"

He nodded, prompting Irina to chuckle. "My sequence is... peculiar. The Church doesn't even know the potion. I just happened to become a Sequence 8. It's a long story, with plenty of mysteries involved. But enough about me," she continued, changing the topic. "I believe you're not on shift today. So, why are you here?"

You've already talked to Dunn, met Leonard... You even left to chat with Rozanne. Why are you back? What am I forgetting?

Klein answered smoothly, "I need to find Captain."

She deflated slightly, disappointed at the lack of revealing information. "Oh, well, if that's all... Captain's office is right there." She gestured behind her to the door across from Mrs. Orianna's office.

With a polite bow, Klein thanked her and headed toward the Captain's office. Irina lingered for a moment, watching as he entered, then returned to the lounge, feeling deflated and no longer in the mood to ask Old Neil for help.

That... went well? She mused, sitting back on the couch. Moments later, she heard the door to the Captain's office open and close again, followed by footsteps echoing down the hallway and fading as Klein descended the stairs.

Could've gone worse. Much, much worse.

She flopped onto the couch, hugging a decorative pillow to her chest. Thoughts swirled as she reflected on the odd encounter, replaying the awkwardness and her own fumbling attempts at small talk. She eventually left work still in a daze, completely forgetting to ask Rozanne when Klein's official first day would be.

It wasn't until the next morning that the events of the previous day truly sunk in.

Sunday. It's Sunday today, she realized as she sat up in bed. Klein might be at work all day... He should be having lessons with Old Neil soon, right? He'd have to spend his lunch break in the lounge...

Irina sighed, dragging herself out of bed. Damn it... Am I seriously nervous about facing him? She gathered her courage. Just act like a normal coworker. A possible friend. But NOT a transmigrator. I am not going down that rabbit hole just yet. She mulled over the thoughts while eating her breakfast.

Klein always worked alone. If I interfere too much, I could end up changing the entire story.

She grumbled to herself while finishing her meal. I wasted yesterday's afternoon... Or maybe not. I did finish work late anyway. I just hope I'm not forgetting some important event. No time to check the novel now—work starts in less than an hour.

Irina cleaned up, grabbed her keys and wallet, and headed out without a jacket. Tomorrow is Monday... I'll have the whole day to figure things out. For now, let's just try not to make a fool of ourselves... Haha, 'fool.' She laughed at herself as the pun hit her. I'm pathetic.

As she stepped outside, she looked up at the clear summer sky, closed her eyes, and muttered a soft prayer. "Oh Goddess, give me strength. I don't know how to face 'Your' future friend."

Who am I kidding? She's the Evernight Goddess, and I'm praying at the Sun... Irina shook her head. I'm practically an atheist. Well, not exactly... I know Gods exist; I just don't believe in them like that, you could say I have no faith. Ugh, I sound like I'm losing it... Who am I even talking to?! Am I going crazy?!

She stopped in her tracks, bringing both hands to her cheeks before giving herself a firm slap. "Alright! Nothing to worry about! I've faced worse!"

Passersby gave her odd looks, shuffling away from her as they hurried down the street, but Irina stood tall, forcing herself to move forward with renewed resolve.

I met Amon. The Amon. For fuck's sake, how difficult can this be?

Moments later, the door to the company burst open. Rozanne, sipping her morning tea, jumped in her seat. "Y-YES?! How can I help—Oh, Irina! You scared me half to death! What happened?"

Irina strode confidently to Rozanne's desk. "My dear receptionist, is the new hire around? I'd like to greet him formally!"

Here we go! I can do this! I mentally prepared myself during the entire trip here, and I'm ready! I even have a whole conversation planned out in my head!

Rozanne brightened at her enthusiasm. "Klein Moretti, right? It's not like we have anyone else new around! We talked yesterday, and Captain mentioned he should come in on Monday. But you don't work Mondays, so you'll meet him on Tuesday! It's a bit sad that you have to wait, but we'll be working together from now on, so there'll be plenty of time to chit-chat, right?"

Irina's heart sank at the news. "Oh."

All that stress for... And he's not even here?! Since when does he work Mondays?! Maybe he hasn't even chosen his free day yet. Ugh... Whatever, more time to study the novel.

The two ladies chatted for about an hour, with Irina lazily leaning against the table. At some point, Seeka heard them and decided to join. The receptionist and the poet both questioned why she kept brushing her hair, but she just shrugged it off, claiming she was bored.

The day passed quickly, and soon Irina found herself home. Alright, let's get to work!

She traced the word 'Alexandria' in the air and stepped into the library.

On Tuesday morning, Irina walked to work as usual.

I've recapped the first few chapters. I still haven't reached the end of the first volume, but I should have enough information for now. All of yesterday's work paid off in the end. I'm still a bit sad I missed the first and second Tarot Club meetings, but maybe it's best to wait before joining.

As she stepped through the door, Irina spotted Old Neil and Rozanne chatting at the reception desk. Neil was clad in his classic black robe. Rozanne, on the other hand, had changed into a casual cream-colored dress.

I swear, Old Neil looks like a mage from an anime, ready to give you a power-up and become your master or something. Rozanne is more like a Victorian-era lady. Quite the match-up if you ask me.

Irina greeted them and joined the conversation just as Klein Moretti himself entered the building.

He removed his hat and greeted them with a warm smile. "Good morning, Mr. Neil, Miss Rozanne, Miss Irina."

Old Neil shot him a mischievous look. "Good morning. You didn't overhear anything you shouldn't have last night, did you?"

Klein looked puzzled. "No, I slept very well."

Old Neil waved his hand dismissively. "Haha, don't mind that. It's not that easily heard."

Rozanne interjected before Neil could whisk the new hire away. "Wait a minute! You two haven't met each other. How do you know her name?"

Irina suddenly realized she had forgotten to fill Rozanne in on the story from Sunday. "We did meet! On Saturday, he came from the Church, which is why you didn't see him. He was looking for the Captain, and I just happened to stumble upon him."

Klein smiled politely. "That's correct."

Old Neil seized the opportunity to steer the conversation back to business. "Now that that's settled, Klein, go to the armory. We'll continue our mysticism lessons this morning."

Klein nodded and followed Old Neil down the stairs, leaving Irina and Rozanne at the reception to chat.

Irina interacted comfortably with the new Seer; when he was in the lounge, she often played cards or chatted with him and the others.

By Friday, a storm had swept over Tingen, heavy rain pounding against the windows of every household. Corpse Collector Frye and Sleepless Royale Reideen were dispatched to the Golden Indus Borough to assist the police with a robbery investigation that hinted at cult involvement. Sleepless Kenley White was on leave, while Midnight Poet Seeka Tron patrolled Raphael Cemetery in the northern suburb. Captain Dunn Smith had been invited to the cathedral by the bishop for an undisclosed discussion, leaving Leonard Mitchell to guard Chanis Gate in his place.

There's no Nighthawk left at the security company. I'm at the library right now, but I'll return shortly for the kidnapping case. I did my best to avoid being present for that butler's arrival. If I had been there, the mission would've been assigned to me instead of Leonard, and I can't let that happen.

Irina idly flipped through a history book while observing the gentleman seated across from her.

Let's see... I think I'll get back just in time to hear him explain the situation. Maybe I should head over now; I can wait by the door and enter at the right moment.

The man across from her attempted to catch her attention. "Excuse me, miss, is this correct?"

He handed Irina an essay he had just finished writing. She quickly read through it, providing pointers and correcting some historical dates while explaining their significance.

Acting for today? Check.

She left the library an hour later. In recent days, she had frequently visited, helping anyone searching for information. Having read most of the books there, she could quote them perfectly, making many people eager to seek her assistance.

She managed to avoid drenching herself by using an umbrella, but that didn't save the hems of her dress from being stained with mud. 

Irina heard Leonard's voice from the other side of the door and took it as her cue to enter. She opened the door and warmly greeted everyone inside.

The customer organized his thoughts before beginning his long explanation. "My name is Klee, a butler for Mr. Vickroy, a tobacco merchant. His only son, little Elliott, was kidnapped this morning. We've already informed the police, and the matter has been given high priority. However, Mr. Vickroy remains uneasy. He wishes to explore channels that mercenaries, or uh—security personnel—have, as well as your understanding of Tingen, to investigate the case from a different angle and ensure little Elliott is rescued safely."

He paused for a moment before continuing. "If you can locate the kidnappers' hideout, Mr. Vickroy is willing to pay you 100 pounds. If you successfully rescue Young Master Elliott, he will pay double—200 pounds."

Money… Well, I still don't know if I'll participate, but I doubt it.

Leonard Mitchell smiled casually. "Mr. Vickroy seems to think we only need to find the kidnappers' hideout. Otherwise, he wouldn't believe his son is worth just a hundred pounds. A tobacco merchant with ties to the southern plantations wouldn't offer two hundred pounds unless he's confident in our abilities."

Klee responded frankly, "No, Mr. Vickroy is just an ordinary merchant; he's not wealthy. Besides, he believes the police will be more professional when it comes to rescuing his son."

Leonard snapped his fingers. "Alright. No problem."

His green eyes turned toward Rozanne. "My beautiful lady, please draft a contract."

Having momentarily forgotten about the client, Rozanne quipped, "Don't always act like a poet. All you do is recite the works of others."

She left the reception counter and entered the staff office, and soon the sound of typing filled the air.

I stayed silent the whole time; it's not like I have anything to add to the conversation.

The signing process was quick and straightforward. Soon enough, Klee thanked them, and Leonard suddenly turned to Klein with a smile. "I need your help."

Klein looked taken aback. "Ah?"

The poet explained, "I mean, you and I can finish this mission together."

Just say you want to spend time together to reveal his secrets.

The corners of Leonard's mouth curved slightly as he continued, "I'm good at combat, shooting, climbing, sensing, chanting, and taking on support roles. But searching for people isn't my strong suit. You don't expect Old Neil to venture out in this weather, right?"

When he said 'sensing,' his voice dropped to a mumble, barely audible to both Klein and Irina.

Klein responded quickly, "Alright."

The poet smiled and nodded at Klein. "Then do you need anything from them?"

Divination requires a medium, especially when the person being divined isn't present. Leo's question makes sense.

The seer thought for a moment before addressing Klee. "I need some of Elliott's recent clothes that haven't been washed or starched. Any accessories he often wore would be helpful, too."

Well, that settles it. Those two will go alone, just like in the original novel.

After some back-and-forth, the two stood up to leave. Irina seized the opportunity to bid them farewell. "You guys have fun out there; make sure to get drenched!"

Leonard paused at the threshold and turned around slowly, wearing a smile. "You know what?"

Irina, having reached the partition and ready to rest in the lounge, looked at him in confusion. "What?"

Why isn't he going?

With a grin, Leonard said, "How about you get drenched in this beautiful weather as well? Come with us."

Irina half-shouted, "Huh?!"