
Alex no demon volume 2 chapter 29

As alex along side with tobi and levi were walking in the forest, alex asks levi were the dark sign were spotted and that they have been walking for hours, tobi who looks tired asks why they cant take a break from walking. Levi who was looking at the tracker tells tobi to calm down and tells alex that they are almost their. He then tells them to lower their voices and that he hears something, tobi then sense a beam of light coming at high speed as he pushes alex and levi out of the way, draws his sword out and slices the beam of light into half which caused an explosion. As the smoke was clearing off, levi asks if everyone is okay. Bara comes out of the smoke while clapping his hands and tells them that he wasn't expecting anything this to happen. As soon as alex hears his voice, he gets annoyed and calls out bara's name in anger. Bara then refers to alex as demon boy and tells him that his main focus was to test how strong his demon powers are, he also explains to alex that ever since their last fight, he has been thirsty for a battle. Levi then transforms his hands into machine guns and begins to shoot powerful bullets that were causing crazy explosions. Bara on the other hand was able to keep up by jumping around the forest around him in order to dodge the. He turns his robotic arm into a canon and shoots a beam at levi, levi see's this coming and proceeds to turn his arms into blasters as well and was able to shoot out a powerful beam that counters bara's beam, causing an explosion in the forest. The smoke clears and bara and levi are standing with both their weapons pointed at each other, levi asks were his accomplice is, bara with a smile then tells him that if he's talking about garou, then he should be in the city by now. He explains to levi that the dark sighs has two objectives, he further explains that the first one is to capture the demon child which is standing in front of him and the second objective is world dominantion. Alex, tobi and levi are in shock, alex in anger asks bara what he just said. Bara tells alex that his personal aim is not to capture him but to test his strength, he then explains to alex that he will be captured soon, but not now. Bara's robotic arm then turns into a blaster as it releases a powerful blast at both alex and levi with tobi which was so strong that it blew up a large amount of tree's and the surroundings. As the smoke clears, levi is seen to have blocked the attack as he transformed his left arm into a blaster, he then tells alex and tobi to go as he takes care of the situation. Alex with an aggressive tone in his voice tells bara to get lost, bara then tries to mock him by telling alex that he didn't hear him and that he should speak louder, alex eyes then turn bright red as he yells at him telling bara to get lost. A powerful amount of black energy then bursts out of alex body which was so powerful that it started to destroy the forest with a powerful force of wind. As this was happening, levi get shocked and wonders to himself asking if this is the so called demonic energy. As the dark energy bursting out of alex body was increasing in power, it became more destructive and began to wipe out the entire forest, in which it was making tree's flying into the air. Alex then lets out a loud scream that even made the damage worse. He then begins to grow wings along with a tiny horn on his head and part of his face looking like a demon while the other half looks normal. Alex then begins to grow a tail with spike spouting out of his shoulder. As tobi was seeing this, he realizes alex just entered stage three of his demonic transformation and wondered to himself how a transformation alone could cause so much destruction. Bara then gets excited with an evil smile on his face and tells alex to continue. But before he could complete his sentence, alex just punches him so hard to the point that bara flew through a straight line of trees. As he was sent flying, alex proceeds to shoot out two powerful beams made out of lava at him, which basically causes devastating explosion that took out everything in the forest. Alex then lets out a loud roar that creates a shock wave. Alex body then begins to turn into a full demon in which his face turns into that of a demon, as well as the rest of his body in which starts to turn black with spikes growing out of his body, and large demon wings. Levi seeing this was in disbelief as he asks tobi if they both are seeing the same thing. He then realizes that alex has entered stage 4 of his demonic transformation, alex in this state then screams out a loud roar as it was so powerful that it created a powerful wave that destroyed the forest completely. Levi was seeing this, he tells tobi to get covered as tobi creates a force field around himself and levi. After the smoke clears, bara realizes that alex has literally destroyed the entire forest with just his transformation and begins to laugh and asks if this is the true power of a demon, alex then begins to shoot out beams at bara which seemed to be made out of thick flames. As these beams were heading towards bara at a highs speed, bara smiles as he turns his robotic arm into a blaster and begins to shoot beams to counter Alex's attacks causing a powerful explosion chain of explosions. Alex kept blasting beams at bara at rapid fire while bara was just running and dodging them as each and every beams created a giant explosion leaving a crator on the ground. Bara then asks alex in if this is all he can do, alex lets out a powerful roar and charges towards bara, they both start flying around and throwing blast at each other. As the fight kept on going like this, alex shoots a beam out of his mouth and sends bara flying down to the ground. Bara on the other hand was okay as he was able to block the attack, bara started to have a dialogue with himself, saying that with the speed alex is moving at at this state, he should be able to move faster than a fight jet or if not faster. Tobi then ask levi if he should stop alex and levi tells him that he might be able to take alex head on but he won't survive a single beam alex fire's at him, he also explains to tobi that it's better to let alex rampage a little and that he doesn't have the strength to fight bara. Tobi with a funny but judgemental look tells him that at the end of the day, he is an old man. Levi gets annoyed and yells at tobi, saying he is only 29.