
Ain Soph Aur: The Holy Maiden's wish (DxD X Fate Fic)

Everyone is aware of the three-way war between angels, devils, and fallen angels but what sparked such bloodbath that leads devils’ annihilation. Read the story of a mysterious boy and his journey with Jeanne d’Arc, the holy maiden whose selfish wish became a disaster for the supernatural of the DxD world. ---- Now then here is my other work. I will try to write and make this story as much good as my previous one so please remain positive. I have no idea if I could even add a harem of DxD standard but I will try. Please note that most of the story will follow a timeline before 500 years old war. MC will be weak but soon become incredibly strong so don’t even try to complain about it. --- English is not my first language. Nothing in the story belongs to me. Even I don’t belong to society. Important!: Various mythologies will be discussed that include some religious figures so if you find anything inappropriate or offending, please let me know. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/J_Titan Discord: https://discord.gg/vfWgNbskJt

J_Titan · 漫画同人
47 Chs

Chapter 32: Two narcissists of the century.

(Mael's POV)

"I was her mentor yet she still was able to steal Arthur away from me. More reasons why she was a big mess. I wish Arthur starts an affair with Elaina's male self in another world…"

I could hear Merlin complaining about a fairy named Elaina while leading me to the top floor of the tower through the stair.

'She has a sweet ass though…' I subconsciously thought while busy staring at her butt.

For someone who had lived with the two most beautiful women, Jeanne and Gabriel (Eliza is excluded since she was my mother) with an exclusive trait of this universe aka Big Boobs, I found her quite appealing and charming in her way.

She had a slim figure with a beauty that could charm even deities of any sex.

With a dark skin-tight trouser, my eyes were focused on the succubus' perfect butt line more than her swearing about the fairy.

Apparently, there used to be a fairy who 'stole' King Arthur from Merlin. You have guessed it correctly, the poor king used to be one of Merlin's victims until a fairy came and stole his heart.

As per prophecy, King Arthur should have entered Avalon here and lived while looking after humanity but not only our king entered Throne of Heroes but also 'left Merlin here alone'.

"Oh my~, I didn't know Mr. Handsome is interested in my body. I am so embarrassed~!" She already witnessed my eyes staring at her ass before I could look elsewhere.

"No, it's not like that. I am actually thinking, despite being a human only, how perfect and well-developed Jeanne was compared to you." I said with a plain face.

A thick mark soon appeared on her face.

That's right I just called her FLAT indirectly.

"I have been hearing about Jeanne for a while. You see I was not able to watch your life in the human world so I was thinking-"

"I am happy to tell you about it! You see I am thinking about writing a book named 'Melancholy of Glorious and most beautiful girl and wife of THE most handsome angel, the Holy Maiden: Jeanne d'Arc.' It was a tragic day, our love started when I first saw her in the forest and then-"

And for the last couple of minutes seemed like an eternity. I told my whole story on the way to poor Merlin as smoke was coming out from her feather-like ears.

I thought about showing her some mercy but I couldn't help since I was talking about my beautiful wife here.

"And then she stripped in front of me first time as I see her whole body. Hooho~, Spoilers and 18+ alert, next is highly sensitive so I won't be explaining this part until or unless you recognize the legendary Jeanne as THE most benevolent holy maiden of this universe. By the way-"

"Stop…! For the love of God, stop. I can't hear anything anymore…"

I closed my mouth when she pleaded with shivering legs and supporting herself with her staff.

I chuckled silently before we reached the uppermost floor.

It was a beautiful balcony where you could see all sides of the garden outside. There was a purple long sofa where she seemed to rest followed by her few chairs and table for the tea ceremony.

"How does this look? Quite beautiful, right?" She asked while her face was few inches closer.

If there was a normal person, he would have confessed love for her because of sheer unyielding charm but not me.

All Hail Jeanne!

"I am more inclined to know just how high I stand according to your measures," I smirked.

While climbing stairs, I detected several bounded fields. Like scanners, I knew that she was measuring my strength while talking to me casually.

No wonder she was known as the world's greatest mage known to humankind.

Even though I was able to detect scanners, I still didn't know how she was able to talk and scan my strength at the same time since this kind of magic does need proper chanting.

"If you are thinking about my chanting then you are right, it does require proper incantation like this~"

She said and snapped her fingers.

In the blink of an eye, I found myself in a different place. My feet replaced hard marble tiles with soft soil. It was never-ending green plains covering several soft hills.

I widened my eyes as it felt like God's magic when he created the reality out of nowhere. However, I knew that she only teleported ourselves to this already created Reality Marble exists inside one of Avalon Tower.

"Now let's get to the point. I have already outlined your strength. You are a low-level Ultimate angel but it is just an estimation. Let's test your raw power."

She snapped her fingers again and a scarecrow-like target appeared.

I nodded with a smile since I knew what her intentions were. I didn't have to show my power since I only wanted to learn few magic spells and the mechanism behind the human magic system but you can't gain anything without sacrificing something in return.

In short, she was interested to study my unique graces and other abilities.

I expanded my four wings and flew high in the air.

Upon my palm, a tiny flame appeared before taking the shape of tiny sun around 6 inches in diameter.

I then aimed at the target and shot the scorching mini sun from my palm.

Then it was just a matter of time before the target along with surrounding green hills vanished as the mini ball of light grew bigger wrecking everything comes in its way.

According to Gabriel, attacks from my sunshine contain holy aura too enough to kill several high-class devils in one go.

"My dear lord! He created something out of the ordinary this time. It is not even a magic spell so it can only be an ability or a blessing. What is this called?" Merlin also flew closer and asked.

I smirked, "Sunshine."

Then I demonstrate my other graces too.

For [Flash], I cut down the target before she could even move her eye sights.

[Ocean] and [Tornado] were my weak points as, although they were also devastating, they were nowhere near the destruction [Sunshine] caused.

"Hmm, I don't know but I felt like you didn't put all your strength in it… Like you do not have motivation for it." She mumbled.

Come to think about it, Gabriel also used to say something similar too.

I scratched my head and didn't know why they looked dissatisfied. It was my limit.

"Aha~, I have an idea!"

Merlin smiled and in the next turn, she created a puppet. However, she then cast an illusion spell turning the puppet into a human and also giving it wings!!!!!!!

"They are more or less function like a devil but made of-"


My eyes turned red and in the next moment I knew, the green plains were nowhere to be seen.


Wherever my eyes fell, all I could see was complete devastation. Soft soil that turned into the concrete ground was also exhaling water vapors.

But my real concern was the person who was supposed to teach me magic.

Merlin, she was nowhere to be seen!


(3rd Person's POV)

'What was ONE even thinking while creating this monster in the name of an angel!?'

Merlin thought while processing the mind of a God.

The angel named Mael is a monster!

How is that possible?!

According to the laws of the heavens, an angel should be free from all seven deadly sins but why this 'wrath' didn't seem to affect Mael?

She thought that Mael was lacking motivation so she created a devil-looking puppet.

Who would have thought that it could trigger an angel like that?

Just the next moment, she had to cover herself with protective multiple barriers to protect herself from Berserk Mael.

The moment he saw the devil, he turned into a monster with nothing but one goal to kill the devil.

'Wait, it's neither wrath nor hatred…'

Her confusion soon vanished when she saw Mael wrecking the limbs of pure adamantium puppet into shreds with disgust on his face as if a human is simply killing insects to clean his room.

However, it was certainly 'fear' that she felt for the first time in her life. Everything she ever did, she never feared anyone but this time, Mael appeared like a monster unlike his previous generous self and taught her the meaning of the true end of life.

It was not his power but something even she was not able to understand as if she was looking at-


She didn't know when but Mael already calmed down after turning her expensive hard-earned adamantium puppet into dust.

At first, he seemed worried for Merlin which warmed her heart until he stopped looking for Merlin and began waiting for her to come out from hiding.

Mael is one hard Jeanne simp, she must say.

After Mael not moving for a while, she decided to reveal herself.

"Oh my~, were you worr-"

Before she could complete her sentence, she found herself in Mael's embrace.


No one ever touched her body!!! Not even Arthur!!!!

Mael, an angel, who she only gets to know a few moments ago, was hugging the 'pure maiden' succubus.

She was known to be the only one of her species that never mated with anyone. Honey that has never been tested before! She was PURE SUCCUBUS!

However, she should be feeling agitated but instead, her heart who had never bowed to anyone seemed to start melting due to the unique warmness inside Mael's heart.

Was he the same monster she just witnessed?

His big muscly and hard hands were wrapping her body with gentleness like a mother crocodile was carrying her children in her jaws.

She could also feel his fingers tangling her waist sending a tingling sensation around her body.

'So that's how it feels to be in a man's arms. This Jeanne girl and that cu*t sure are lucky to have such people to love them.'

"Merlin, I am sorry."

Mael whispered an apology in her ear.

She was not a person to fall for anyone but this time, maybe, just maybe…

She was about to return the hug and lifted her arms when Mael distanced himself.

"Now not to get carried away, old hag. I am a doting husband so you can't afford to fall for me. Oh dear, why I am so handsome?" Mael shook his head and walked away to investigate the scale of destruction he had caused.

"Just… what did you call me?!" Merlin reluctantly smiled with tick marks all over her face.

The first time, someone was able to piss this great mage off!

'Humph, let's see who falls for who?'

She also decided to play the 'love is war' game to see who falls for whom first.

Unknown to Merlin, Mael was holding his nose to stop the warm liquid from squeezing out from his nose.

'What the hell is with this succubus? She has a strong charming effect!'

And so the war began between two narcissists of the century.


Just throw all the stones on my face and help me write exciting content.

Lets set a goal: 1k for the end of this week.


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