
Cinnamon Roll

So stole I mean reappropriated Hagrids Ridgeback egg. I mean he would get in trouble with it so I am just helping out a friend. Though I made it up to him by giving him something to make up for it

"Where did you get a dinosaur?!" Yep I gave Hagrid a baby dinosaur, an Ankylosaurus to be specific.

"Well Harry and Hermione the dinosaur is a clone that is in the projects of my starting company." Well it really wasn't. It was the offspring of clones though.

"You are cloning dinosaurs? How?!" Hermione all but demanded. Ron looked confused.

"Genetic engineering of course. Anyway I won't give out all the secrets but in a year or two I am going to open up an entire park slash zoo for these so everyone can see real live dinosaurs"

"A zoo for dinosaurs" Harry says in amazement.

"Guys, what's a dinosaur?"

"Dinosaurs are an ancient species that went extinct a very very long time ago, I'll invite your whole family for the grand opening" I kept it simple for the red head. "Anyway the one I gave Hagrid is a herbivore so we don't have to worry about it eating people. Just need to be careful of the tail"

Hagrid was already fawning all over the little dino and feeding it leaves from his garden. Already named him Norbert and acting like it's the cutest thing in the world

"Besides it isn't a magical creature so no one in the Ministry is going to give a crap about Hagrid having it." Which is true. I could come into school on the back of a T-Rex and as long as it isn't magical or killing people the Ministry won't care

"But it could be dangerous and it is very unethical!" Hermione starts to rant

"Please we have more dangerous things in this world than a dinosaur. Also don't get me started on ethics of doing this. I am also going to use my cloning method to repopulate near extinct and extinct species like pandas, Spix Maccaws, and White Rhinos."

"B-but those are different-"

"No Hermione it really isn't." Technically. "Anyway have you made any headway in the stone?"

"Not really" Harry says

"Well I wouldn't worry about it." I have the stone after all so no cheap rip off of a lich is going to get it "Instead you should just enjoy your time here and have as much fun as you can." I certainly have.

I made a few golems out of lemon drops in the shape of small chicks and had them follow Dumbledore all over the place as if he was a mother hen. Had the Darth Vader theme play anytime Snape entered a room. I put catnip in McGonagalls desk, pots of cannabis inside the Green Houses that I made overgrow, and turned a part of the black lake into an ice rink.

Ok that last one wasn't a prank it was more of something fun to do on the weekend. Lots of students enjoyed being out on the ice skating around.

'School will be over in just a few weeks yet do I want to wait to use this' I think to myself as I lay in bed looking at the most recent item I got from my system. Another world travel pass but to My Hero Academia with a time limit of 20 years.

It would be a great place to go to put my genetic knowledge to work. Plus the advancements in technology would really help me in creating my own Plasmids, I like the name Plasmid better than Vigour, without using Adam. Adam made people batshit crazy in one way or another.

I think I will go. There is a lot to be gained from going and all that time will let me completely devour my library. Plus I really want to save Eri! She is just adorable!

"Hey morph, you ready for another adventure" I say to the little pink blob who happily giggles and nods "Yea? Well might as well go. Sys use the ticket please"

[Initiating Transfer]

I was soon back in the white room where I could customize my background. This time I set my settings up differently. I was going to be the twin of Izuku though looking like a younger me than a copy of him. No one will question it there since quirk society is weird as shit. I'll pop in on the day of Izuku's Quirk Examination which means I need to look four.

I start shrinking my body down to make myself a chibi version of myself. I'll have my quirk listed as Unknown that way anytime I do something 'extra' people will just assume it is my quirk. I list Morph as a quirked animal I found in the woods when playing. I also change it a bit so that Inko, my mother, works as a lawyer instead of depending on that Hazashi dude for money. Lastly I will be named Alexander Black Midoriya after Inkos English grandfather who left her an inheritance. Might as well make the family wealthier.


"Well Miss Midoriya your son Alexander has a quirk that isn't listed in our databases. We aren't really sure what his quirk is or could be though a sample of his blood has proven that his cells act irregularly"

"Alex-Nii is so cool! A never before seen quirk!" I look over to see the green cinnamon roll protaginist looking at me with eyes holding nothing but adoration. Yep I would totally kill for this green bean.

"However young Izuku on the other hand" The doctor puts a black thing on the hospital thingy I don't know the name of that shows x rays. "Has a double joint. I am sorry to inform you that he is quirkless"

Ouch! I can practically hear Izuku's dreams cracking at that moment. Inko starts looking at Izuku with worry and concern.


"I'm sorry!" I watch as the scene starts where Izuku asked Inko if he could still be a hero. She was hugging him and apologizing.

"Of course you can be a hero!" I say causing him to look at me with Inko. "If you need a superpower to be a hero then I will find a way for you to get one but I believe you will be a great hero with or without one" I was then dragged into the hug with both green haired relatives crying on me. It feels a bit awkward but also warm. I haven't had a hug like this since…

My eyes close. This world of Heroes and Villains best be ready for me.

{ A/N:Just wanted to say Alex is a Chaotic Neutral/Chaotic Good type character whose main goal is to learn and have as much fun as he can}